GEE错误——Layer error: Image.connectedPixelCount: Segment size calculation on floating point bands is n

简介: GEE错误——Layer error: Image.connectedPixelCount: Segment size calculation on floating point bands is n


我正在编写一段代码,用于检测/计算图像中烧焦区域的斑块。我以为使用 GEE 中的 connectedPixelCount() 函数可以帮助我完成这项工作。然而,后者似乎对合成图像不起作用。有没有办法让它将合成图像视为典型的单层图像?(如果有用于合成图像的替代函数,也能解决我的问题)。

Layer error: Image.connectedPixelCount: Segment size calculation on floating point bands is not supported. Unsupported type: Type<Float<-32768.0, 32767.0>>.


connectedPixelCount(maxSize, eightConnected)

生成一幅图像,其中每个像素包含 4 个或 8 个相连的相邻像素(包括自身)。







是否使用 8 连接而非 4 连接的规则。

返回值 图像


On an element-wise basis, casts the input value to a signed 32-bit integer.


this:input (Array):

The input array.

Returns: Image


var country = ['AU'];
var geometry = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB/2013')
                      .filter(ee.Filter.inList('cc', country));
Map.centerObject(geometry, 5);
var modisFire = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MCD64A1')
                  .map(function(image) { return image.clip(geometry);})
                  .filter('2017-01-01', '2017-12-31'))
var date = ee.Date('2017-06-01');
var composite = modisFire.mean().set('system:time_start', date.millis(), 
                                     'dateYMD', date.format('YYYY-MM-dd'), 
                                      'numbImages', modisFire.size());
var img = ee.Image(modisFire.toList(3).get(0));
var img1 = ee.Image(composite);
Map.addLayer(img, {palette: 'red'}, 'June Fire');
Map.addLayer(img, {palette: 'orange'}, 'Summer Fire');
var patches = img1.connectedPixelCount(5, false);
patches = patches.updateMask(patches.gte(5));
Map.addLayer(patches, {palette: 'blue'}, 'Burned Area');


var modisFire = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MCD64A1')
                  .map(function(image) { return image.clip(geometry);})
                  .filter('2017-05-01', '2017-08-31'))
var date = ee.Date('2017-06-01');
var composite = modisFire.mean().set('system:time_start', date.millis(), 
                                     'dateYMD', date.format('YYYY-MM-dd'), 
                                      'numbImages', modisFire.size());
var img = ee.Image(modisFire.toList(3).get(0));
var img1 = ee.Image(composite);
Map.addLayer(img, {palette: 'red'}, 'June Fire');
Map.addLayer(img, {palette: 'orange'}, 'Summer Fire');
var patches = img1.int16().connectedPixelCount(5, false);
Map.addLayer(patches, {palette: 'red'}, 'patches');
patches = patches.updateMask(patches.gte(5));
Map.addLayer(patches, {palette: 'blue'}, 'Burned Area');

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