
简介: C++|智能指针的智能性和指针性:模板类对原生指针的封装与模拟

Pointers are used for accessing the resources which are external to the program – like heap memory. So, for accessing the heap memory (if anything is created inside heap memory), pointers are used. When accessing any external resource we just use a copy of the resource. If we make any change to it, we just change it in the copied version. But, if we use a pointer to the resource, we’ll be able to change the original resource.


1 Problems with Normal Pointers
Take a look at the code below.


using namespace std;
class Rectangle {
int length;
int breadth;
void fun()
// By taking a pointer p and
// dynamically creating object
// of class rectangle
Rectangle* p = new Rectangle();
int main()
// Infinite Loop
while(1) {

In function fun, it creates a pointer that is pointing to the Rectangle object. The object Rectangle contains two integers, length and breadth. When the function fun ends, p will be destroyed as it is a local variable. But, the memory it consumed won’t be deallocated because we forgot to use delete p; at the end of the function. That means the memory won’t be free to be used by other resources. But, we don’t need the variable anymore, but we need the memory.

在fun函数中,它创建一个指向矩形对象的指针。对象矩形包含两个整数,长度和宽度。当函数fun结束时,p将被销毁,因为它是一个局部变量。但是,它消耗的内存不会被释放,因为我们忘记了使用delete p;在函数的末尾。这意味着内存将不能被其他资源使用。但是,我们不再需要这个变量,而是需要内存。

In function main, fun is called in an infinite loop. That means it’ll keep creating p. It’ll allocate more and more memory but won’t free them as we didn’t deallocate it. The memory that’s wasted can’t be used again. Which is a memory leak. The entire heap memory may become useless for this reason. C++11 comes up with a solution to this problem, Smart Pointer.


2 Introduction of Smart Pointers
As we’ve known unconsciously not deallocating a pointer causes a memory leak that may lead to crash of the program. Languages Java, C# has Garbage Collection Mechanisms to smartly deallocate unused memory to be used again. The programmer doesn’t have to worry about any memory leak. C++11 comes up with its own mechanism that’s Smart Pointer. When the object is destroyed it frees the memory as well. So, we don’t need to delete it as Smart Pointer does will handle it.


A Smart Pointer is a wrapper class over a pointer with an operator like * and -> overloaded. The objects of the smart pointer class look like normal pointers. But, unlike Normal Pointers it can deallocate and free destroyed object memory.


The idea is to take a class with a pointer, destructor and overloaded operators like * and ->. Since the destructor is automatically called when an object goes out of scope, the dynamically allocated memory would automatically be deleted (or reference count can be decremented). Consider the following simple SmartPtr class.



using namespace std;
class SmartPtr {
int ptr; // Actual pointer
// Constructor: Refer https:// www.geeksforgeeks.org/g-fact-93/
// for use of explicit keyword
explicit SmartPtr(int
p = NULL) { ptr = p; }
// Destructor
~SmartPtr() { delete (ptr); }
// Overloading dereferencing operator
int& operator() { return ptr; }
int main()
SmartPtr ptr(new int());
ptr = 20;
cout <<
ptr; // 20
// We don't need to call delete ptr: when the object
// ptr goes out of scope, the destructor for it is automatically
// called and destructor does delete ptr.
return 0;
This only works for int. So, we’ll have to create Smart Pointer for every object? No, there’s a solution, Template. In the code below as you can see T can be of any type. Read more about Template here.



using namespace std;
// A generic smart pointer class
class SmartPtr {
T ptr; // Actual pointer
// Constructor
explicit SmartPtr(T
p = NULL) { ptr = p; }
// Destructor
~SmartPtr() { delete (ptr); }
// Overloading dereferencing operator
T& operator() { return ptr; }
// Overloading arrow operator so that
// members of T can be accessed
// like a pointer (useful if T represents
// a class or struct or union type)
T operator->() { return ptr; }
int main()
SmartPtr ptr(new int());
ptr = 20;
cout << *ptr; // 20
return 0;
Note: Smart pointers are also useful in the management of resources, such as file handles or network sockets.


3 Types of Smart Pointers
3.1 unique_ptr

unique_ptr stores one pointer only. We can assign a different object by removing the current object from the pointer. Notice the code below. First, the unique_pointer is pointing to P1. But, then we remove P1 and assign P2 so the pointer now points to P2.

unique_ ptr仅存储一个指针。我们可以通过从指针中移除当前对象来分配不同的对象。请注意下面的代码。首先,首先,unique_pointer指针指向P1。但是,然后我们移除P1并分配P2,因此指针现在指向P2。

code demo:


using namespace std;


class Rectangle {
int length;
int breadth;
Rectangle(int l, int b){
length = l;
breadth = b;
int area(){
return length breadth;
int main(){
unique_ptr P1(new Rectangle(10, 5));
cout << P1->area() << endl; // This'll print 50
// unique_ptr P2(P1);
unique_ptr P2;
P2 = move(P1);
// This'll print 50
cout << P2->area() << endl;
// cout<area()<<endl;
return 0;

std::unique_ptr was developed in C++11 as a replacement for std::auto_ptr.unique_ptr is a new facility with similar functionality, but with improved security (no fake copy assignments), added features (deleters) and support for arrays. It is a container for raw pointers. It explicitly prevents copying of its contained pointer as would happen with normal assignment i.e. it allows exactly one owner of the underlying pointer.


3.2 shared_ptr

By using shared_ptr more than one pointer can point to this one object at a time and it’ll maintain a Reference Counter using use_count() method.


code demo:


using namespace std;


class Rectangle {
int length;
int breadth;
Rectangle(int l, int b)
length = l;
breadth = b;
int area()
return length breadth;
int main()
shared_ptr P1(new Rectangle(10, 5));
// This'll print 50
cout << P1->area() << endl;
shared_ptr P2;
P2 = P1;
// This'll print 50
cout << P2->area() << endl;
// This'll now not give an error,
cout << P1->area() << endl;
// This'll also print 50 now
// This'll print 2 as Reference Counter is 2
cout << P1.use_count() << endl;
return 0;
3.3 weak_ptr
It’s much more similar to shared_ptr except it’ll not maintain a Reference Counter. In this case, a pointer will not have a stronghold on the object. The reason is if suppose pointers are holding the object and requesting for other objects then they may form a Deadlock.


A weak_ptr is created as a copy of shared_ptr. It provides access to an object that is owned by one or more shared_ptr instances but does not participate in reference counting. The existence or destruction of weak_ptr has no effect on the shared_ptr or its other copies. It is required in some cases to break circular references between shared_ptr instances.

weakptr被创建为shared ptr的副本。它提供对一个或多个shared_ ptr实例拥有的对象的访问,但不参与引用计数。weakptr的存在或销毁对shared ptr或其其他副本没有影响。在某些情况下,需要中断shared_ ptr实例之间的循环引用。

Cyclic Dependency (Problems with shared_ptr): Let’s consider a scenario where we have two classes A and B, both have pointers to other classes. So, it’s always like A is pointing to B and B is pointing to A. Hence, use_count will never reach zero and they never get deleted.


This is the reason we use weak pointers(weak_ptr) as they are not reference counted. So, the class in which weak_ptr is declared doesn’t have a stronghold of it i.e. the ownership isn’t shared, but they can have access to these objects.


So, in case of shared_ptr because of cyclic dependency use_count never reaches zero which is prevented using weak_ptr, which removes this problem by declaring A_ptr as weak_ptr, thus class A does not own it, only have access to it and we also need to check the validity of object as it may go out of scope.

因此,在shared_ptr的情况下,由于循环依赖性,use_count永远不会达到零,这是通过使用weak_ptr来防止的,它通过将Aptr声明为weak ptr来消除这个问题,因此类A不拥有它,只能访问它,我们还需要检查对象的有效性,因为它可能超出作用域。


① 忘记delete,造成内存泄露;

② delete后还在使用;

③ 重复delete;


① 只有一个指针指向它(没有copy,但可以move)

② 有多个指针指向它(有copy)



① unique_ptr<> // not copy, can move

② shared_ptr<> // eference counting

③ 为避免循环引用的问题,引入了weak_ptr<>

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