通过Mina官 网文档,我们可以看到,有如下几个状态:
- Connected : the session has been created and is available
- Idle : the session hasn’t processed any request for at least a period of time (this period is configurable)Closing : the session is being closed (the remaining messages are being flushed, cleaning up is not terminated)
- Idle for read : no read has actually been made for a period of time
- Idle for write : no write has actually been made for a period of time
- Idle for both : no read nor write for a period of time
- Closed : The session is now closed, nothing else can be done to revive it.
- 一个IoSession实例可以访问/持有哪些数据:前半部分以get开头的方法,能够返回对应的数据对象。
- 一个IoSession实例可以检测哪些状态数据:中间部分以is开头的一些方法。
- 一个IoSession实例可以执行哪些方法调用:后半部分以动词开头命名的方法。
- 一个IoSession实例还可以获取通信过程相关的统计信息,如读取字节数/消息数、写入字节数/消息数,等等,在上面类图中省略 了这些方法。
01 |
public final ReadFuture read() { |
02 |
if (!getConfig().isUseReadOperation()) { |
03 |
throw new IllegalStateException( "useReadOperation is not enabled." ); |
06 |
Queue<ReadFuture> readyReadFutures = getReadyReadFutures(); |
08 |
synchronized (readyReadFutures) { |
09 |
future = readyReadFutures.poll(); |
11 |
if (future.isClosed()) { |
12 |
readyReadFutures.offer(future); |
15 |
future = new DefaultReadFuture( this ); |
16 |
getWaitingReadFutures().offer(future); |
01 |
public WriteFuture write(Object message, SocketAddress remoteAddress) { |
02 |
if (message == null ) { |
03 |
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Trying to write a null message : not allowed" ); |
06 |
if (!getTransportMetadata().isConnectionless() && (remoteAddress != null )) { |
07 |
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); |
10 |
if (isClosing() || !isConnected()) { |
11 |
WriteFuture future = new DefaultWriteFuture( this ); |
12 |
WriteRequest request = new DefaultWriteRequest(message, future, remoteAddress); |
13 |
WriteException writeException = new WriteToClosedSessionException(request); |
14 |
future.setException(writeException); |
18 |
FileChannel openedFileChannel = null ; |
21 |
if ((message instanceof IoBuffer) && !((IoBuffer) message).hasRemaining()) { |
22 |
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "message is empty. Forgot to call flip()?" ); |
23 |
} else if (message instanceof FileChannel) { |
24 |
FileChannel fileChannel = (FileChannel) message; |
25 |
message = new DefaultFileRegion(fileChannel, 0 , fileChannel.size()); |
26 |
} else if (message instanceof File) { |
27 |
File file = (File) message; |
28 |
openedFileChannel = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel(); |
29 |
message = new FilenameFileRegion(file, openedFileChannel, 0 , openedFileChannel.size()); |
31 |
} catch (IOException e) { |
32 |
ExceptionMonitor.getInstance().exceptionCaught(e); |
33 |
return DefaultWriteFuture.newNotWrittenFuture( this , e); |
37 |
WriteFuture writeFuture = new DefaultWriteFuture( this ); |
38 |
WriteRequest writeRequest = new DefaultWriteRequest(message, writeFuture, remoteAddress); |
41 |
IoFilterChain filterChain = getFilterChain(); |
42 |
filterChain.fireFilterWrite(writeRequest); |
45 |
if (openedFileChannel != null ) { |
46 |
final FileChannel finalChannel = openedFileChannel; |
47 |
writeFuture.addListener( new IoFutureListener<WriteFuture>() { |
48 |
public void operationComplete(WriteFuture future) { |
51 |
} catch (IOException e) { |
52 |
ExceptionMonitor.getInstance().exceptionCaught(e); |
根据Mina框架架构设计,IoService->IoFilter Chain->IoHandler,我们知道在IoFilter Chain的一端(头部)之前会调用处理实际的I/O操作请求,也就是IoProcessor需要处理的逻辑,那么可以想象到,IoProcessor被调用的位置,可以查看org.apache.mina.core.filterchain.DefaultIoFilterChain类的源代码,其中定义了一个内部类,源码如下所示:
01 |
private class HeadFilter extends IoFilterAdapter { |
02 |
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" ) |
04 |
public void filterWrite(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest) throws Exception { |
06 |
AbstractIoSession s = (AbstractIoSession) session; |
09 |
if (writeRequest.getMessage() instanceof IoBuffer) { |
10 |
IoBuffer buffer = (IoBuffer) writeRequest.getMessage(); |
15 |
int remaining = buffer.remaining(); |
20 |
s.increaseScheduledWriteMessages(); |
22 |
s.increaseScheduledWriteBytes(remaining); |
25 |
s.increaseScheduledWriteMessages(); |
28 |
WriteRequestQueue writeRequestQueue = s.getWriteRequestQueue(); |
30 |
if (!s.isWriteSuspended()) { |
31 |
if (writeRequestQueue.size() == 0 ) { |
33 |
s.getProcessor().write(s, writeRequest); |
35 |
s.getWriteRequestQueue().offer(s, writeRequest); |
36 |
s.getProcessor().flush(s); |
39 |
s.getWriteRequestQueue().offer(s, writeRequest); |
43 |
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" ) |
45 |
public void filterClose(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session) throws Exception { |
46 |
((AbstractIoSession) session).getProcessor().remove(session); |
01 |
protected NioSession accept(IoProcessor<NioSession> processor, ServerSocketChannel handle) throws Exception { |
03 |
SelectionKey key = handle.keyFor(selector); |
05 |
if ((key == null ) || (!key.isValid()) || (!key.isAcceptable())) { |
10 |
SocketChannel ch = handle.accept(); |
16 |
return new NioSocketSession( this , processor, ch); |