前后端代码: https://gitee.com/nbacheng/ruoyi-nbcio
<el-dialog title="预览" width="60%" :visible.sync="previewModelVisible" append-to-body destroy-on-close> <highlightjs :language="previewType" :code="previewResult" style="height: 60vh" /> </el-dialog>
preview() { const getCmpData = name => this.$refs[name].getData() // processDesign 返回的是Promise 因为要做校验 console.log("publish getCmpData",getCmpData) const p3 = getCmpData('processDesign') console.log("publish p3",p3) Promise.all([p3]) .then(res => { const param = { processData: res[0].formData } this.previewResult = JSON.stringify(param, null, 2);//json格式化 this.previewType = "json"; this.previewModelVisible = true; }) .catch(err => { err.target && (this.activeStep = err.target) err.msg && this.$message.warning(err.msg) }) },
<template> <div class="page"> <section class="page__content" v-if="mockData"> <Process ref="processDesign" :conf="mockData.processData" tabName="processDesign" @startNodeChange="onStartChange"/> </section> <div class="publish"> <el-button size="mini" type="primary" @click="preview"><i class="el-icon-view"></i>预览</el-button> <el-button size="mini" type="primary" @click="publish"><i class="el-icon-s-promotion"></i>发布</el-button> </div> <el-dialog title="预览" width="60%" :visible.sync="previewModelVisible" append-to-body destroy-on-close> <highlightjs :language="previewType" :code="previewResult" style="height: 60vh" /> </el-dialog> </div> </template> <script> // @ is an alias to /src import Vue from 'vue'; import Process from "./components/Process"; import { GET_MOCK_CONF } from '@/api/workflow/imdd' import { vuePlugin } from '@/plugins/package/highlight'; import 'highlight.js/styles/atom-one-dark-reasonable.css'; Vue.use(vuePlugin); const beforeUnload = function (e) { var confirmationMessage = '离开网站可能会丢失您编辑得内容'; (e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage; // Gecko and Trident return confirmationMessage; // Gecko and WebKit } export default { name: "Home", props: { title: { type: String, default: '补卡申请' } }, data() { return { mockData: null, // 可选择诸如 $route.param,Ajax获取数据等方式自行注入 previewModelVisible: false, activeStep: "processDesign", // 激活的步骤面板 previewResult: "", previewType: "xml", steps: [ { label: "流程设计", key: "processDesign" } ] }; }, beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next){ window.addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnload) next() }, beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next){ window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnload) next() }, computed:{ translateX () { return `translateX(${this.steps.findIndex(t => t.key === this.activeStep) * 100}%)` } }, mounted() { GET_MOCK_CONF().then(data => this.mockData = data); }, methods: { changeSteps(item) { this.activeStep = item.key; }, preview() { const getCmpData = name => this.$refs[name].getData() // processDesign 返回的是Promise 因为要做校验 console.log("publish getCmpData",getCmpData) const p3 = getCmpData('processDesign') console.log("publish p3",p3) Promise.all([p3]) .then(res => { const param = { processData: res[0].formData } this.previewResult = JSON.stringify(param, null, 2);//json格式化 this.previewType = "json"; this.previewModelVisible = true; }) .catch(err => { err.target && (this.activeStep = err.target) err.msg && this.$message.warning(err.msg) }) }, publish() { const getCmpData = name => this.$refs[name].getData() // processDesign 返回的是Promise 因为要做校验 console.log("publish getCmpData",getCmpData) const p3 = getCmpData('processDesign') console.log("publish p3",p3) Promise.all([p3]) .then(res => { const param = { processData: res[0].formData } this.sendToServer(param) }) .catch(err => { err.target && (this.activeStep = err.target) err.msg && this.$message.warning(err.msg) }) }, sendToServer(param){ this.$notify({ title: '数据已整合完成', message: '请在控制台中查看数据输出', position: 'bottom-right' }); console.log('配置数据', param) }, exit() { this.$confirm('离开此页面您得修改将会丢失, 是否继续?', '提示', { confirmButtonText: '确定', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning' }).then(() => { this.$message({ type: 'success', message: '模拟返回!' }); }).catch(() => { }); }, /** * 同步基础设置发起人和流程节点发起人 */ onInitiatorChange (val, labels) { const processCmp = this.$refs.processDesign const startNode = processCmp.data startNode.properties.initiator = val['dep&user'] startNode.content = labels || '所有人' processCmp.forceUpdate() }, /** * 监听 流程节点发起人改变 并同步到基础设置 发起人数据 */ onStartChange(node){ const basicSetting = this.$refs.basicSetting basicSetting.formData.initiator = { 'dep&user': node.properties.initiator } } }, components: { Process, } }; </script> <style lang="stylus" scoped> .publish { position: absolute; top: 15px; right: 20px; z-index: 1000; i { margin-right: 6px; } button { border-radius: 15px; } } </style>