笔记:Driving Architectural Simplicity - The Value, Challenge, and Practice of Simple Solutions


Key Takeaways
Simple architectures are easier to communicate, build, deploy, operate, and evolve.
Architectural simplicity is not easily encapsulated by one type of model or practice. Several practices can be applied in combination to drive simplicity.
Agile practices stress simplicity. Architectural complexity can occur based on many factors such as design ability and focus, technology evolution, and organizational structure.
Defining simple architectures is difficult and takes a concerted, continuous effort.

Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it. And to make matters worse: complexity sells better. - Edsger W. Dijkstra (1984)

简化架构的好处(Benefits of Architectural Simplicity ):
First, simple architectures are easier to communicate. Communication includes both documentation and comprehension. A simple architecture can be documented with a smaller model and fewer drawings/annotations which would lead to improved comprehension by stakeholders. Comprehension is critical for shared understanding, which some define as the architecture (from Martin’s Fowler’s seminal Who Needs an Architect?). A shared understanding is critical to maintaining alignment across teams and team members, and ensuring an efficient implementation.
Second, simple architectures are often easier to implement. They have fewer moving parts, fewer interactions, and fewer opportunities for failure. However, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes it may take more time to implement a simple architecture given the number of try/fail/learn iterations that go into the process of identifying a truly simple design.
Third, simple architectures are easier to deploy and operate. Fewer moving parts aligns to a more straightforward deployment. Then once in production, simple architectures are more easily scaled and monitored. Another great quote from Edsger Dijkstra is "Simplicity is a prerequisite for reliability."
Fourth, simple architectures are easier to modify and evolve. Simplicity is a key principle of Agile practices and a rule for XP development. Simple architectures allow the development team to be more productive since there is less complexity to track and fewer points of impact when making changes.

什么是架构简化(What is Architectural Simplicity? ):
Strive for the Simplest Option
Apply YAGNI – You Aint’t Gonna Need It
Practice Parsimony
Avoid Premature Optimization

复杂的原因(Reasons for Complexity)
Complexity Sells
Developing is Fun
Keeping Up With The Joneses
Simple is Hard
Organizational Structure

实施简化的建议(Recommendations for Driving Architectural Simplicity )
Design Up Front
Design Throughout Delivery
Ask Questions, Often
Understand Decision Tradeoffs
Create Proof of Concepts
Communicate Effectively and Often
Embrace Minimum Viable
Make Architecture Everyone’s Responsibility
Be Continuously Obsessive


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