[ExtJS5学习笔记]第二十七节 CMD打包错误 Error C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word => debugger;)






[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (identifier is a reserved word =>
debugger;) -- unknown-file:198775:12
[ERR] C2009: YUI Parse Error (Compilation produced 1 syntax errors. => null) --
[ERR] com.sencha.exceptions.ExBuild: Failed to compress input
[ERR]   at com.sencha.tools.compressors.yui.
[ERR] YuiJavascriptCompressor$2.invoke(YuiJavascriptCompressor.java:103)

[ERR] Total time: 10 seconds
[ERR] The following error occurred while executing this line:
E:\workspaces\myeclipse2014\newcourt\WebRoot\.sencha\app\build-impl.xml:260: The
 following error occurred while executing this line:
E:\workspaces\myeclipse2014\newcourt\WebRoot\.sencha\app\js-impl.xml:59: com.sen
cha.exceptions.ExBuild: Failed to compress input

看错误第一行就可以看出是解析 debugger的时候出错的,看我的代码,发现我调试的时候debugger写入了没有去掉,打包的时候就出现了这个错误,将debugger去掉,再重新打包,发现,程序正常打包。

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