报错:Now you can provide attr `wx:key` for a `wx:for` to improve performance

简介: 报错:Now you can provide attr `wx:key` for a `wx:for` to improve performance





Now you can provide attr wx:key for a wx:for to improve performance



绑定 方法:wx:key="index"wx:key="this"

<view wx:for="{
    {array}}" wx:key="index"> {
// page.js
  data: {
    array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Each child in a list should have a unique “key“ prop. Check the render method的报错解决
Each child in a list should have a unique “key“ prop. Check the render method的报错解决
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Rust 小程序
小程序警告:Now you can provide attr wxkey for a wxfor to improve performance
首先,无论什么程序,控制台中的警告都是会影响程序性能的。我们需要减少此类警告的出现,以提高程序的运行性能。 小程序开发的时候,遇到了如下的警告:
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微信小程序:Error: Behaviors should be constructed with Behavior()
微信小程序:Error: Behaviors should be constructed with Behavior()
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小程序警告:Now you can provide attr `wx:key` for a `wx:for` to improve performance.
小程序警告:Now you can provide attr `wx:key` for a `wx:for` to improve performance.
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