Migration from MapGuide 6.5 to MagGuide Enterprise


由于MapGuide Enterprise/OpenSource与MapGuide6.5在结构上有很大不同,用户一般需要重新很多代码才能实现移植,请参考下面的资料。


What tools are available that can help with transitioning Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 installations to Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise software?

We recognize the transition from Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 to Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise software may involve more than simply upgrading software. The two versions of MapGuide technology have many differences, so partners / customers should plan their migration or new development carefully. The following resources are available to help Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 customers move forward with Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise software:

· Migrating from Autodesk MapGuide Release 6.5 to New MapGuide Technology white paper

· Why Develop with the New MapGuide Technology? white paper

· Top 10 Reasons to Migrate to Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise

· Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise Implementation Best Practices white paper

· Autodesk MapGuide Data Migration Tool. Find out more at www.autodesk.com/datamigrationtool

· Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise Developer’s Guide

· Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise Example Gallery. Visit at, http://enterprise.mapguide.com

· Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise and MapGuide Open Source Best Practice Wiki http://sandbox.mapguide.com

· MapGuide Central (3rd Party Portal to Blogs and technical articles) http://mapguide-central.ennoble.com.au/

作者: 峻祁连
出处: http://junqilian.cnblogs.com 

本文转自峻祁连. Moving to Cloud/Mobile博客园博客,原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/junqilian/archive/2010/05/27/1745359.html ,如需转载请自行联系原作者
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