Which two statements are true about Database Vault factors?

简介: Which two statements are true about Database Vault factors?

changing a factor type can change how factors are evaluated.
You can use a factor to enforce conditions for a command rule.
You get an error at the time of factor creation If the retrieval method function you have specified does not exist.
You can configure a factor to be evaluated only once per session.
A factor can reference a function in another schema to compute its value, provided execute privilege is granted to the sys user

Oracle 关系型数据库
19c 开启Oracle Database Vault
19c 开启Oracle Database Vault
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SQL Oracle 安全
Oracle Database Vault Access Control Components
Oracle Database Vault Access Control Components
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Oracle 安全 关系型数据库
What Is Oracle Database Vault?
The Oracle Database Vault security controls protect application data from unauthorized access, and helps you to comply with privacy and regulatory requirements. You can deploy controls to block privileged account access to application data and control sensitive operations inside the database using
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SQL 监控 安全
oracle database vault(数据库保险库)
转载:http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2011-12/48689p2.htm 本篇包含如下内容: ·         什么是Oracle Database Vault? ·         Oracle Database Va...
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Oracle Database Vault - Realm
http://blog.csdn.net/teapot82/article/details/6618894 1.  REALM的作用 Oracle Database Vault通过建立REALM可以防止未授权的DBA用户访问REALM内的业务数据。
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安全 Oracle 关系型数据库
Installing Database Vault Into An Existing Oracle Home:
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Oracle数据安全解决方案系列-----Database Vault安装篇
http://space.itpub.net/3704/viewspace-559855 http://www.
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