解决svn的working copy locked并且cleanup恢复不能的情况

简介:   产生这种情况大多是因为上次svn命令执行失败且被锁定了。 如果cleanup没有效果的话只好手动删除锁定文件。 cd 到svn项目目录下,然后执行如下命令 del lock /q/s 就把锁删掉了。





cd 到svn项目目录下,然后执行如下命令

del lock /q/s


SVN 执行cleanup报错:Cleanup failed to process the following paths : 解决方法
引用:https://www.cnblogs.com/pinpin/p/11395438.html 在SVN更新时提示文件被锁住了,要求执行 clean up操作,执行clean up时又报clean up failed。造成的原因是在某次更新后,点击了cancel按钮,操作没有完成所以会锁住。解决方法如下:
1360 0
数据库 数据库管理
【异常解决】svn报“Previous operation has not finished; run ‘cleanup‘ if it was interrupted”的错误解决方案
【异常解决】svn报“Previous operation has not finished; run ‘cleanup‘ if it was interrupted”的错误解决方案
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解决 idea中SVN一直 looking for xxx working copy root 或者performing vcs refresh
解决 idea中SVN一直 looking for xxx working copy root 或者performing vcs refresh
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svn: E155004: There are unfinished work items in ‘D:\workspace\xxx‘; run ‘svn cleanup‘ firs
svn: E155004: There are unfinished work items in ‘D:\workspace\xxx‘; run ‘svn cleanup‘ firs
163 0
svn: E155004: There are unfinished work items in ‘D:\workspace\xxx‘; run ‘svn cleanup‘ firs
Error:svn:E155037:Previous operation has not finished; run ‘cleanup‘ if it was interrupted(完美解决)
Error:svn:E155037:Previous operation has not finished; run ‘cleanup‘ if it was interrupted(完美解决)
424 0
Error:svn:E155037:Previous operation has not finished; run ‘cleanup‘ if it was interrupted(完美解决)
SVN更新有问题 svn The working copy at‘ ‘ is too old
SVN更新有问题 svn The working copy at‘ ‘ is too old
162 0
SVN更新有问题 svn The working copy at‘ ‘ is too old
svn报错:“Previous operation has not finished; run ‘cleanup‘ if it was interrupted“ 的解决办法
svn报错:“Previous operation has not finished; run ‘cleanup‘ if it was interrupted“ 的解决办法
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svn报错:“Previous operation has not finished; run ‘cleanup‘ if it was interrupted“ 的解决办法
数据可视化 数据库管理
SVN更新Cleanup提示database is locked
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SVN更新Cleanup提示database is locked
存储 网络协议 Ubuntu
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