推星星是 Sokoban 或“箱子推动者”的克隆。玩家位于一个房间,里面有几颗星星。房间中的一些瓷砖精灵上有星星标记。玩家必须想办法将星星推到有星星标记的瓷砖上。如果墙壁或其他星星在其后面,玩家就不能推动星星。玩家不能拉星星,所以如果星星被推到角落,玩家将不得不重新开始级别。当所有星星都被推到星星标记的地板瓷砖上时,级别完成,下一个级别开始。
每个级别由 2D 网格瓷砖图像组成。瓷砖精灵是相同大小的图像,可以相邻放置以形成更复杂的图像。有了一些地板和墙砖,我们可以创建许多有趣形状和大小的级别。
下载包含 201 个级别的级别文件。运行推星星程序时,请确保此级别文件与 starpusher.py 文件在同一文件夹中。否则,您将收到此错误消息:AssertionError: Cannot find the level file: starPusherLevels.txt
级别设计最初由 David W. Skinner 制作。您可以从他的网站sneezingtiger.com/sokoban/levels.html
# Star Pusher (a Sokoban clone) # By Al Sweigart [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) # http://inventwithpython.com/pygame # Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 US import random, sys, copy, os, pygame from pygame.locals import * FPS = 30 # frames per second to update the screen WINWIDTH = 800 # width of the program's window, in pixels WINHEIGHT = 600 # height in pixels HALF_WINWIDTH = int(WINWIDTH / 2) HALF_WINHEIGHT = int(WINHEIGHT / 2) # The total width and height of each tile in pixels. TILEWIDTH = 50 TILEHEIGHT = 85 TILEFLOORHEIGHT = 45 CAM_MOVE_SPEED = 5 # how many pixels per frame the camera moves # The percentage of outdoor tiles that have additional # decoration on them, such as a tree or rock. OUTSIDE_DECORATION_PCT = 20 BRIGHTBLUE = ( 0, 170, 255) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BGCOLOR = BRIGHTBLUE TEXTCOLOR = WHITE UP = 'up' DOWN = 'down' LEFT = 'left' RIGHT = 'right' def main(): global FPSCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, IMAGESDICT, TILEMAPPING, OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING, BASICFONT, PLAYERIMAGES, currentImage # Pygame initialization and basic set up of the global variables. pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() # Because the Surface object stored in DISPLAYSURF was returned # from the pygame.display.set_mode() function, this is the # Surface object that is drawn to the actual computer screen # when pygame.display.update() is called. DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINWIDTH, WINHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('Star Pusher') BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18) # A global dict value that will contain all the Pygame # Surface objects returned by pygame.image.load(). IMAGESDICT = {'uncovered goal': pygame.image.load('RedSelector.png'), 'covered goal': pygame.image.load('Selector.png'), 'star': pygame.image.load('Star.png'), 'corner': pygame.image.load('Wall Block Tall.png'), 'wall': pygame.image.load('Wood Block Tall.png'), 'inside floor': pygame.image.load('Plain Block.png'), 'outside floor': pygame.image.load('Grass Block.png'), 'title': pygame.image.load('star_title.png'), 'solved': pygame.image.load('star_solved.png'), 'princess': pygame.image.load('princess.png'), 'boy': pygame.image.load('boy.png'), 'catgirl': pygame.image.load('catgirl.png'), 'horngirl': pygame.image.load('horngirl.png'), 'pinkgirl': pygame.image.load('pinkgirl.png'), 'rock': pygame.image.load('Rock.png'), 'short tree': pygame.image.load('Tree_Short.png'), 'tall tree': pygame.image.load('Tree_Tall.png'), 'ugly tree': pygame.image.load('Tree_Ugly.png')} # These dict values are global, and map the character that appears # in the level file to the Surface object it represents. TILEMAPPING = {'x': IMAGESDICT['corner'], '#': IMAGESDICT['wall'], 'o': IMAGESDICT['inside floor'], ' ': IMAGESDICT['outside floor']} OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING = {'1': IMAGESDICT['rock'], '2': IMAGESDICT['short tree'], '3': IMAGESDICT['tall tree'], '4': IMAGESDICT['ugly tree']} # PLAYERIMAGES is a list of all possible characters the player can be. # currentImage is the index of the player's current player image. currentImage = 0 PLAYERIMAGES = [IMAGESDICT['princess'], IMAGESDICT['boy'], IMAGESDICT['catgirl'], IMAGESDICT['horngirl'], IMAGESDICT['pinkgirl']] startScreen() # show the title screen until the user presses a key # Read in the levels from the text file. See the readLevelsFile() for # details on the format of this file and how to make your own levels. levels = readLevelsFile('starPusherLevels.txt') currentLevelIndex = 0 # The main game loop. This loop runs a single level, when the user # finishes that level, the next/previous level is loaded. while True: # main game loop # Run the level to actually start playing the game: result = runLevel(levels, currentLevelIndex) if result in ('solved', 'next'): # Go to the next level. currentLevelIndex += 1 if currentLevelIndex >= len(levels): # If there are no more levels, go back to the first one. currentLevelIndex = 0 elif result == 'back': # Go to the previous level. currentLevelIndex -= 1 if currentLevelIndex < 0: # If there are no previous levels, go to the last one. currentLevelIndex = len(levels)-1 elif result == 'reset': pass # Do nothing. Loop re-calls runLevel() to reset the level def runLevel(levels, levelNum): global currentImage levelObj = levels[levelnum] mapObj = decorateMap(levelObj['mapObj'], levelObj['startState']['player']) gameStateObj = copy.deepcopy(levelObj['startState']) mapNeedsRedraw = True # set to True to call drawMap() levelSurf = BASICFONT.render('Level %s of %s' % (levelObj['levelNum'] + 1, totalNumOfLevels), 1, TEXTCOLOR) levelRect = levelSurf.get_rect() levelRect.bottomleft = (20, WINHEIGHT - 35) mapWidth = len(mapObj) * TILEWIDTH mapHeight = (len(mapObj[0]) - 1) * (TILEHEIGHT - TILEFLOORHEIGHT) + TILEHEIGHT MAX_CAM_X_PAN = abs(HALF_WINHEIGHT - int(mapHeight / 2)) + TILEWIDTH MAX_CAM_Y_PAN = abs(HALF_WINWIDTH - int(mapWidth / 2)) + TILEHEIGHT levelIsComplete = False # Track how much the camera has moved: cameraOffsetX = 0 cameraOffsetY = 0 # Track if the keys to move the camera are being held down: cameraUp = False cameraDown = False cameraLeft = False cameraRight = False while True: # main game loop # Reset these variables: playerMoveTo = None keyPressed = False for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == QUIT: # Player clicked the "X" at the corner of the window. terminate() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: # Handle key presses keyPressed = True if event.key == K_LEFT: playerMoveTo = LEFT elif event.key == K_RIGHT: playerMoveTo = RIGHT elif event.key == K_UP: playerMoveTo = UP elif event.key == K_DOWN: playerMoveTo = DOWN # Set the camera move mode. elif event.key == K_a: cameraLeft = True elif event.key == K_d: cameraRight = True elif event.key == K_w: cameraUp = True elif event.key == K_s: cameraDown = True elif event.key == K_n: return 'next' elif event.key == K_b: return 'back' elif event.key == K_ESCAPE: terminate() # Esc key quits. elif event.key == K_BACKSPACE: return 'reset' # Reset the level. elif event.key == K_p: # Change the player image to the next one. currentImage += 1 if currentImage >= len(PLAYERIMAGES): # After the last player image, use the first one. currentImage = 0 mapNeedsRedraw = True elif event.type == KEYUP: # Unset the camera move mode. if event.key == K_a: cameraLeft = False elif event.key == K_d: cameraRight = False elif event.key == K_w: cameraUp = False elif event.key == K_s: cameraDown = False if playerMoveTo != None and not levelIsComplete: # If the player pushed a key to move, make the move # (if possible) and push any stars that are pushable. moved = makeMove(mapObj, gameStateObj, playerMoveTo) if moved: # increment the step counter. gameStateObj['stepCounter'] += 1 mapNeedsRedraw = True if isLevelFinished(levelObj, gameStateObj): # level is solved, we should show the "Solved!" image. levelIsComplete = True keyPressed = False DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) if mapNeedsRedraw: mapSurf = drawMap(mapObj, gameStateObj, levelObj['goals']) mapNeedsRedraw = False if cameraUp and cameraOffsetY < MAX_CAM_X_PAN: cameraOffsetY += CAM_MOVE_SPEED elif cameraDown and cameraOffsetY > -MAX_CAM_X_PAN: cameraOffsetY -= CAM_MOVE_SPEED if cameraLeft and cameraOffsetX < MAX_CAM_Y_PAN: cameraOffsetX += CAM_MOVE_SPEED elif cameraRight and cameraOffsetX > -MAX_CAM_Y_PAN: cameraOffsetX -= CAM_MOVE_SPEED # Adjust mapSurf's Rect object based on the camera offset. mapSurfRect = mapSurf.get_rect() mapSurfRect.center = (HALF_WINWIDTH + cameraOffsetX, HALF_WINHEIGHT + cameraOffsetY) # Draw mapSurf to the DISPLAYSURF Surface object. DISPLAYSURF.blit(mapSurf, mapSurfRect) DISPLAYSURF.blit(levelSurf, levelRect) stepSurf = BASICFONT.render('Steps: %s' % (gameStateObj['stepCounter']), 1, TEXTCOLOR) stepRect = stepSurf.get_rect() stepRect.bottomleft = (20, WINHEIGHT - 10) DISPLAYSURF.blit(stepSurf, stepRect) if levelIsComplete: # is solved, show the "Solved!" image until the player # has pressed a key. solvedRect = IMAGESDICT['solved'].get_rect() solvedRect.center = (HALF_WINWIDTH, HALF_WINHEIGHT) DISPLAYSURF.blit(IMAGESDICT['solved'], solvedRect) if keyPressed: return 'solved' pygame.display.update() # draw DISPLAYSURF to the screen. FPSCLOCK.tick() def decorateMap(mapObj, startxy): """Makes a copy of the given map object and modifies it. Here is what is done to it: * Walls that are corners are turned into corner pieces. * The outside/inside floor tile distinction is made. * Tree/rock decorations are randomly added to the outside tiles. Returns the decorated map object.""" startx, starty = startxy # Syntactic sugar # Copy the map object so we don't modify the original passed mapObjCopy = copy.deepcopy(mapObj) # Remove the non-wall characters from the map data for x in range(len(mapObjCopy)): for y in range(len(mapObjCopy[0])): if mapObjCopy[x][y] in ('$', '.', '@', '+', '*'): mapObjCopy[x][y] = ' ' # Flood fill to determine inside/outside floor tiles. floodFill(mapObjCopy, startx, starty, ' ', 'o') # Convert the adjoined walls into corner tiles. for x in range(len(mapObjCopy)): for y in range(len(mapObjCopy[0])): if mapObjCopy[x][y] == '#': if (isWall(mapObjCopy, x, y-1) and isWall(mapObjCopy, x+1, y)) or \ (isWall(mapObjCopy, x+1, y) and isWall(mapObjCopy, x, y+1)) or \ (isWall(mapObjCopy, x, y+1) and isWall(mapObjCopy, x-1, y)) or \ (isWall(mapObjCopy, x-1, y) and isWall(mapObjCopy, x, y-1)): mapObjCopy[x][y] = 'x' elif mapObjCopy[x][y] == ' ' and random.randint(0, 99) < OUTSIDE_DECORATION_PCT: mapObjCopy[x][y] = random.choice(list(OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING.keys())) return mapObjCopy def isBlocked(mapObj, gameStateObj, x, y): """Returns True if the (x, y) position on the map is blocked by a wall or star, otherwise return False.""" if isWall(mapObj, x, y): return True elif x < 0 or x >= len(mapObj) or y < 0 or y >= len(mapObj[x]): return True # x and y aren't actually on the map. elif (x, y) in gameStateObj['stars']: return True # a star is blocking return False def makeMove(mapObj, gameStateObj, playerMoveTo): """Given a map and game state object, see if it is possible for the player to make the given move. If it is, then change the player's position (and the position of any pushed star). If not, do nothing. Returns True if the player moved, otherwise False.""" # Make sure the player can move in the direction they want. playerx, playery = gameStateObj['player'] # This variable is "syntactic sugar". Typing "stars" is more # readable than typing "gameStateObj['stars']" in our code. stars = gameStateObj['stars'] # The code for handling each of the directions is so similar aside # from adding or subtracting 1 to the x/y coordinates. We can # simplify it by using the xOffset and yOffset variables. if playerMoveTo == UP: xOffset = 0 yOffset = -1 elif playerMoveTo == RIGHT: xOffset = 1 yOffset = 0 elif playerMoveTo == DOWN: xOffset = 0 yOffset = 1 elif playerMoveTo == LEFT: xOffset = -1 yOffset = 0 # See if the player can move in that direction. if isWall(mapObj, playerx + xOffset, playery + yOffset): return False else: if (playerx + xOffset, playery + yOffset) in stars: # There is a star in the way, see if the player can push it. if not isBlocked(mapObj, gameStateObj, playerx + (xOffset*2), playery + (yOffset*2)): # Move the star. ind = stars.index((playerx + xOffset, playery + yOffset)) stars[ind] = (stars[ind][0] + xOffset, stars[ind][1] + yOffset) else: return False # Move the player upwards. gameStateObj['player'] = (playerx + xOffset, playery + yOffset) return True def startScreen(): """Display the start screen (which has the title and instructions) until the player presses a key. Returns None.""" # Position the title image. titleRect = IMAGESDICT['title'].get_rect() topCoord = 50 # topCoord tracks where to position the top of the text titleRect.top = topCoord titleRect.centerx = HALF_WINWIDTH topCoord += titleRect.height # Unfortunately, Pygame's font & text system only shows one line at # a time, so we can't use strings with \n newline characters in them. # So we will use a list with each line in it. instructionText = ['Push the stars over the marks.', 'Arrow keys to move, WASD for camera control, P to change character.', 'Backspace to reset level, Esc to quit.', 'N for next level, B to go back a level.'] # Start with drawing a blank color to the entire window: DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) # Draw the title image to the window: DISPLAYSURF.blit(IMAGESDICT['title'], titleRect) # Position and draw the text. for i in range(len(instructionText)): instSurf = BASICFONT.render(instructionText[i], 1, TEXTCOLOR) instRect = instSurf.get_rect() topCoord += 10 # 10 pixels will go in between each line of text. instRect.top = topCoord instRect.centerx = HALF_WINWIDTH topCoord += instRect.height # Adjust for the height of the line. DISPLAYSURF.blit(instSurf, instRect) while True: # Main loop for the start screen. for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: terminate() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: terminate() return # user has pressed a key, so return. # Display the DISPLAYSURF contents to the actual screen. pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick() def readLevelsFile(filename): assert os.path.exists(filename), 'Cannot find the level file: %s' % (filename) mapFile = open(filename, 'r') # Each level must end with a blank line content = mapFile.readlines() + ['\r\n'] mapFile.close() levels = [] # Will contain a list of level objects. levelNum = 0 mapTextLines = [] # contains the lines for a single level's map. mapObj = [] # the map object made from the data in mapTextLines for lineNum in range(len(content)): # Process each line that was in the level file. line = content[lineNum].rstrip('\r\n') if ';' in line: # Ignore the ; lines, they're comments in the level file. line = line[:line.find(';')] if line != '': # This line is part of the map. mapTextLines.append(line) elif line == '' and len(mapTextLines) > 0: # A blank line indicates the end of a level's map in the file. # Convert the text in mapTextLines into a level object. # Find the longest row in the map. maxWidth = -1 for i in range(len(mapTextLines)): if len(mapTextLines[i]) > maxWidth: maxWidth = len(mapTextLines[i]) # Add spaces to the ends of the shorter rows. This # ensures the map will be rectangular. for i in range(len(mapTextLines)): mapTextLines[i] += ' ' * (maxWidth - len(mapTextLines[i])) # Convert mapTextLines to a map object. for x in range(len(mapTextLines[0])): mapObj.append([]) for y in range(len(mapTextLines)): for x in range(maxWidth): mapObj[x].append(mapTextLines[y][x]) # Loop through the spaces in the map and find the @, ., and $ # characters for the starting game state. startx = None # The x and y for the player's starting position starty = None goals = [] # list of (x, y) tuples for each goal. stars = [] # list of (x, y) for each star's starting position. for x in range(maxWidth): for y in range(len(mapObj[x])): if mapObj[x][y] in ('@', '+'): # '@' is player, '+' is player & goal startx = x starty = y if mapObj[x][y] in ('.', '+', '*'): # '.' is goal, '*' is star & goal goals.append((x, y)) if mapObj[x][y] in ('$', '*'): # '$' is star stars.append((x, y)) # Basic level design sanity checks: assert startx != None and starty != None, 'Level %s (around line %s) in %s is missing a "@" or "+" to mark the start point.' % (levelNum+1, lineNum, filename) assert len(goals) > 0, 'Level %s (around line %s) in %s must have at least one goal.' % (levelNum+1, lineNum, filename) assert len(stars) >= len(goals), 'Level %s (around line %s) in %s is impossible to solve. It has %s goals but only %s stars.' % (levelNum+1, lineNum, filename, len(goals), len(stars)) # Create level object and starting game state object. gameStateObj = {'player': (startx, starty), 'stepCounter': 0, 'stars': stars} levelObj = {'width': maxWidth, 'height': len(mapObj), 'mapObj': mapObj, 'goals': goals, 'startState': gameStateObj} levels.append(levelObj) # Reset the variables for reading the next map. mapTextLines = [] mapObj = [] gameStateObj = {} levelNum += 1 return levels 511. 512. def floodFill(mapObj, x, y, oldCharacter, newCharacter): """Changes any values matching oldCharacter on the map object to newCharacter at the (x, y) position, and does the same for the positions to the left, right, down, and up of (x, y), recursively.""" # In this game, the flood fill algorithm creates the inside/outside # floor distinction. This is a "recursive" function. # For more info on the Flood Fill algorithm, see: # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_fill if mapObj[x][y] == oldCharacter: mapObj[x][y] = newCharacter if x < len(mapObj) - 1 and mapObj[x+1][y] == oldCharacter: floodFill(mapObj, x+1, y, oldCharacter, newCharacter) # call right if x > 0 and mapObj[x-1][y] == oldCharacter: floodFill(mapObj, x-1, y, oldCharacter, newCharacter) # call left if y < len(mapObj[x]) - 1 and mapObj[x][y+1] == oldCharacter: floodFill(mapObj, x, y+1, oldCharacter, newCharacter) # call down if y > 0 and mapObj[x][y-1] == oldCharacter: floodFill(mapObj, x, y-1, oldCharacter, newCharacter) # call up def drawMap(mapObj, gameStateObj, goals): """Draws the map to a Surface object, including the player and stars. This function does not call pygame.display.update(), nor does it draw the "Level" and "Steps" text in the corner.""" # mapSurf will be the single Surface object that the tiles are drawn # on, so that it is easy to position the entire map on the DISPLAYSURF # Surface object. First, the width and height must be calculated. mapSurfWidth = len(mapObj) * TILEWIDTH mapSurfHeight = (len(mapObj[0]) - 1) * (TILEHEIGHT - TILEFLOORHEIGHT) + TILEHEIGHT mapSurf = pygame.Surface((mapSurfWidth, mapSurfHeight)) mapSurf.fill(BGCOLOR) # start with a blank color on the surface. # Draw the tile sprites onto this surface. for x in range(len(mapObj)): for y in range(len(mapObj[x])): spaceRect = pygame.Rect((x * TILEWIDTH, y * (TILEHEIGHT - TILEFLOORHEIGHT), TILEWIDTH, TILEHEIGHT)) if mapObj[x][y] in TILEMAPPING: baseTile = TILEMAPPING[mapObj[x][y]] elif mapObj[x][y] in OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING: baseTile = TILEMAPPING[' '] # First draw the base ground/wall tile. mapSurf.blit(baseTile, spaceRect) if mapObj[x][y] in OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING: # Draw any tree/rock decorations that are on this tile. mapSurf.blit(OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING[mapObj[x][y]], spaceRect) elif (x, y) in gameStateObj['stars']: if (x, y) in goals: # A goal AND star are on this space, draw goal first. mapSurf.blit(IMAGESDICT['covered goal'], spaceRect) # Then draw the star sprite. mapSurf.blit(IMAGESDICT['star'], spaceRect) elif (x, y) in goals: # Draw a goal without a star on it. mapSurf.blit(IMAGESDICT['uncovered goal'], spaceRect) # Last draw the player on the board. if (x, y) == gameStateObj['player']: # Note: The value "currentImage" refers # to a key in "PLAYERIMAGES" which has the # specific player image we want to show. mapSurf.blit(PLAYERIMAGES[currentImage], spaceRect) return mapSurf def isLevelFinished(levelObj, gameStateObj): """Returns True if all the goals have stars in them.""" for goal in levelObj['goals']: if goal not in gameStateObj['stars']: # Found a space with a goal but no star on it. return False return True def terminate(): pygame.quit() sys.exit() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Star Pusher (a Sokoban clone) # By Al Sweigart [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) # http://inventwithpython.com/pygame # Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 US import random, sys, copy, os, pygame from pygame.locals import * FPS = 30 # frames per second to update the screen WINWIDTH = 800 # width of the program's window, in pixels WINHEIGHT = 600 # height in pixels HALF_WINWIDTH = int(WINWIDTH / 2) HALF_WINHEIGHT = int(WINHEIGHT / 2) # The total width and height of each tile in pixels. TILEWIDTH = 50 TILEHEIGHT = 85 TILEFLOORHEIGHT = 45 CAM_MOVE_SPEED = 5 # how many pixels per frame the camera moves # The percentage of outdoor tiles that have additional # decoration on them, such as a tree or rock. OUTSIDE_DECORATION_PCT = 20 BRIGHTBLUE = ( 0, 170, 255) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BGCOLOR = BRIGHTBLUE TEXTCOLOR = WHITE UP = 'up' DOWN = 'down' LEFT = 'left' RIGHT = 'right'
这些常数在程序的各个部分中使用。 TILEWIDTH
变量显示每个瓷砖图像的宽度为 50 像素,高度为 85 像素。但是,这些瓷砖在屏幕上绘制时会重叠。(稍后会解释。) TILEFLOORHEIGHT
指的是表示地板的瓷砖部分高 45 像素。这是一个简单地板图像的示意图:
房间外的草地瓷砖有时会添加额外的装饰(如树木或岩石)。 OUTSIDE_DECORATION_PCT
def main(): global FPSCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, IMAGESDICT, TILEMAPPING, OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING, BASICFONT, PLAYERIMAGES, currentImage # Pygame initialization and basic set up of the global variables. pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() # Because the Surface object stored in DISPLAYSURF was returned # from the pygame.display.set_mode() function, this is the # Surface object that is drawn to the actual computer screen # when pygame.display.update() is called. DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINWIDTH, WINHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('Star Pusher') BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18)
这是程序开始时发生的通常 Pygame 设置。
# A global dict value that will contain all the Pygame # Surface objects returned by pygame.image.load(). IMAGESDICT = {'uncovered goal': pygame.image.load('RedSelector.png'), 'covered goal': pygame.image.load('Selector.png'), 'star': pygame.image.load('Star.png'), 'corner': pygame.image.load('Wall Block Tall.png'), 'wall': pygame.image.load('Wood Block Tall.png'), 'inside floor': pygame.image.load('Plain Block.png'), 'outside floor': pygame.image.load('Grass Block.png'), 'title': pygame.image.load('star_title.png'), 'solved': pygame.image.load('star_solved.png'), 'princess': pygame.image.load('princess.png'), 'boy': pygame.image.load('boy.png'), 'catgirl': pygame.image.load('catgirl.png'), 'horngirl': pygame.image.load('horngirl.png'), 'pinkgirl': pygame.image.load('pinkgirl.png'), 'rock': pygame.image.load('Rock.png'), 'short tree': pygame.image.load('Tree_Short.png'), 'tall tree': pygame.image.load('Tree_Tall.png'), 'ugly tree': pygame.image.load('Tree_Ugly.png')}
变量设为全局变量。如果我们将每个图像存储在单独的变量中,那么所有 18 个变量(用于此游戏中使用的 18 个图像)都需要设为全局变量。包含所有 Surface 对象的字典与图像更容易处理。
# These dict values are global, and map the character that appears # in the level file to the Surface object it represents. TILEMAPPING = {'x': IMAGESDICT['corner'], '#': IMAGESDICT['wall'], 'o': IMAGESDICT['inside floor'], ' ': IMAGESDICT['outside floor']}
OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING = {'1': IMAGESDICT['rock'], '2': IMAGESDICT['short tree'], '3': IMAGESDICT['tall tree'], '4': IMAGESDICT['ugly tree']}
# PLAYERIMAGES is a list of all possible characters the player can be. # currentImage is the index of the player's current player image. currentImage = 0 PLAYERIMAGES = [IMAGESDICT['princess'], IMAGESDICT['boy'], IMAGESDICT['catgirl'], IMAGESDICT['horngirl'], IMAGESDICT['pinkgirl']]
startScreen() # show the title screen until the user presses a key # Read in the levels from the text file. See the readLevelsFile() for # details on the format of this file and how to make your own levels. levels = readLevelsFile('starPusherLevels.txt') currentLevelIndex = 0
# The main game loop. This loop runs a single level, when the user # finishes that level, the next/previous level is loaded. while True: # main game loop # Run the level to actually start playing the game: result = runLevel(levels, currentLevelIndex)
if result in ('solved', 'next'): # Go to the next level. currentLevelIndex += 1 if currentLevelIndex >= len(levels): # If there are no more levels, go back to the first one. currentLevelIndex = 0 elif result == 'back': # Go to the previous level. currentLevelIndex -= 1 if currentLevelIndex < 0: # If there are no previous levels, go to the last one. currentLevelIndex = len(levels)-1
elif result == 'reset': pass # Do nothing. Loop re-calls runLevel() to reset the level
语句不执行任何操作(类似于注释),但是需要因为 Python 解释器在elif
我们可以完全从源代码中删除第 119 和 120 行,程序仍然可以正常工作。我们在这里包含它的原因是为了程序的可读性,这样如果以后对代码进行更改,我们不会忘记runLevel()
def runLevel(levels, levelNum): global currentImage levelObj = levels[levelnum] mapObj = decorateMap(levelObj['mapObj'], levelObj['startState']['player']) gameStateObj = copy.deepcopy(levelObj['startState'])
mapNeedsRedraw = True # set to True to call drawMap() levelSurf = BASICFONT.render('Level %s of %s' % (levelObj['levelNum'] + 1, totalNumOfLevels), 1, TEXTCOLOR) levelRect = levelSurf.get_rect() levelRect.bottomleft = (20, WINHEIGHT - 35) mapWidth = len(mapObj) * TILEWIDTH mapHeight = (len(mapObj[0]) - 1) * (TILEHEIGHT - TILEFLOORHEIGHT) + TILEHEIGHT MAX_CAM_X_PAN = abs(HALF_WINHEIGHT - int(mapHeight / 2)) + TILEWIDTH MAX_CAM_Y_PAN = abs(HALF_WINWIDTH - int(mapWidth / 2)) + TILEHEIGHT levelIsComplete = False # Track how much the camera has moved: cameraOffsetX = 0 cameraOffsetY = 0 # Track if the keys to move the camera are being held down: cameraUp = False cameraDown = False cameraLeft = False cameraRight = False
和 mapHeight
变量是地图的像素大小。计算 mapHeight
的表达式有点复杂,因为瓷砖彼此重叠。只有底部一行瓷砖是完整的高度(这解释了表达式中的 + TILEHEIGHT
部分),所有其他行的瓷砖(数量为 (len(mapObj[0]) - 1)
)都有轻微的重叠。这意味着它们实际上每个只有 (TILEHEIGHT - TILEFLOORHEIGHT)
和 cameraRight
和 cameraOffsetY
while True: # main game loop # Reset these variables: playerMoveTo = None keyPressed = False for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == QUIT: # Player clicked the "X" at the corner of the window. terminate()
elif event.type == KEYDOWN: # Handle key presses keyPressed = True if event.key == K_LEFT: playerMoveTo = LEFT elif event.key == K_RIGHT: playerMoveTo = RIGHT elif event.key == K_UP: playerMoveTo = UP elif event.key == K_DOWN: playerMoveTo = DOWN # Set the camera move mode. elif event.key == K_a: cameraLeft = True elif event.key == K_d: cameraRight = True elif event.key == K_w: cameraUp = True elif event.key == K_s: cameraDown = True elif event.key == K_n: return 'next' elif event.key == K_b: return 'back' elif event.key == K_ESCAPE: terminate() # Esc key quits. elif event.key == K_BACKSPACE: return 'reset' # Reset the level. elif event.key == K_p: # Change the player image to the next one. currentImage += 1 if currentImage >= len(PLAYERIMAGES): # After the last player image, use the first one. currentImage = 0 mapNeedsRedraw = True elif event.type == KEYUP: # Unset the camera move mode. if event.key == K_a: cameraLeft = False elif event.key == K_d: cameraRight = False elif event.key == K_w: cameraUp = False elif event.key == K_s: cameraDown = False
if playerMoveTo != None and not levelIsComplete: # If the player pushed a key to move, make the move # (if possible) and push any stars that are pushable. moved = makeMove(mapObj, gameStateObj, playerMoveTo) if moved: # increment the step counter. gameStateObj['stepCounter'] += 1 mapNeedsRedraw = True if isLevelFinished(levelObj, gameStateObj): # level is solved, we should show the "Solved!" image. levelIsComplete = True keyPressed = False
如果 playerMoveTo
变量不再设置为 None
,那么我们知道玩家打算移动。对 makeMove()
的调用处理了改变 gameStateObj
中玩家位置的 XY 坐标,以及推动任何星星。makeMove()
的返回值存储在 moved
中。如果这个值是 True
,那么玩家角色就朝那个方向移动了。如果值是 False
DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) if mapNeedsRedraw: mapSurf = drawMap(mapObj, gameStateObj, levelObj['goals']) mapNeedsRedraw = False
变量中的 Surface 对象只有在 mapNeedsRedraw
变量被设置为 True
时才会通过调用 drawMap()
在第 225 行绘制地图后,mapNeedsRedraw
变量被设置为 False
。如果想要看到程序在游戏循环的每次迭代中绘制而变慢,可以注释掉第 226 行并重新运行程序。你会注意到移动摄像头会明显变慢。
if cameraUp and cameraOffsetY < MAX_CAM_X_PAN: cameraOffsetY += CAM_MOVE_SPEED elif cameraDown and cameraOffsetY > -MAX_CAM_X_PAN: cameraOffsetY -= CAM_MOVE_SPEED if cameraLeft and cameraOffsetX < MAX_CAM_Y_PAN: cameraOffsetX += CAM_MOVE_SPEED elif cameraRight and cameraOffsetX > -MAX_CAM_Y_PAN: cameraOffsetX -= CAM_MOVE_SPEED
如果摄像头移动变量被设置为 True
,并且摄像头没有超过由 MAX_CAM_X_PAN
设置的边界,那么摄像头位置(存储在 cameraOffsetX
和 cameraOffsetY
请注意,在第 228 行和第 230 行有一个 if
和 elif
语句用于上下移动摄像头,然后在第 232 行和第 234 行有一个单独的 if
和 elif
语句。这样,用户可以同时在垂直和水平方向上移动摄像头。如果第 232 行是一个 elif
# Adjust mapSurf's Rect object based on the camera offset. mapSurfRect = mapSurf.get_rect() mapSurfRect.center = (HALF_WINWIDTH + cameraOffsetX, HALF_WINHEIGHT + cameraOffsetY) # Draw mapSurf to the DISPLAYSURF Surface object. DISPLAYSURF.blit(mapSurf, mapSurfRect) DISPLAYSURF.blit(levelSurf, levelRect) stepSurf = BASICFONT.render('Steps: %s' % (gameStateObj['stepCounter']), 1, TEXTCOLOR) stepRect = stepSurf.get_rect() stepRect.bottomleft = (20, WINHEIGHT - 10) DISPLAYSURF.blit(stepSurf, stepRect) if levelIsComplete: # is solved, show the "Solved!" image until the player # has pressed a key. solvedRect = IMAGESDICT['solved'].get_rect() solvedRect.center = (HALF_WINWIDTH, HALF_WINHEIGHT) DISPLAYSURF.blit(IMAGESDICT['solved'], solvedRect) if keyPressed: return 'solved' pygame.display.update() # draw DISPLAYSURF to the screen. FPSCLOCK.tick()
237 到 261 行定位摄像头并将地图和其他图形绘制到DISPLAYSURF
def isWall(mapObj, x, y): """Returns True if the (x, y) position on the map is a wall, otherwise return False.""" if x < 0 or x >= len(mapObj) or y < 0 or y >= len(mapObj[x]): return False # x and y aren't actually on the map. elif mapObj[x][y] in ('#', 'x'): return True # wall is blocking return False
函数在地图对象的 XY 坐标处返回True
def decorateMap(mapObj, startxy): """Makes a copy of the given map object and modifies it. Here is what is done to it: * Walls that are corners are turned into corner pieces. * The outside/inside floor tile distinction is made. * Tree/rock decorations are randomly added to the outside tiles. Returns the decorated map object.""" startx, starty = startxy # Syntactic sugar # Copy the map object so we don't modify the original passed mapObjCopy = copy.deepcopy(mapObj)
# Remove the non-wall characters from the map data for x in range(len(mapObjCopy)): for y in range(len(mapObjCopy[0])): if mapObjCopy[x][y] in ('$', '.', '@', '+', '*'): mapObjCopy[x][y] = ' '
# Flood fill to determine inside/outside floor tiles. floodFill(mapObjCopy, startx, starty, ' ', 'o')
函数将把墙壁内的所有瓷砖从' '
# Convert the adjoined walls into corner tiles. for x in range(len(mapObjCopy)): for y in range(len(mapObjCopy[0])): if mapObjCopy[x][y] == '#': if (isWall(mapObjCopy, x, y-1) and isWall(mapObjCopy, x+1, y)) or \ (isWall(mapObjCopy, x+1, y) and isWall(mapObjCopy, x, y+1)) or \ (isWall(mapObjCopy, x, y+1) and isWall(mapObjCopy, x-1, y)) or \ (isWall(mapObjCopy, x-1, y) and isWall(mapObjCopy, x, y-1)): mapObjCopy[x][y] = 'x' elif mapObjCopy[x][y] == ' ' and random.randint(0, 99) < OUTSIDE_DECORATION_PCT: mapObjCopy[x][y] = random.choice(list(OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING.keys())) return mapObjCopy
301 行的大型多行if
语句检查当前 XY 坐标处的墙壁瓷砖是否是角落墙瓷砖,方法是检查是否有相邻的墙瓷砖形成角落形状。如果是,地图对象中表示普通墙壁的'#'
def isBlocked(mapObj, gameStateObj, x, y): """Returns True if the (x, y) position on the map is blocked by a wall or star, otherwise return False.""" if isWall(mapObj, x, y): return True elif x < 0 or x >= len(mapObj) or y < 0 or y >= len(mapObj[x]): return True # x and y aren't actually on the map. elif (x, y) in gameStateObj['stars']: return True # a star is blocking return False
函数检查这三种情况,如果 XY 坐标被阻塞则返回True
def makeMove(mapObj, gameStateObj, playerMoveTo): """Given a map and game state object, see if it is possible for the player to make the given move. If it is, then change the player's position (and the position of any pushed star). If not, do nothing. Returns True if the player moved, otherwise False.""" # Make sure the player can move in the direction they want. playerx, playery = gameStateObj['player'] # This variable is "syntactic sugar". Typing "stars" is more # readable than typing "gameStateObj['stars']" in our code. stars = gameStateObj['stars'] # The code for handling each of the directions is so similar aside # from adding or subtracting 1 to the x/y coordinates. We can # simplify it by using the xOffset and yOffset variables. if playerMoveTo == UP: xOffset = 0 yOffset = -1 elif playerMoveTo == RIGHT: xOffset = 1 yOffset = 0 elif playerMoveTo == DOWN: xOffset = 0 yOffset = 1 elif playerMoveTo == LEFT: xOffset = -1 yOffset = 0 # See if the player can move in that direction. if isWall(mapObj, playerx + xOffset, playery + yOffset): return False else: if (playerx + xOffset, playery + yOffset) in stars: # There is a star in the way, see if the player can push it. if not isBlocked(mapObj, gameStateObj, playerx + (xOffset*2), playery + (yOffset*2)): # Move the star. ind = stars.index((playerx + xOffset, playery + yOffset)) stars[ind] = (stars[ind][0] + xOffset, stars[ind][1] + yOffset) else: return False # Move the player upwards. gameStateObj['player'] = (playerx + xOffset, playery + yOffset) return True
def startScreen(): """Display the start screen (which has the title and instructions) until the player presses a key. Returns None.""" # Position the title image. titleRect = IMAGESDICT['title'].get_rect() topCoord = 50 # topCoord tracks where to position the top of the text titleRect.top = topCoord titleRect.centerx = HALF_WINWIDTH topCoord += titleRect.height # Unfortunately, Pygame's font & text system only shows one line at # a time, so we can't use strings with \n newline characters in them. # So we will use a list with each line in it. instructionText = ['Push the stars over the marks.', 'Arrow keys to move, WASD for camera control, P to change character.', 'Backspace to reset level, Esc to quit.', 'N for next level, B to go back a level.']
中,作为一个 Surface 对象(最初从star_title.png文件加载))将被定位在窗口顶部 50 像素处。这是因为整数50
被存储在 383 行的topCoord
变量将跟踪标题图像和指示文本的 Y 轴定位。X 轴始终设置为使图像和文本居中,就像 385 行中的标题图像一样。
386 行,topCoord
# Start with drawing a blank color to the entire window: DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) # Draw the title image to the window: DISPLAYSURF.blit(IMAGESDICT['title'], titleRect) # Position and draw the text. for i in range(len(instructionText)): instSurf = BASICFONT.render(instructionText[i], 1, TEXTCOLOR) instRect = instSurf.get_rect() topCoord += 10 # 10 pixels will go in between each line of text. instRect.top = topCoord instRect.centerx = HALF_WINWIDTH topCoord += instRect.height # Adjust for the height of the line. DISPLAYSURF.blit(instSurf, instRect)
400 行是标题图像被绘制到显示表面对象的地方。从 403 行开始的for
变量将始终按照先前渲染文本的大小(409 行)和额外的 10 个像素(406 行)递增,以便文本行之间有 10 像素的间隔。
while True: # Main loop for the start screen. for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: terminate() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: terminate() return # user has pressed a key, so return. # Display the DISPLAYSURF contents to the actual screen. pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick()
中有一个游戏循环,从第 412 行开始处理指示程序是否应终止或从startScreen()
Star Pusher 中的数据结构
Star Pusher 对级别、地图和游戏状态数据结构有特定的格式。
- 键为’player’的值将是当前玩家 XY 位置的两个整数元组。
- 键为’stepCounter’的值将是一个整数,用于跟踪玩家在本级别中移动了多少步(这样玩家可以尝试以更少的步骤解决谜题)。
- 键为’stars’的值是当前级别上每颗星星的 XY 值的两个整数元组的列表。
地图数据结构只是一个二维列表,其中使用的两个索引表示地图的 X 和 Y 坐标。列表中每个索引处的值是一个表示该地图上每个空间的标题的单个字符字符串:
- ‘#’ - 一个木墙。
- ‘x’ - 一个角落的墙。
- ‘@’ - 本级别玩家的起始空间。
- ‘.’ - 一个目标空间。
- ‘$’ - 一个星星在级别开始时所在的空间。
- ‘+’ - 一个有目标和起始玩家空间的空间。
- ‘*’ - 一个在级别开始时有一个目标和一颗星星的空间。
- ’ ’ - 一个草地户外空间。
- ‘o’ - 一个内部地板空间。(这是一个小写字母 O,不是零。)
- ‘1’ - 草地上的岩石。
- ‘2’ - 草地上的矮树。
- ‘3’ - 草地上的高树。
- ‘4’ - 草地上的丑陋树。
- 键为’width’的值是整数,表示整个地图有多少个瓷砖宽。
- 键为’height’的值是整数,表示整个地图有多少个瓷砖高。
- 键为’mapObj’的值是这个级别的地图对象。
- 键为’goals’的值是一个包含每个目标空间在地图上 XY 坐标的两个整数元组的列表。
- 键为’startState’的值是一个游戏状态对象,用于显示级别开始时星星和玩家的起始位置。
Python 有用于从玩家硬盘读取文件的函数。这对于让单独的文件保存每个级别的所有数据将非常有用。这也是一个好主意,因为为了获得新的级别,玩家不必更改游戏的源代码,而是可以只下载新的级别文件。
文本文件是包含简单文本数据的文件。在 Windows 中,文本文件是由记事本应用程序、Ubuntu 上的 Gedit 和 Mac OS X 上的 TextEdit 创建的。还有许多其他称为文本编辑器的程序可以创建和修改文本文件。IDLE 自己的文件编辑器是一个文本编辑器。
文本编辑器和文字处理器(如 Microsoft Word、OpenOffice Writer 或 iWork Pages)之间的区别在于文本编辑器只有文本。您无法设置文本的字体、大小或颜色。(IDLE 会根据 Python 代码的类型自动设置文本的颜色,但您无法自行更改,因此它仍然是一个文本编辑器。)文本和二进制文件之间的区别对于这个游戏程序并不重要,但您可以在invpy.com/textbinary
上阅读相关内容。您只需要知道这一章和 Star Pusher 程序只处理文本文件。
>>> textFile = open('hello.txt', 'w') >>>
如果您从交互式 shell 中运行此代码,此函数创建的hello.txt文件将在 python.exe 程序所在的同一文件夹中创建(在 Windows 上,这可能是 C:\Python32)。如果open()
函数是从.py 程序中调用的,则文件将在.py 文件所在的同一文件夹中创建。
>>> textFile = open('hello.txt', 'w') >>> textFile.write('This will be the content of the file.\nHello world!\n') >>>
要告诉 Python 您已经完成向该文件写入内容,应调用文件对象的close()
方法。(尽管 Python 会在程序结束时自动关闭任何打开的文件对象。)
>>> textFile.close()
>>> textFile = open('hello.txt', 'r') >>> content = textFile.readlines() >>> textFile.close()
>>> content ['This will be the content of the file.\n', 'Hello world!\n'] >>>
>>> textFile = open('hello.txt', 'r') >>> content = textFile.read() >>> content 'This will be the content of the file.\nHello world!\n'
函数的第二个参数,Python 将假定您要以读模式打开文件。因此,open('foobar.txt', 'r')
关于 Star Pusher 地图文件格式
幸运的是,我们将使用的地图文件格式已经为我们定义好了。有许多 Sokoban 游戏(您可以在invpy.com/sokobanclones
; Star Pusher (Sokoban clone) ; http://inventwithpython.com/blog ; By Al Sweigart [email protected] ; ; Everything after the ; is a comment and will be ignored by the game that ; reads in this file. ; ; The format is described at: ; http://sokobano.de/wiki/index.php?title=Level_format ; @ - The starting position of the player. ; $ - The starting position for a pushable star. ; . - A goal where a star needs to be pushed. ; + - Player & goal ; * - Star & goal ; (space) - an empty open space. ; # - A wall. ; ; Level maps are separated by a blank line (I like to use a ; at the start ; of the line since it is more visible.) ; ; I tried to use the same format as other people use for their Sokoban games, ; so that loading new levels is easy. Just place the levels in a text file ; and name it "starPusherLevels.txt" (after renaming this file, of course). ; Starting demo level: ######## ## # # . # # $ # # .$@$. # ####$ # #. # # ## #####
def readLevelsFile(filename): assert os.path.exists(filename), 'Cannot find the level file: %s' % (filename)
mapFile = open(filename, 'r') # Each level must end with a blank line content = mapFile.readlines() + ['\r\n'] mapFile.close() levels = [] # Will contain a list of level objects. levelNum = 0 mapTextLines = [] # contains the lines for a single level's map. mapObj = [] # the map object made from the data in mapTextLines
for lineNum in range(len(content)): # Process each line that was in the level file. line = content[lineNum].rstrip('\r\n')
第 437 行的for
if ';' in line: # Ignore the ; lines, they're comments in the level file. line = line[:line.find(';')]
地图文件中分号后存在的任何文本都被视为注释并被忽略。这就像 Python 注释的#
if line != '': # This line is part of the map. mapTextLines.append(line)
elif line == '' and len(mapTextLines) > 0: # A blank line indicates the end of a level's map in the file. # Convert the text in mapTextLines into a level object.
# Find the longest row in the map. maxWidth = -1 for i in range(len(mapTextLines)): if len(mapTextLines[i]) > maxWidth: maxWidth = len(mapTextLines[i])
# Add spaces to the ends of the shorter rows. This # ensures the map will be rectangular. for i in range(len(mapTextLines)): mapTextLines[i] += ' ' * (maxWidth - len(mapTextLines[i]))
第 459 行的for
# Convert mapTextLines to a map object. for x in range(len(mapTextLines[0])): mapObj.append([]) for y in range(len(mapTextLines)): for x in range(maxWidth): mapObj[x].append(mapTextLines[y][x])
变量只存储一个字符串列表。(列表中的每个字符串代表一行,字符串中的每个字符代表不同列的字符。这就是为什么第 467 行的 Y 和 X 索引被颠倒,就像 Tetromino 游戏中的SHAPES
引用 XY 坐标处的瓦片。第 463 行的for
循环在第 465 和 466 行将使用单个字符字符串填充这些列表,以表示地图上的每个瓦片。这创建了 Star Pusher 使用的地图对象。
# Loop through the spaces in the map and find the @, ., and $ # characters for the starting game state. startx = None # The x and y for the player's starting position starty = None goals = [] # list of (x, y) tuples for each goal. stars = [] # list of (x, y) for each star's starting position. for x in range(maxWidth): for y in range(len(mapObj[x])): if mapObj[x][y] in ('@', '+'): # '@' is player, '+' is player & goal startx = x starty = y if mapObj[x][y] in ('.', '+', '*'): # '.' is goal, '*' is star & goal goals.append((x, y)) if mapObj[x][y] in ('$', '*'): # '$' is star stars.append((x, y))
创建地图对象后,第 475 和 476 行的嵌套for
循环将遍历每个空格,以找到 XY 坐标的三个事物:
- 玩家的起始位置。这将存储在
变量中,然后稍后在第 494 行存储在游戏状态对象中。 - 所有星星的起始位置将存储在
列表中,该列表稍后将存储在第 496 行的游戏状态对象中。 - 所有目标的位置。这些将存储在
列表中,稍后将在第 500 行存储在级别对象中。
# Basic level design sanity checks: assert startx != None and starty != None, 'Level %s (around line %s) in %s is missing a "@" or "+" to mark the start point.' % (levelNum+1, lineNum, filename) assert len(goals) > 0, 'Level %s (around line %s) in %s must have at least one goal.' % (levelNum+1, lineNum, filename) assert len(stars) >= len(goals), 'Level %s (around line %s) in %s is impossible to solve. It has %s goals but only %s stars.' % (levelNum+1, lineNum, filename, len(goals), len(stars))
,那么 Python 将产生一个错误(使用assert
第一条断言在第 489 行检查,以确保地图上某处列出了玩家的起点。第二条断言在第 490 行检查,以确保地图上至少有一个目标(或更多)。第 491 行的第三个断言检查,以确保每个目标至少有一个星星(但允许星星的数量多于目标)。
# Create level object and starting game state object. gameStateObj = {'player': (startx, starty), 'stepCounter': 0, 'stars': stars} levelObj = {'width': maxWidth, 'height': len(mapObj), 'mapObj': mapObj, 'goals': goals, 'startState': gameStateObj} levels.append(levelObj)
最后,这些对象被存储在游戏状态对象中,游戏状态对象本身存储在级别对象中。级别对象被添加到级别对象列表中的 503 行。当所有地图都被处理完毕时,readLevelsFile()
# Reset the variables for reading the next map. mapTextLines = [] mapObj = [] gameStateObj = {} levelNum += 1 return levels
变量也会增加 1,以便下一个级别的级别编号。
A. def passFortyTwoWhenYouCallThisFunction(param): B. print('Start of function.') C. if param != 42: D. print('You did not pass 42 when you called this function.') E. print('Fine. I will do it myself.') F. passFortyTwoWhenYouCallThisFunction(42) # this is the recursive call G. if param == 42: H. print('Thank you for passing 42 when you called this function.') I. print('End of function.') passFortyTwoWhenYouCallThisFunction(41)
语句在 A 行执行时定义了函数。执行的下一行代码是 K 行,它调用passFortyTwoWhenYouCallThisFunction()
。结果,函数在 F 行调用自身并传递 42。我们称这个调用为递归调用。
Start of function. You did not pass 42 when you called this function. Fine. I will do it myself. Start of function. Thank you for passing 42 when you called this function. End of function. End of function.
在 K 行,函数被调用并传递 41 作为参数。B 行打印出“函数开始”。C 行的条件将是True
(因为41 != 42
),所以 C 行和 D 行将打印出它们的消息。然后 F 行将递归调用函数并传递 42 作为参数。因此,执行再次从 B 行开始,并打印出“函数开始”。C 行的条件这次是False
,所以它跳到 G 行并发现条件为True
。这导致 H 行被调用并在屏幕上显示“谢谢……”。然后函数的最后一行,I 行,将执行打印出“函数结束”。函数返回到调用它的行。
但请记住,调用函数的代码行是 F 行。在这个原始调用中,参数被设置为41
。代码继续到 G 行并检查条件,这是False
(因为41 == 42
),所以它跳过了 H 行的print()
调用。相反,它运行了 I 行的print()
由于已经到达函数的末尾,它返回到调用此函数调用的代码行,这是 K 行。在 K 行之后没有更多的代码行,所以程序终止。
每次调用函数时,Python 解释器都会记住是哪一行代码进行了调用。这样,当函数返回时,Python 就知道从哪里恢复执行。记住这一点会占用一点内存。这通常不是什么大问题,但看看这段代码:
def funky(): funky() funky()
... File "C:\test67.py", line 2, in funky funky() File "C:\test67.py", line 2, in funky funky() File "C:\test67.py", line 2, in funky funky() File "C:\test67.py", line 2, in funky funky() File "C:\test67.py", line 2, in funky funky() RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
函数什么也不做,只是调用自身。然后在那个调用中,函数再次调用自身。然后再次调用自身,一次又一次。每次调用自身时,Python 都必须记住是哪一行代码发起了调用,以便在函数返回时可以在那里恢复执行。但funky()
这就像无限循环错误一样,程序一直运行而不停止。为了防止内存耗尽,Python 将在调用深度达到 1000 次后引发错误并使程序崩溃。这种类型的错误称为堆栈溢出。
def spam(): eggs() def eggs(): spam() spam()
... File "C:\test67.py", line 2, in spam eggs() File "C:\test67.py", line 5, in eggs spam() File "C:\test67.py", line 2, in spam eggs() File "C:\test67.py", line 5, in eggs spam() File "C:\test67.py", line 2, in spam eggs() RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
为了防止堆栈溢出错误,必须有一个基本情况,函数在那里停止进行新的递归调用。如果没有基本情况,那么函数调用将永远不会停止,最终会发生堆栈溢出。这是一个具有基本情况的递归函数的示例。基本情况是当 param 参数等于 2 时。
def fizz(param): print(param) if param == 2: return fizz(param - 1) fizz(5)
5 4 3 2
这个程序没有堆栈溢出错误,因为一旦 param 参数设置为2
File "C:\rectest.py", line 5, in fizz fizz(param - 1) File "C:\rectest.py", line 5, in fizz fizz(param - 1) File "C:\rectest.py", line 5, in fizz fizz(param - 1) File "C:\rectest.py", line 2, in fizz print(param) RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
泛洪填充算法用于在 Star Pusher 中将级别墙壁内部的所有地板瓷砖更改为使用“内部地板”瓷砖图像,而不是“外部地板”瓷砖(默认情况下地图上的所有瓷砖都是如此)。原始的floodFill()
调用在第 295 行。它将任何用’ ‘字符串表示的瓷砖(表示室外地板)转换为’o’`字符串(表示室内地板)。
def floodFill(mapObj, x, y, oldCharacter, newCharacter): """Changes any values matching oldCharacter on the map object to newCharacter at the (x, y) position, and does the same for the positions to the left, right, down, and up of (x, y), recursively.""" # In this game, the flood fill algorithm creates the inside/outside # floor distinction. This is a "recursive" function. # For more info on the Flood Fill algorithm, see: # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_fill if mapObj[x][y] == oldCharacter: mapObj[x][y] = newCharacter
第 522 和 523 行将传递给floodFill()
的 XY 坐标处的瓷砖转换为newCharacter
if x < len(mapObj) - 1 and mapObj[x+1][y] == oldCharacter: floodFill(mapObj, x+1, y, oldCharacter, newCharacter) # call right if x > 0 and mapObj[x-1][y] == oldCharacter: floodFill(mapObj, x-1, y, oldCharacter, newCharacter) # call left if y < len(mapObj[x]) - 1 and mapObj[x][y+1] == oldCharacter: floodFill(mapObj, x, y+1, oldCharacter, newCharacter) # call down if y > 0 and mapObj[x][y-1] == oldCharacter: floodFill(mapObj, x, y-1, oldCharacter, newCharacter) # call up
语句检查 XY 坐标右侧、左侧、下方和上方的瓷砖是否与oldCharacter
函数的工作原理,这里有一个不使用递归调用,而是使用 XY 坐标列表来跟踪地图上应该被检查并可能更改为newCharacter
def floodFill(mapObj, x, y, oldCharacter, newCharacter): spacesToCheck = [] if mapObj[x][y] == oldCharacter: spacesToCheck.append((x, y)) while spacesToCheck != []: x, y = spacesToCheck.pop() mapObj[x][y] = newCharacter if x < len(mapObj) - 1 and mapObj[x+1][y] == oldCharacter: spacesToCheck.append((x+1, y)) # check right if x > 0 and mapObj[x-1][y] == oldCharacter: spacesToCheck.append((x-1, y)) # check left if y < len(mapObj[x]) - 1 and mapObj[x][y+1] == oldCharacter: spacesToCheck.append((x, y+1)) # check down if y > 0 and mapObj[x][y-1] == oldCharacter: spacesToCheck.append((x, y-1)) # check up
def drawMap(mapObj, gameStateObj, goals): """Draws the map to a Surface object, including the player and stars. This function does not call pygame.display.update(), nor does it draw the "Level" and "Steps" text in the corner.""" # mapSurf will be the single Surface object that the tiles are drawn # on, so that it is easy to position the entire map on the DISPLAYSURF # Surface object. First, the width and height must be calculated. mapSurfWidth = len(mapObj) * TILEWIDTH mapSurfHeight = (len(mapObj[0]) - 1) * (TILEHEIGHT - TILEFLOORHEIGHT) + TILEHEIGHT mapSurf = pygame.Surface((mapSurfWidth, mapSurfHeight)) mapSurf.fill(BGCOLOR) # start with a blank color on the surface.
函数将返回一个 Surface 对象,上面绘制了整个地图(以及玩家和星星)。需要从mapObj
计算出这个 Surface 所需的宽度和高度(在第 543 和 544 行完成)。在第 545 行创建了将绘制所有内容的 Surface 对象。首先,在第 546 行将整个 Surface 对象绘制为背景颜色。
# Draw the tile sprites onto this surface. for x in range(len(mapObj)): for y in range(len(mapObj[x])): spaceRect = pygame.Rect((x * TILEWIDTH, y * (TILEHEIGHT - TILEFLOORHEIGHT), TILEWIDTH, TILEHEIGHT))
第 549 和 550 行的嵌套for
循环将遍历地图上的每个可能的 XY 坐标,并在该位置绘制适当的瓷砖图像。
if mapObj[x][y] in TILEMAPPING: baseTile = TILEMAPPING[mapObj[x][y]] elif mapObj[x][y] in OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING: baseTile = TILEMAPPING[' '] # First draw the base ground/wall tile. mapSurf.blit(baseTile, spaceRect)
变量设置为要在迭代当前 XY 坐标处绘制的瓷砖图像的 Surface 对象。如果单字符字符串在OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING
字典中,则将使用TILEMAPPING[' ']
if mapObj[x][y] in OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING: # Draw any tree/rock decorations that are on this tile. mapSurf.blit(OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING[mapObj[x][y]], spaceRect)
字典中列出,相应的树木或岩石图像应该绘制在刚刚在该 XY 坐标处绘制的瓷砖上。
elif (x, y) in gameStateObj['stars']: if (x, y) in goals: # A goal AND star are on this space, draw goal first. mapSurf.blit(IMAGESDICT['covered goal'], spaceRect) # Then draw the star sprite. mapSurf.blit(IMAGESDICT['star'], spaceRect)
如果地图上的此 XY 坐标处有一个星星(可以通过检查gameStateObj['stars']
列表中的(x, y)
是否存在来找到),那么应该在此 XY 坐标处绘制一个星星(在第 568 行完成)。在绘制星星之前,代码应该首先检查此位置是否也有一个目标,如果是的话,应该先绘制“覆盖的目标”瓷砖。
elif (x, y) in goals: # Draw a goal without a star on it. mapSurf.blit(IMAGESDICT['uncovered goal'], spaceRect)
如果地图上的此 XY 坐标处有一个目标,那么“未覆盖的目标”应该绘制在瓷砖的顶部。绘制未覆盖的目标是因为如果执行已经到达第 569 行的elif
语句,我们知道第 563 行的elif
,并且在此 XY 坐标处也没有星星。
# Last draw the player on the board. if (x, y) == gameStateObj['player']: # Note: The value "currentImage" refers # to a key in "PLAYERIMAGES" which has the # specific player image we want to show. mapSurf.blit(PLAYERIMAGES[currentImage], spaceRect) return mapSurf
函数检查玩家是否位于此 XY 坐标,如果是,则玩家的图像将覆盖在瓷砖上。第 580 行位于从第 549 行和 550 行开始的嵌套for
循环之外,因此在返回 Surface 对象时,整个地图已经绘制在上面。
def isLevelFinished(levelObj, gameStateObj): """Returns True if all the goals have stars in them.""" for goal in levelObj['goals']: if goal not in gameStateObj['stars']: # Found a space with a goal but no star on it. return False return True
第 585 行的for
中的目标(这是每个目标的 XY 坐标元组列表),并检查gameStateObj['stars']
列表中是否有相同的 XY 坐标的星星(not in
是这些相同 XY 坐标的元组列表)。代码第一次发现一个没有星星的目标在相同的位置时,函数返回False
def terminate(): pygame.quit() sys.exit()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
在定义了所有函数之后,调用第 602 行的main()
您甚至不需要知道如何编写 Python 代码来制作自己的关卡。修改starPusherLevels.txt文件的文本编辑程序是任何人都需要拥有自己的推星星游戏关卡编辑器的全部。
下载推星星的有 bug 版本,并尝试找出如何修复这些 bug。
- Flippy – 一个“Othello”克隆,玩家试图翻转计算机 AI 玩家的方块。
- Ink Spill – 一个使用泛洪填充算法的“Flood It”克隆。
- Four in a Row – 一个“Connect Four”克隆,与计算机 AI 玩家对战。
- Gemgem – 一个“Bejeweled”克隆,玩家交换宝石以尝试获得三个相同的宝石排成一行。
如果您对本书中的源代码有任何疑问,请随时通过电子邮件联系作者[email protected]。
Othello,也被称为 Reversi,是一个 8x8 的棋盘,棋子一面是黑色,另一面是白色。起始棋盘如图 10-1 所示。每个玩家轮流放置自己颜色的新方块。任何处于新方块和同色其他方块之间的对手方块都会被翻转。游戏的目标是尽可能多地拥有自己颜色的方块。例如,图 10-2 是当白方在 5, 6 处放置一个新的白色方块时的情况。
Reversi 游戏的起始棋盘上有两个白色方块和两个黑色方块。 | 白方放置一个新方块。 |
5, 5 处的黑色方块位于新的白色方块和已有的白色方块 5, 4 之间。该黑色方块被翻转并成为新的白色方块,使得棋盘看起来像图 10-3。黑方接下来也进行类似的移动,在 4, 6 处放置一个黑色方块,翻转了 5, 4 处的白色方块。这导致了一个看起来像图 10-4 的棋盘。
白方的移动将翻转黑方的一个方块。 | 黑方放置一个新方块,翻转白方的一个方块。 |
只要它们处于玩家新方块和已有方块之间,所有方向上的方块都会被翻转。在图 10-5 中,白方在 3, 6 处放置一个方块,并在两个方向上翻转了黑色方块(由线标记)。结果如图 10-6 所示。
白方在 3, 6 处的第二步将翻转两个黑方的方块。 | 白方的第二步后的棋盘。 |
您可以从维基百科了解更多关于 Reversi 的信息:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reversi
而不是 Pygame,出现在“用 Python 发明自己的计算机游戏”第 15 章。您可以阅读该章节了解计算机 AI 算法是如何组合的。inventwithpython.com/chapter15.html
这个游戏的电脑 AI 非常出色,因为计算机很容易模拟每一种可能的走法,并选择翻转最多瓷砖的走法。每当我玩的时候,它通常都会打败我。
Flippy 的源代码
Flippy 使用的图像文件可以从invpy.com/flippyimages.zip
# Flippy (an Othello or Reversi clone) # By Al Sweigart [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) # http://inventwithpython.com/pygame # Released under a "Simplified BSD" license # Based on the "reversi.py" code that originally appeared in "Invent # Your Own Computer Games with Python", chapter 15: # http://inventwithpython.com/chapter15.html import random, sys, pygame, time, copy from pygame.locals import * FPS = 10 # frames per second to update the screen WINDOWWIDTH = 640 # width of the program's window, in pixels WINDOWHEIGHT = 480 # height in pixels SPACESIZE = 50 # width & height of each space on the board, in pixels BOARDWIDTH = 8 # how many columns of spaces on the game board BOARDHEIGHT = 8 # how many rows of spaces on the game board WHITE_TILE = 'WHITE_TILE' # an arbitrary but unique value BLACK_TILE = 'BLACK_TILE' # an arbitrary but unique value EMPTY_SPACE = 'EMPTY_SPACE' # an arbitrary but unique value HINT_TILE = 'HINT_TILE' # an arbitrary but unique value ANIMATIONSPEED = 25 # integer from 1 to 100, higher is faster animation # Amount of space on the left & right side (XMARGIN) or above and below # (YMARGIN) the game board, in pixels. XMARGIN = int((WINDOWWIDTH - (BOARDWIDTH * SPACESIZE)) / 2) YMARGIN = int((WINDOWHEIGHT - (BOARDHEIGHT * SPACESIZE)) / 2) # R G B WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0) GREEN = ( 0, 155, 0) BRIGHTBLUE = ( 0, 50, 255) BROWN = (174, 94, 0) TEXTBGCOLOR1 = BRIGHTBLUE TEXTBGCOLOR2 = GREEN GRIDLINECOLOR = BLACK TEXTCOLOR = WHITE HINTCOLOR = BROWN def main(): global MAINCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, FONT, BIGFONT, BGIMAGE pygame.init() MAINCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('Flippy') FONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 16) BIGFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 32) # Set up the background image. boardImage = pygame.image.load('flippyboard.png') # Use smoothscale() to stretch the board image to fit the entire board: boardImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(boardImage, (BOARDWIDTH * SPACESIZE, BOARDHEIGHT * SPACESIZE)) boardImageRect = boardImage.get_rect() boardImageRect.topleft = (XMARGIN, YMARGIN) BGIMAGE = pygame.image.load('flippybackground.png') # Use smoothscale() to stretch the background image to fit the entire window: BGIMAGE = pygame.transform.smoothscale(BGIMAGE, (WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) BGIMAGE.blit(boardImage, boardImageRect) # Run the main game. while True: if runGame() == False: break def runGame(): # Plays a single game of reversi each time this function is called. # Reset the board and game. mainBoard = getNewBoard() resetBoard(mainBoard) showHints = False turn = random.choice(['computer', 'player']) # Draw the starting board and ask the player what color they want. drawBoard(mainBoard) playerTile, computerTile = enterPlayerTile() # Make the Surface and Rect objects for the "New Game" and "Hints" buttons newGameSurf = FONT.render('New Game', True, TEXTCOLOR, TEXTBGCOLOR2) newGameRect = newGameSurf.get_rect() newGameRect.topright = (WINDOWWIDTH - 8, 10) hintsSurf = FONT.render('Hints', True, TEXTCOLOR, TEXTBGCOLOR2) hintsRect = hintsSurf.get_rect() hintsRect.topright = (WINDOWWIDTH - 8, 40) while True: # main game loop # Keep looping for player and computer's turns. if turn == 'player': # Player's turn: if getValidMoves(mainBoard, playerTile) == []: # If it's the player's turn but they # can't move, then end the game. break movexy = None while movexy == None: # Keep looping until the player clicks on a valid space. # Determine which board data structure to use for display. if showHints: boardToDraw = getBoardWithValidMoves(mainBoard, playerTile) else: boardToDraw = mainBoard checkForQuit() for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: # Handle mouse click events mousex, mousey = event.pos if newGameRect.collidepoint( (mousex, mousey) ): # Start a new game return True elif hintsRect.collidepoint( (mousex, mousey) ): # Toggle hints mode showHints = not showHints # movexy is set to a two-item tuple XY coordinate, or None value movexy = getSpaceClicked(mousex, mousey) if movexy != None and not isValidMove(mainBoard, playerTile, movexy[0], movexy[1]): movexy = None # Draw the game board. drawBoard(boardToDraw) drawInfo(boardToDraw, playerTile, computerTile, turn) # Draw the "New Game" and "Hints" buttons. DISPLAYSURF.blit(newGameSurf, newGameRect) DISPLAYSURF.blit(hintsSurf, hintsRect) MAINCLOCK.tick(FPS) pygame.display.update() # Make the move and end the turn. makeMove(mainBoard, playerTile, movexy[0], movexy[1], True) if getValidMoves(mainBoard, computerTile) != []: # Only set for the computer's turn if it can make a move. turn = 'computer' else: # Computer's turn: if getValidMoves(mainBoard, computerTile) == []: # If it was set to be the computer's turn but # they can't move, then end the game. break # Draw the board. drawBoard(mainBoard) drawInfo(mainBoard, playerTile, computerTile, turn) # Draw the "New Game" and "Hints" buttons. DISPLAYSURF.blit(newGameSurf, newGameRect) DISPLAYSURF.blit(hintsSurf, hintsRect) # Make it look like the computer is thinking by pausing a bit. pauseUntil = time.time() + random.randint(5, 15) * 0.1 while time.time() < pauseUntil: pygame.display.update() # Make the move and end the turn. x, y = getComputerMove(mainBoard, computerTile) makeMove(mainBoard, computerTile, x, y, True) if getValidMoves(mainBoard, playerTile) != []: # Only set for the player's turn if they can make a move. turn = 'player' # Display the final score. drawBoard(mainBoard) scores = getScoreOfBoard(mainBoard) # Determine the text of the message to display. if scores[playerTile] > scores[computerTile]: text = 'You beat the computer by %s points! Congratulations!' % \ (scores[playerTile] - scores[computerTile]) elif scores[playerTile] < scores[computerTile]: text = 'You lost. The computer beat you by %s points.' % \ (scores[computerTile] - scores[playerTile]) else: text = 'The game was a tie!' textSurf = FONT.render(text, True, TEXTCOLOR, TEXTBGCOLOR1) textRect = textSurf.get_rect() textRect.center = (int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2), int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(textSurf, textRect) # Display the "Play again?" text with Yes and No buttons. text2Surf = BIGFONT.render('Play again?', True, TEXTCOLOR, TEXTBGCOLOR1) text2Rect = text2Surf.get_rect() text2Rect.center = (int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2), int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2) + 50) # Make "Yes" button. yesSurf = BIGFONT.render('Yes', True, TEXTCOLOR, TEXTBGCOLOR1) yesRect = yesSurf.get_rect() yesRect.center = (int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2) - 60, int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2) + 90) # Make "No" button. noSurf = BIGFONT.render('No', True, TEXTCOLOR, TEXTBGCOLOR1) noRect = noSurf.get_rect() noRect.center = (int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2) + 60, int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2) + 90) while True: # Process events until the user clicks on Yes or No. checkForQuit() for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: mousex, mousey = event.pos if yesRect.collidepoint( (mousex, mousey) ): return True elif noRect.collidepoint( (mousex, mousey) ): return False DISPLAYSURF.blit(textSurf, textRect) DISPLAYSURF.blit(text2Surf, text2Rect) DISPLAYSURF.blit(yesSurf, yesRect) DISPLAYSURF.blit(noSurf, noRect) pygame.display.update() MAINCLOCK.tick(FPS) def translateBoardToPixelCoord(x, y): return XMARGIN + x * SPACESIZE + int(SPACESIZE / 2), YMARGIN + y * SPACESIZE + int(SPACESIZE / 2) def animateTileChange(tilesToFlip, tileColor, additionalTile): # Draw the additional tile that was just laid down. (Otherwise we'd # have to completely redraw the board & the board info.) if tileColor == WHITE_TILE: additionalTileColor = WHITE else: additionalTileColor = BLACK additionalTileX, additionalTileY = translateBoardToPixelCoord(additionalTile[0], additionalTile[1]) pygame.draw.circle(DISPLAYSURF, additionalTileColor, (additionalTileX, additionalTileY), int(SPACESIZE / 2) - 4) pygame.display.update() for rgbValues in range(0, 255, int(ANIMATIONSPEED * 2.55)): if rgbValues > 255: rgbValues = 255 elif rgbValues < 0: rgbValues = 0 if tileColor == WHITE_TILE: color = tuple([rgbValues] * 3) # rgbValues goes from 0 to 255 elif tileColor == BLACK_TILE: color = tuple([255 - rgbValues] * 3) # rgbValues goes from 255 to 0 for x, y in tilesToFlip: centerx, centery = translateBoardToPixelCoord(x, y) pygame.draw.circle(DISPLAYSURF, color, (centerx, centery), int(SPACESIZE / 2) - 4) pygame.display.update() MAINCLOCK.tick(FPS) checkForQuit() def drawBoard(board): # Draw background of board. DISPLAYSURF.blit(BGIMAGE, BGIMAGE.get_rect()) # Draw grid lines of the board. for x in range(BOARDWIDTH + 1): # Draw the horizontal lines. startx = (x * SPACESIZE) + XMARGIN starty = YMARGIN endx = (x * SPACESIZE) + XMARGIN endy = YMARGIN + (BOARDHEIGHT * SPACESIZE) pygame.draw.line(DISPLAYSURF, GRIDLINECOLOR, (startx, starty), (endx, endy)) for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT + 1): # Draw the vertical lines. startx = XMARGIN starty = (y * SPACESIZE) + YMARGIN endx = XMARGIN + (BOARDWIDTH * SPACESIZE) endy = (y * SPACESIZE) + YMARGIN pygame.draw.line(DISPLAYSURF, GRIDLINECOLOR, (startx, starty), (endx, endy)) # Draw the black & white tiles or hint spots. for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): centerx, centery = translateBoardToPixelCoord(x, y) if board[x][y] == WHITE_TILE or board[x][y] == BLACK_TILE: if board[x][y] == WHITE_TILE: tileColor = WHITE else: tileColor = BLACK pygame.draw.circle(DISPLAYSURF, tileColor, (centerx, centery), int(SPACESIZE / 2) - 4) if board[x][y] == HINT_TILE: pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, HINTCOLOR, (centerx - 4, centery - 4, 8, 8)) def getSpaceClicked(mousex, mousey): # Return a tuple of two integers of the board space coordinates where # the mouse was clicked. (Or returns None not in any space.) for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): if mousex > x * SPACESIZE + XMARGIN and \ mousex < (x + 1) * SPACESIZE + XMARGIN and \ mousey > y * SPACESIZE + YMARGIN and \ mousey < (y + 1) * SPACESIZE + YMARGIN: return (x, y) return None def drawInfo(board, playerTile, computerTile, turn): # Draws scores and whose turn it is at the bottom of the screen. scores = getScoreOfBoard(board) scoreSurf = FONT.render("Player Score: %s Computer Score: %s %s's Turn" % (str(scores[playerTile]), str(scores[computerTile]), turn.title()), True, TEXTCOLOR) scoreRect = scoreSurf.get_rect() scoreRect.bottomleft = (10, WINDOWHEIGHT - 5) DISPLAYSURF.blit(scoreSurf, scoreRect) def resetBoard(board): # Blanks out the board it is passed, and sets up starting tiles. for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): board[x][y] = EMPTY_SPACE # Add starting pieces to the center board[3][3] = WHITE_TILE board[3][4] = BLACK_TILE board[4][3] = BLACK_TILE board[4][4] = WHITE_TILE def getNewBoard(): # Creates a brand new, empty board data structure. board = [] for i in range(BOARDWIDTH): board.append([EMPTY_SPACE] * BOARDHEIGHT) return board def isValidMove(board, tile, xstart, ystart): # Returns False if the player's move is invalid. If it is a valid # move, returns a list of spaces of the captured pieces. if board[xstart][ystart] != EMPTY_SPACE or not isOnBoard(xstart, ystart): return False board[xstart][ystart] = tile # temporarily set the tile on the board. if tile == WHITE_TILE: otherTile = BLACK_TILE else: otherTile = WHITE_TILE tilesToFlip = [] # check each of the eight directions: for xdirection, ydirection in [[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [1, -1], [0, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1]]: x, y = xstart, ystart x += xdirection y += ydirection if isOnBoard(x, y) and board[x][y] == otherTile: # The piece belongs to the other player next to our piece. x += xdirection y += ydirection if not isOnBoard(x, y): continue while board[x][y] == otherTile: x += xdirection y += ydirection if not isOnBoard(x, y): break # break out of while loop, continue in for loop if not isOnBoard(x, y): continue if board[x][y] == tile: # There are pieces to flip over. Go in the reverse # direction until we reach the original space, noting all # the tiles along the way. while True: x -= xdirection y -= ydirection if x == xstart and y == ystart: break tilesToFlip.append([x, y]) board[xstart][ystart] = EMPTY_SPACE # make space empty if len(tilesToFlip) == 0: # If no tiles flipped, this move is invalid return False return tilesToFlip def isOnBoard(x, y): # Returns True if the coordinates are located on the board. return x >= 0 and x < BOARDWIDTH and y >= 0 and y < BOARDHEIGHT def getBoardWithValidMoves(board, tile): # Returns a new board with hint markings. dupeBoard = copy.deepcopy(board) for x, y in getValidMoves(dupeBoard, tile): dupeBoard[x][y] = HINT_TILE return dupeBoard def getValidMoves(board, tile): # Returns a list of (x,y) tuples of all valid moves. validMoves = [] for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): if isValidMove(board, tile, x, y) != False: validMoves.append((x, y)) return validMoves def getScoreOfBoard(board): # Determine the score by counting the tiles. xscore = 0 oscore = 0 for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): if board[x][y] == WHITE_TILE: xscore += 1 if board[x][y] == BLACK_TILE: oscore += 1 return {WHITE_TILE:xscore, BLACK_TILE:oscore} def enterPlayerTile(): # Draws the text and handles the mouse click events for letting # the player choose which color they want to be. Returns # [WHITE_TILE, BLACK_TILE] if the player chooses to be White, # [BLACK_TILE, WHITE_TILE] if Black. # Create the text. textSurf = FONT.render('Do you want to be white or black?', True, TEXTCOLOR, TEXTBGCOLOR1) textRect = textSurf.get_rect() textRect.center = (int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2), int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2)) xSurf = BIGFONT.render('White', True, TEXTCOLOR, TEXTBGCOLOR1) xRect = xSurf.get_rect() xRect.center = (int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2) - 60, int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2) + 40) oSurf = BIGFONT.render('Black', True, TEXTCOLOR, TEXTBGCOLOR1) oRect = oSurf.get_rect() oRect.center = (int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2) + 60, int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2) + 40) while True: # Keep looping until the player has clicked on a color. checkForQuit() for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: mousex, mousey = event.pos if xRect.collidepoint( (mousex, mousey) ): return [WHITE_TILE, BLACK_TILE] elif oRect.collidepoint( (mousex, mousey) ): return [BLACK_TILE, WHITE_TILE] # Draw the screen. DISPLAYSURF.blit(textSurf, textRect) DISPLAYSURF.blit(xSurf, xRect) DISPLAYSURF.blit(oSurf, oRect) pygame.display.update() MAINCLOCK.tick(FPS) def makeMove(board, tile, xstart, ystart, realMove=False): # Place the tile on the board at xstart, ystart, and flip tiles # Returns False if this is an invalid move, True if it is valid. tilesToFlip = isValidMove(board, tile, xstart, ystart) if tilesToFlip == False: return False board[xstart][ystart] = tile if realMove: animateTileChange(tilesToFlip, tile, (xstart, ystart)) for x, y in tilesToFlip: board[x][y] = tile return True def isOnCorner(x, y): # Returns True if the position is in one of the four corners. return (x == 0 and y == 0) or \ (x == BOARDWIDTH and y == 0) or \ (x == 0 and y == BOARDHEIGHT) or \ (x == BOARDWIDTH and y == BOARDHEIGHT) def getComputerMove(board, computerTile): # Given a board and the computer's tile, determine where to # move and return that move as a [x, y] list. possibleMoves = getValidMoves(board, computerTile) # randomize the order of the possible moves random.shuffle(possibleMoves) # always go for a corner if available. for x, y in possibleMoves: if isOnCorner(x, y): return [x, y] # Go through all possible moves and remember the best scoring move bestScore = -1 for x, y in possibleMoves: dupeBoard = copy.deepcopy(board) makeMove(dupeBoard, computerTile, x, y) score = getScoreOfBoard(dupeBoard)[computerTile] if score > bestScore: bestMove = [x, y] bestScore = score return bestMove def checkForQuit(): for event in pygame.event.get((QUIT, KEYUP)): # event handling loop if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() sys.exit() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Ink Spill,一个“Flood It”克隆
游戏“Flood It”从一个填满彩色瓷砖的棋盘开始。在每一轮中,玩家选择一个新颜色来涂抹左上角的瓷砖,以及相邻的相同颜色的瓷砖。这个游戏使用了泛洪填充算法(在 Star Pusher 章节中有描述)。游戏的目标是在用完所有回合之前将整个棋盘变成单一颜色。
Ink Spill 的源代码
Flippy 使用的图像文件可以从invpy.com/inkspillimages.zip
# Ink Spill (a Flood It clone) # http://inventwithpython.com/pygame # By Al Sweigart [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) # Released under a "Simplified BSD" license import random, sys, webbrowser, copy, pygame from pygame.locals import * # There are different box sizes, number of boxes, and # life depending on the "board size" setting selected. SMALLBOXSIZE = 60 # size is in pixels MEDIUMBOXSIZE = 20 LARGEBOXSIZE = 11 SMALLBOARDSIZE = 6 # size is in boxes MEDIUMBOARDSIZE = 17 LARGEBOARDSIZE = 30 SMALLMAXLIFE = 10 # number of turns MEDIUMMAXLIFE = 30 LARGEMAXLIFE = 64 FPS = 30 WINDOWWIDTH = 640 WINDOWHEIGHT = 480 boxSize = MEDIUMBOXSIZE PALETTEGAPSIZE = 10 PALETTESIZE = 45 EASY = 0 # arbitrary but unique value MEDIUM = 1 # arbitrary but unique value HARD = 2 # arbitrary but unique value difficulty = MEDIUM # game starts in "medium" mode maxLife = MEDIUMMAXLIFE boardWidth = MEDIUMBOARDSIZE boardHeight = MEDIUMBOARDSIZE # R G B WHITE = (255, 255, 255) DARKGRAY = ( 70, 70, 70) BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0) RED = (255, 0, 0) GREEN = ( 0, 255, 0) BLUE = ( 0, 0, 255) YELLOW = (255, 255, 0) ORANGE = (255, 128, 0) PURPLE = (255, 0, 255) # The first color in each scheme is the background color, the next six are the palette colors. COLORSCHEMES = (((150, 200, 255), RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, ORANGE, PURPLE), ((0, 155, 104), (97, 215, 164), (228, 0, 69), (0, 125, 50), (204, 246, 0), (148, 0, 45), (241, 109, 149)), ((195, 179, 0), (255, 239, 115), (255, 226, 0), (147, 3, 167), (24, 38, 176), (166, 147, 0), (197, 97, 211)), ((85, 0, 0), (155, 39, 102), (0, 201, 13), (255, 118, 0), (206, 0, 113), (0, 130, 9), (255, 180, 115)), ((191, 159, 64), (183, 182, 208), (4, 31, 183), (167, 184, 45), (122, 128, 212), (37, 204, 7), (88, 155, 213)), ((200, 33, 205), (116, 252, 185), (68, 56, 56), (52, 238, 83), (23, 149, 195), (222, 157, 227), (212, 86, 185))) for i in range(len(COLORSCHEMES)): assert len(COLORSCHEMES[i]) == 7, 'Color scheme %s does not have exactly 7 colors.' % (i) bgColor = COLORSCHEMES[0][0] paletteColors = COLORSCHEMES[0][1:] def main(): global FPSCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, LOGOIMAGE, SPOTIMAGE, SETTINGSIMAGE, SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE, RESETBUTTONIMAGE pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) # Load images LOGOIMAGE = pygame.image.load('inkspilllogo.png') SPOTIMAGE = pygame.image.load('inkspillspot.png') SETTINGSIMAGE = pygame.image.load('inkspillsettings.png') SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE = pygame.image.load('inkspillsettingsbutton.png') RESETBUTTONIMAGE = pygame.image.load('inkspillresetbutton.png') pygame.display.set_caption('Ink Spill') mousex = 0 mousey = 0 mainBoard = generateRandomBoard(boardWidth, boardHeight, difficulty) life = maxLife lastPaletteClicked = None while True: # main game loop paletteClicked = None resetGame = False # Draw the screen. DISPLAYSURF.fill(bgColor) drawLogoAndButtons() drawBoard(mainBoard) drawLifeMeter(life) drawPalettes() checkForQuit() for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: mousex, mousey = event.pos if pygame.Rect(WINDOWWIDTH - SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_width(), WINDOWHEIGHT - SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_height(), SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_width(), SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_height()).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): resetGame = showSettingsScreen() # clicked on Settings button elif pygame.Rect(WINDOWWIDTH - RESETBUTTONIMAGE.get_width(), WINDOWHEIGHT - SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_height() - RESETBUTTONIMAGE.get_height(), RESETBUTTONIMAGE.get_width(), RESETBUTTONIMAGE.get_height()).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): resetGame = True # clicked on Reset button else: # check if a palette button was clicked paletteClicked = getColorOfPaletteAt(mousex, mousey) if paletteClicked != None and paletteClicked != lastPaletteClicked: # a palette button was clicked that is different from the # last palette button clicked (this check prevents the player # from accidentally clicking the same palette twice) lastPaletteClicked = paletteClicked floodAnimation(mainBoard, paletteClicked) life -= 1 resetGame = False if hasWon(mainBoard): for i in range(4): # flash border 4 times flashBorderAnimation(WHITE, mainBoard) resetGame = True pygame.time.wait(2000) # pause so the player can bask in victory elif life == 0: # life is zero, so player has lost drawLifeMeter(0) pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(400) for i in range(4): flashBorderAnimation(BLACK, mainBoard) resetGame = True pygame.time.wait(2000) # pause so the player can suffer in their defeat if resetGame: # start a new game mainBoard = generateRandomBoard(boardWidth, boardHeight, difficulty) life = maxLife lastPaletteClicked = None pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS) def checkForQuit(): # Terminates the program if there are any QUIT or escape key events. for event in pygame.event.get(QUIT): # get all the QUIT events pygame.quit() # terminate if any QUIT events are present sys.exit() for event in pygame.event.get(KEYUP): # get all the KEYUP events if event.key == K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() # terminate if the KEYUP event was for the Esc sys.exit() pygame.event.post(event) # put the other KEYUP event objects back def hasWon(board): # if the entire board is the same color, player has won for x in range(boardWidth): for y in range(boardHeight): if board[x][y] != board[0][0]: return False # found a different color, player has not won return True def showSettingsScreen(): global difficulty, boxSize, boardWidth, boardHeight, maxLife, paletteColors, bgColor # The pixel coordinates in this function were obtained by loading # the inkspillsettings.png image into a graphics editor and reading # the pixel coordinates from there. Handy trick. origDifficulty = difficulty origBoxSize = boxSize screenNeedsRedraw = True while True: if screenNeedsRedraw: DISPLAYSURF.fill(bgColor) DISPLAYSURF.blit(SETTINGSIMAGE, (0,0)) # place the ink spot marker next to the selected difficulty if difficulty == EASY: DISPLAYSURF.blit(SPOTIMAGE, (30, 4)) if difficulty == MEDIUM: DISPLAYSURF.blit(SPOTIMAGE, (8, 41)) if difficulty == HARD: DISPLAYSURF.blit(SPOTIMAGE, (30, 76)) # place the ink spot marker next to the selected size if boxSize == SMALLBOXSIZE: DISPLAYSURF.blit(SPOTIMAGE, (22, 150)) if boxSize == MEDIUMBOXSIZE: DISPLAYSURF.blit(SPOTIMAGE, (11, 185)) if boxSize == LARGEBOXSIZE: DISPLAYSURF.blit(SPOTIMAGE, (24, 220)) for i in range(len(COLORSCHEMES)): drawColorSchemeBoxes(500, i * 60 + 30, i) pygame.display.update() screenNeedsRedraw = False # by default, don't redraw the screen for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: # Esc key on settings screen goes back to game return not (origDifficulty == difficulty and origBoxSize == boxSize) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: screenNeedsRedraw = True # screen should be redrawn mousex, mousey = event.pos # syntactic sugar # check for clicks on the difficulty buttons if pygame.Rect(74, 16, 111, 30).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): difficulty = EASY elif pygame.Rect(53, 50, 104, 29).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): difficulty = MEDIUM elif pygame.Rect(72, 85, 65, 31).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): difficulty = HARD # check for clicks on the size buttons elif pygame.Rect(63, 156, 84, 31).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): # small board size setting: boxSize = SMALLBOXSIZE boardWidth = SMALLBOARDSIZE boardHeight = SMALLBOARDSIZE maxLife = SMALLMAXLIFE elif pygame.Rect(52, 192, 106,32).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): # medium board size setting: boxSize = MEDIUMBOXSIZE boardWidth = MEDIUMBOARDSIZE boardHeight = MEDIUMBOARDSIZE maxLife = MEDIUMMAXLIFE elif pygame.Rect(67, 228, 58, 37).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): # large board size setting: boxSize = LARGEBOXSIZE boardWidth = LARGEBOARDSIZE boardHeight = LARGEBOARDSIZE maxLife = LARGEMAXLIFE elif pygame.Rect(14, 299, 371, 97).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): # clicked on the "learn programming" ad webbrowser.open('http://inventwithpython.com') # opens a web browser elif pygame.Rect(178, 418, 215, 34).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): # clicked on the "back to game" button return not (origDifficulty == difficulty and origBoxSize == boxSize) for i in range(len(COLORSCHEMES)): # clicked on a color scheme button if pygame.Rect(500, 30 + i * 60, MEDIUMBOXSIZE * 3, MEDIUMBOXSIZE * 2).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): bgColor = COLORSCHEMES[i][0] paletteColors = COLORSCHEMES[i][1:] def drawColorSchemeBoxes(x, y, schemeNum): # Draws the color scheme boxes that appear on the "Settings" screen. for boxy in range(2): for boxx in range(3): pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, COLORSCHEMES[schemeNum][3 * boxy + boxx + 1], (x + MEDIUMBOXSIZE * boxx, y + MEDIUMBOXSIZE * boxy, MEDIUMBOXSIZE, MEDIUMBOXSIZE)) if paletteColors == COLORSCHEMES[schemeNum][1:]: # put the ink spot next to the selected color scheme DISPLAYSURF.blit(SPOTIMAGE, (x - 50, y)) def flashBorderAnimation(color, board, animationSpeed=30): origSurf = DISPLAYSURF.copy() flashSurf = pygame.Surface(DISPLAYSURF.get_size()) flashSurf = flashSurf.convert_alpha() for start, end, step in ((0, 256, 1), (255, 0, -1)): # the first iteration on the outer loop will set the inner loop # to have transparency go from 0 to 255, the second iteration will # have it go from 255 to 0\. This is the "flash". for transparency in range(start, end, animationSpeed * step): DISPLAYSURF.blit(origSurf, (0, 0)) r, g, b = color flashSurf.fill((r, g, b, transparency)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(flashSurf, (0, 0)) drawBoard(board) # draw board ON TOP OF the transparency layer pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS) DISPLAYSURF.blit(origSurf, (0, 0)) # redraw the original surface def floodAnimation(board, paletteClicked, animationSpeed=25): origBoard = copy.deepcopy(board) floodFill(board, board[0][0], paletteClicked, 0, 0) for transparency in range(0, 255, animationSpeed): # The "new" board slowly become opaque over the original board. drawBoard(origBoard) drawBoard(board, transparency) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS) def generateRandomBoard(width, height, difficulty=MEDIUM): # Creates a board data structure with random colors for each box. board = [] for x in range(width): column = [] for y in range(height): column.append(random.randint(0, len(paletteColors) - 1)) board.append(column) # Make board easier by setting some boxes to same color as a neighbor. # Determine how many boxes to change. if difficulty == EASY: if boxSize == SMALLBOXSIZE: boxesToChange = 100 else: boxesToChange = 1500 elif difficulty == MEDIUM: if boxSize == SMALLBOXSIZE: boxesToChange = 5 else: boxesToChange = 200 else: boxesToChange = 0 # Change neighbor's colors: for i in range(boxesToChange): # Randomly choose a box whose color to copy x = random.randint(1, width-2) y = random.randint(1, height-2) # Randomly choose neighbors to change. direction = random.randint(0, 3) if direction == 0: # change left and up neighbor board[x-1][y] = board[x][y] board[x][y-1] = board[x][y] elif direction == 1: # change right and down neighbor board[x+1][y] = board[x][y] board[x][y+1] = board[x][y] elif direction == 2: # change right and up neighbor board[x][y-1] = board[x][y] board[x+1][y] = board[x][y] else: # change left and down neighbor board[x][y+1] = board[x][y] board[x-1][y] = board[x][y] return board def drawLogoAndButtons(): # draw the Ink Spill logo and Settings and Reset buttons. DISPLAYSURF.blit(LOGOIMAGE, (WINDOWWIDTH - LOGOIMAGE.get_width(), 0)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE, (WINDOWWIDTH - SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_width(), WINDOWHEIGHT - SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_height())) DISPLAYSURF.blit(RESETBUTTONIMAGE, (WINDOWWIDTH - RESETBUTTONIMAGE.get_width(), WINDOWHEIGHT - SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_height() - RESETBUTTONIMAGE.get_height())) def drawBoard(board, transparency=255): # The colored squares are drawn to a temporary surface which is then # drawn to the DISPLAYSURF surface. This is done so we can draw the # squares with transparency on top of DISPLAYSURF as it currently is. tempSurf = pygame.Surface(DISPLAYSURF.get_size()) tempSurf = tempSurf.convert_alpha() tempSurf.fill((0, 0, 0, 0)) for x in range(boardWidth): for y in range(boardHeight): left, top = leftTopPixelCoordOfBox(x, y) r, g, b = paletteColors[board[x][y]] pygame.draw.rect(tempSurf, (r, g, b, transparency), (left, top, boxSize, boxSize)) left, top = leftTopPixelCoordOfBox(0, 0) pygame.draw.rect(tempSurf, BLACK, (left-1, top-1, boxSize * boardWidth + 1, boxSize * boardHeight + 1), 1) DISPLAYSURF.blit(tempSurf, (0, 0)) def drawPalettes(): # Draws the six color palettes at the bottom of the screen. numColors = len(paletteColors) xmargin = int((WINDOWWIDTH - ((PALETTESIZE * numColors) + (PALETTEGAPSIZE * (numColors - 1)))) / 2) for i in range(numColors): left = xmargin + (i * PALETTESIZE) + (i * PALETTEGAPSIZE) top = WINDOWHEIGHT - PALETTESIZE - 10 pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, paletteColors[i], (left, top, PALETTESIZE, PALETTESIZE)) pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, bgColor, (left + 2, top + 2, PALETTESIZE - 4, PALETTESIZE - 4), 2) def drawLifeMeter(currentLife): lifeBoxSize = int((WINDOWHEIGHT - 40) / maxLife) # Draw background color of life meter. pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, bgColor, (20, 20, 20, 20 + (maxLife * lifeBoxSize))) for i in range(maxLife): if currentLife >= (maxLife - i): # draw a solid red box pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, RED, (20, 20 + (i * lifeBoxSize), 20, lifeBoxSize)) pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, WHITE, (20, 20 + (i * lifeBoxSize), 20, lifeBoxSize), 1) # draw white outline def getColorOfPaletteAt(x, y): # Returns the index of the color in paletteColors that the x and y parameters # are over. Returns None if x and y are not over any palette. numColors = len(paletteColors) xmargin = int((WINDOWWIDTH - ((PALETTESIZE * numColors) + (PALETTEGAPSIZE * (numColors - 1)))) / 2) top = WINDOWHEIGHT - PALETTESIZE - 10 for i in range(numColors): # Find out if the mouse click is inside any of the palettes. left = xmargin + (i * PALETTESIZE) + (i * PALETTEGAPSIZE) r = pygame.Rect(left, top, PALETTESIZE, PALETTESIZE) if r.collidepoint(x, y): return i return None # no palette exists at these x, y coordinates def floodFill(board, oldColor, newColor, x, y): # This is the flood fill algorithm. if oldColor == newColor or board[x][y] != oldColor: return board[x][y] = newColor # change the color of the current box # Make the recursive call for any neighboring boxes: if x > 0: floodFill(board, oldColor, newColor, x - 1, y) # on box to the left if x < boardWidth - 1: floodFill(board, oldColor, newColor, x + 1, y) # on box to the right if y > 0: floodFill(board, oldColor, newColor, x, y - 1) # on box to up if y < boardHeight - 1: floodFill(board, oldColor, newColor, x, y + 1) # on box to down def leftTopPixelCoordOfBox(boxx, boxy): # Returns the x and y of the left-topmost pixel of the xth & yth box. xmargin = int((WINDOWWIDTH - (boardWidth * boxSize)) / 2) ymargin = int((WINDOWHEIGHT - (boardHeight * boxSize)) / 2) return (boxx * boxSize + xmargin, boxy * boxSize + ymargin) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
游戏“四子连珠”有一个 7x6 的棋盘,玩家轮流从棋盘顶部放置标记。标记将从每列的顶部掉落,并停在底部或该列的最顶部标记上。当四个标记水平、垂直或对角线排成一行时,玩家获胜。
这个游戏的 AI 非常出色。它模拟了它可以做的每一种可能的走法,然后模拟了人类玩家对每一种走法的可能响应,然后模拟了它可以对此做出的每一种可能的走法,然后模拟了人类玩家对每一种走法的可能响应!经过所有这些思考,计算机确定了哪一步最有可能导致它获胜。
由于您可以在自己的回合上进行七种可能的走法(除非某些列已满),对手可以进行七种可能的走法,对此有七种可能的走法,对此有七种可能的走法,这意味着在每一回合,计算机都在考虑 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 = 2,401 种可能的走法。您可以通过将DIFFICULTY
Flippy 使用的图像文件可以从invpy.com/fourinarowimages.zip
# Four-In-A-Row (a Connect Four clone) # By Al Sweigart [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) # http://inventwithpython.com/pygame # Released under a "Simplified BSD" license import random, copy, sys, pygame from pygame.locals import * BOARDWIDTH = 7 # how many spaces wide the board is BOARDHEIGHT = 6 # how many spaces tall the board is assert BOARDWIDTH >= 4 and BOARDHEIGHT >= 4, 'Board must be at least 4x4.' DIFFICULTY = 2 # how many moves to look ahead. (>2 is usually too slow) SPACESIZE = 50 # size of the tokens and individual board spaces in pixels FPS = 30 # frames per second to update the screen WINDOWWIDTH = 640 # width of the program's window, in pixels WINDOWHEIGHT = 480 # height in pixels XMARGIN = int((WINDOWWIDTH - BOARDWIDTH * SPACESIZE) / 2) YMARGIN = int((WINDOWHEIGHT - BOARDHEIGHT * SPACESIZE) / 2) BRIGHTBLUE = (0, 50, 255) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BGCOLOR = BRIGHTBLUE TEXTCOLOR = WHITE RED = 'red' BLACK = 'black' EMPTY = None HUMAN = 'human' COMPUTER = 'computer' def main(): global FPSCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, REDPILERECT, BLACKPILERECT, REDTOKENIMG global BLACKTOKENIMG, BOARDIMG, ARROWIMG, ARROWRECT, HUMANWINNERIMG global COMPUTERWINNERIMG, WINNERRECT, TIEWINNERIMG pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('Four in a Row') REDPILERECT = pygame.Rect(int(SPACESIZE / 2), WINDOWHEIGHT - int(3 * SPACESIZE / 2), SPACESIZE, SPACESIZE) BLACKPILERECT = pygame.Rect(WINDOWWIDTH - int(3 * SPACESIZE / 2), WINDOWHEIGHT - int(3 * SPACESIZE / 2), SPACESIZE, SPACESIZE) REDTOKENIMG = pygame.image.load('4row_red.png') REDTOKENIMG = pygame.transform.smoothscale(REDTOKENIMG, (SPACESIZE, SPACESIZE)) BLACKTOKENIMG = pygame.image.load('4row_black.png') BLACKTOKENIMG = pygame.transform.smoothscale(BLACKTOKENIMG, (SPACESIZE, SPACESIZE)) BOARDIMG = pygame.image.load('4row_board.png') BOARDIMG = pygame.transform.smoothscale(BOARDIMG, (SPACESIZE, SPACESIZE)) HUMANWINNERIMG = pygame.image.load('4row_humanwinner.png') COMPUTERWINNERIMG = pygame.image.load('4row_computerwinner.png') TIEWINNERIMG = pygame.image.load('4row_tie.png') WINNERRECT = HUMANWINNERIMG.get_rect() WINNERRECT.center = (int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2), int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2)) ARROWIMG = pygame.image.load('4row_arrow.png') ARROWRECT = ARROWIMG.get_rect() ARROWRECT.left = REDPILERECT.right + 10 ARROWRECT.centery = REDPILERECT.centery isFirstGame = True while True: runGame(isFirstGame) isFirstGame = False def runGame(isFirstGame): if isFirstGame: # Let the computer go first on the first game, so the player # can see how the tokens are dragged from the token piles. turn = COMPUTER showHelp = True else: # Randomly choose who goes first. if random.randint(0, 1) == 0: turn = COMPUTER else: turn = HUMAN showHelp = False # Set up a blank board data structure. mainBoard = getNewBoard() while True: # main game loop if turn == HUMAN: # Human player's turn. getHumanMove(mainBoard, showHelp) if showHelp: # turn off help arrow after the first move showHelp = False if isWinner(mainBoard, RED): winnerImg = HUMANWINNERIMG break turn = COMPUTER # switch to other player's turn else: # Computer player's turn. column = getComputerMove(mainBoard) animateComputerMoving(mainBoard, column) makeMove(mainBoard, BLACK, column) if isWinner(mainBoard, BLACK): winnerImg = COMPUTERWINNERIMG break turn = HUMAN # switch to other player's turn if isBoardFull(mainBoard): # A completely filled board means it's a tie. winnerImg = TIEWINNERIMG break while True: # Keep looping until player clicks the mouse or quits. drawBoard(mainBoard) DISPLAYSURF.blit(winnerImg, WINNERRECT) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick() for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: return def makeMove(board, player, column): lowest = getLowestEmptySpace(board, column) if lowest != -1: board[column][lowest] = player def drawBoard(board, extraToken=None): DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) # draw tokens spaceRect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, SPACESIZE, SPACESIZE) for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): spaceRect.topleft = (XMARGIN + (x * SPACESIZE), YMARGIN + (y * SPACESIZE)) if board[x][y] == RED: DISPLAYSURF.blit(REDTOKENIMG, spaceRect) elif board[x][y] == BLACK: DISPLAYSURF.blit(BLACKTOKENIMG, spaceRect) # draw the extra token if extraToken != None: if extraToken['color'] == RED: DISPLAYSURF.blit(REDTOKENIMG, (extraToken['x'], extraToken['y'], SPACESIZE, SPACESIZE)) elif extraToken['color'] == BLACK: DISPLAYSURF.blit(BLACKTOKENIMG, (extraToken['x'], extraToken['y'], SPACESIZE, SPACESIZE)) # draw board over the tokens for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): spaceRect.topleft = (XMARGIN + (x * SPACESIZE), YMARGIN + (y * SPACESIZE)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(BOARDIMG, spaceRect) # draw the red and black tokens off to the side DISPLAYSURF.blit(REDTOKENIMG, REDPILERECT) # red on the left DISPLAYSURF.blit(BLACKTOKENIMG, BLACKPILERECT) # black on the right def getNewBoard(): board = [] for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): board.append([EMPTY] * BOARDHEIGHT) return board def getHumanMove(board, isFirstMove): draggingToken = False tokenx, tokeny = None, None while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and not draggingToken and REDPILERECT.collidepoint(event.pos): # start of dragging on red token pile. draggingToken = True tokenx, tokeny = event.pos elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION and draggingToken: # update the position of the red token being dragged tokenx, tokeny = event.pos elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and draggingToken: # let go of the token being dragged if tokeny < YMARGIN and tokenx > XMARGIN and tokenx < WINDOWWIDTH - XMARGIN: # let go at the top of the screen. column = int((tokenx - XMARGIN) / SPACESIZE) if isValidMove(board, column): animateDroppingToken(board, column, RED) board[column][getLowestEmptySpace(board, column)] = RED drawBoard(board) pygame.display.update() return tokenx, tokeny = None, None draggingToken = False if tokenx != None and tokeny != None: drawBoard(board, {'x':tokenx - int(SPACESIZE / 2), 'y':tokeny - int(SPACESIZE / 2), 'color':RED}) else: drawBoard(board) if isFirstMove: # Show the help arrow for the player's first move. DISPLAYSURF.blit(ARROWIMG, ARROWRECT) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick() def animateDroppingToken(board, column, color): x = XMARGIN + column * SPACESIZE y = YMARGIN - SPACESIZE dropSpeed = 1.0 lowestEmptySpace = getLowestEmptySpace(board, column) while True: y += int(dropSpeed) dropSpeed += 0.5 if int((y - YMARGIN) / SPACESIZE) >= lowestEmptySpace: return drawBoard(board, {'x':x, 'y':y, 'color':color}) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick() def animateComputerMoving(board, column): x = BLACKPILERECT.left y = BLACKPILERECT.top speed = 1.0 # moving the black tile up while y > (YMARGIN - SPACESIZE): y -= int(speed) speed += 0.5 drawBoard(board, {'x':x, 'y':y, 'color':BLACK}) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick() # moving the black tile over y = YMARGIN - SPACESIZE speed = 1.0 while x > (XMARGIN + column * SPACESIZE): x -= int(speed) speed += 0.5 drawBoard(board, {'x':x, 'y':y, 'color':BLACK}) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick() # dropping the black tile animateDroppingToken(board, column, BLACK) def getComputerMove(board): potentialMoves = getPotentialMoves(board, BLACK, DIFFICULTY) # get the best fitness from the potential moves bestMoveFitness = -1 for i in range(BOARDWIDTH): if potentialMoves[i] > bestMoveFitness and isValidMove(board, i): bestMoveFitness = potentialMoves[i] # find all potential moves that have this best fitness bestMoves = [] for i in range(len(potentialMoves)): if potentialMoves[i] == bestMoveFitness and isValidMove(board, i): bestMoves.append(i) return random.choice(bestMoves) def getPotentialMoves(board, tile, lookAhead): if lookAhead == 0 or isBoardFull(board): return [0] * BOARDWIDTH if tile == RED: enemyTile = BLACK else: enemyTile = RED # Figure out the best move to make. potentialMoves = [0] * BOARDWIDTH for firstMove in range(BOARDWIDTH): dupeBoard = copy.deepcopy(board) if not isValidMove(dupeBoard, firstMove): continue makeMove(dupeBoard, tile, firstMove) if isWinner(dupeBoard, tile): # a winning move automatically gets a perfect fitness potentialMoves[firstMove] = 1 break # don't bother calculating other moves else: # do other player's counter moves and determine best one if isBoardFull(dupeBoard): potentialMoves[firstMove] = 0 else: for counterMove in range(BOARDWIDTH): dupeBoard2 = copy.deepcopy(dupeBoard) if not isValidMove(dupeBoard2, counterMove): continue makeMove(dupeBoard2, enemyTile, counterMove) if isWinner(dupeBoard2, enemyTile): # a losing move automatically gets the worst fitness potentialMoves[firstMove] = -1 break else: # do the recursive call to getPotentialMoves() results = getPotentialMoves(dupeBoard2, tile, lookAhead - 1) potentialMoves[firstMove] += (sum(results) / BOARDWIDTH) / BOARDWIDTH return potentialMoves def getLowestEmptySpace(board, column): # Return the row number of the lowest empty row in the given column. for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT-1, -1, -1): if board[column][y] == EMPTY: return y return -1 def isValidMove(board, column): # Returns True if there is an empty space in the given column. # Otherwise returns False. if column < 0 or column >= (BOARDWIDTH) or board[column][0] != EMPTY: return False return True def isBoardFull(board): # Returns True if there are no empty spaces anywhere on the board. for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): if board[x][y] == EMPTY: return False return True def isWinner(board, tile): # check horizontal spaces for x in range(BOARDWIDTH - 3): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): if board[x][y] == tile and board[x+1][y] == tile and board[x+2][y] == tile and board[x+3][y] == tile: return True # check vertical spaces for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT - 3): if board[x][y] == tile and board[x][y+1] == tile and board[x][y+2] == tile and board[x][y+3] == tile: return True # check / diagonal spaces for x in range(BOARDWIDTH - 3): for y in range(3, BOARDHEIGHT): if board[x][y] == tile and board[x+1][y-1] == tile and board[x+2][y-2] == tile and board[x+3][y-3] == tile: return True # check \ diagonal spaces for x in range(BOARDWIDTH - 3): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT - 3): if board[x][y] == tile and board[x+1][y+1] == tile and board[x+2][y+2] == tile and board[x+3][y+3] == tile: return True return False if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Gemgem 的源代码
Flippy 使用的图像文件可以从invpy.com/gemgemimages.zip
# Gemgem (a Bejeweled clone) # By Al Sweigart [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) # http://inventwithpython.com/pygame # Released under a "Simplified BSD" license """ This program has "gem data structures", which are basically dictionaries with the following keys: 'x' and 'y' - The location of the gem on the board. 0,0 is the top left. There is also a ROWABOVEBOARD row that 'y' can be set to, to indicate that it is above the board. 'direction' - one of the four constant variables UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. This is the direction the gem is moving. 'imageNum' - The integer index into GEMIMAGES to denote which image this gem uses. """ import random, time, pygame, sys, copy from pygame.locals import * FPS = 30 # frames per second to update the screen WINDOWWIDTH = 600 # width of the program's window, in pixels WINDOWHEIGHT = 600 # height in pixels BOARDWIDTH = 8 # how many columns in the board BOARDHEIGHT = 8 # how many rows in the board GEMIMAGESIZE = 64 # width & height of each space in pixels # NUMGEMIMAGES is the number of gem types. You will need .png image # files named gem0.png, gem1.png, etc. up to gem(N-1).png. NUMGEMIMAGES = 7 assert NUMGEMIMAGES >= 5 # game needs at least 5 types of gems to work # NUMMATCHSOUNDS is the number of different sounds to choose from when # a match is made. The .wav files are named match0.wav, match1.wav, etc. NUMMATCHSOUNDS = 6 MOVERATE = 25 # 1 to 100, larger num means faster animations DEDUCTSPEED = 0.8 # reduces score by 1 point every DEDUCTSPEED seconds. # R G B PURPLE = (255, 0, 255) LIGHTBLUE = (170, 190, 255) BLUE = ( 0, 0, 255) RED = (255, 100, 100) BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0) BROWN = ( 85, 65, 0) HIGHLIGHTCOLOR = PURPLE # color of the selected gem's border BGCOLOR = LIGHTBLUE # background color on the screen GRIDCOLOR = BLUE # color of the game board GAMEOVERCOLOR = RED # color of the "Game over" text. GAMEOVERBGCOLOR = BLACK # background color of the "Game over" text. SCORECOLOR = BROWN # color of the text for the player's score # The amount of space to the sides of the board to the edge of the window # is used several times, so calculate it once here and store in variables. XMARGIN = int((WINDOWWIDTH - GEMIMAGESIZE * BOARDWIDTH) / 2) YMARGIN = int((WINDOWHEIGHT - GEMIMAGESIZE * BOARDHEIGHT) / 2) # constants for direction values UP = 'up' DOWN = 'down' LEFT = 'left' RIGHT = 'right' EMPTY_SPACE = -1 # an arbitrary, nonpositive value ROWABOVEBOARD = 'row above board' # an arbitrary, noninteger value def main(): global FPSCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, GEMIMAGES, GAMESOUNDS, BASICFONT, BOARDRECTS # Initial set up. pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('Gemgem') BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 36) # Load the images GEMIMAGES = [] for i in range(1, NUMGEMIMAGES+1): gemImage = pygame.image.load('gem%s.png' % i) if gemImage.get_size() != (GEMIMAGESIZE, GEMIMAGESIZE): gemImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(gemImage, (GEMIMAGESIZE, GEMIMAGESIZE)) GEMIMAGES.append(gemImage) # Load the sounds. GAMESOUNDS = {} GAMESOUNDS['bad swap'] = pygame.mixer.Sound('badswap.wav') GAMESOUNDS['match'] = [] for i in range(NUMMATCHSOUNDS): GAMESOUNDS['match'].append(pygame.mixer.Sound('match%s.wav' % i)) # Create pygame.Rect objects for each board space to # do board-coordinate-to-pixel-coordinate conversions. BOARDRECTS = [] for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): BOARDRECTS.append([]) for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): r = pygame.Rect((XMARGIN + (x * GEMIMAGESIZE), YMARGIN + (y * GEMIMAGESIZE), GEMIMAGESIZE, GEMIMAGESIZE)) BOARDRECTS[x].append(r) while True: runGame() def runGame(): # Plays through a single game. When the game is over, this function returns. # initialize the board gameBoard = getBlankBoard() score = 0 fillBoardAndAnimate(gameBoard, [], score) # Drop the initial gems. # initialize variables for the start of a new game firstSelectedGem = None lastMouseDownX = None lastMouseDownY = None gameIsOver = False lastScoreDeduction = time.time() clickContinueTextSurf = None while True: # main game loop clickedSpace = None for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_BACKSPACE: return # start a new game elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: if gameIsOver: return # after games ends, click to start a new game if event.pos == (lastMouseDownX, lastMouseDownY): # This event is a mouse click, not the end of a mouse drag. clickedSpace = checkForGemClick(event.pos) else: # this is the end of a mouse drag firstSelectedGem = checkForGemClick((lastMouseDownX, lastMouseDownY)) clickedSpace = checkForGemClick(event.pos) if not firstSelectedGem or not clickedSpace: # if not part of a valid drag, deselect both firstSelectedGem = None clickedSpace = None elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # this is the start of a mouse click or mouse drag lastMouseDownX, lastMouseDownY = event.pos if clickedSpace and not firstSelectedGem: # This was the first gem clicked on. firstSelectedGem = clickedSpace elif clickedSpace and firstSelectedGem: # Two gems have been clicked on and selected. Swap the gems. firstSwappingGem, secondSwappingGem = getSwappingGems(gameBoard, firstSelectedGem, clickedSpace) if firstSwappingGem == None and secondSwappingGem == None: # If both are None, then the gems were not adjacent firstSelectedGem = None # deselect the first gem continue # Show the swap animation on the screen. boardCopy = getBoardCopyMinusGems(gameBoard, (firstSwappingGem, secondSwappingGem)) animateMovingGems(boardCopy, [firstSwappingGem, secondSwappingGem], [], score) # Swap the gems in the board data structure. gameBoard[firstSwappingGem['x']][firstSwappingGem['y']] = secondSwappingGem['imageNum'] gameBoard[secondSwappingGem['x']][secondSwappingGem['y']] = firstSwappingGem['imageNum'] # See if this is a matching move. matchedGems = findMatchingGems(gameBoard) if matchedGems == []: # Was not a matching move; swap the gems back GAMESOUNDS['bad swap'].play() animateMovingGems(boardCopy, [firstSwappingGem, secondSwappingGem], [], score) gameBoard[firstSwappingGem['x']][firstSwappingGem['y']] = firstSwappingGem['imageNum'] gameBoard[secondSwappingGem['x']][secondSwappingGem['y']] = secondSwappingGem['imageNum'] else: # This was a matching move. scoreAdd = 0 while matchedGems != []: # Remove matched gems, then pull down the board. # points is a list of dicts that tells fillBoardAndAnimate() # where on the screen to display text to show how many # points the player got. points is a list because if # the player gets multiple matches, then multiple points text should appear. points = [] for gemSet in matchedGems: scoreAdd += (10 + (len(gemSet) - 3) * 10) for gem in gemSet: gameBoard[gem[0]][gem[1]] = EMPTY_SPACE points.append({'points': scoreAdd, 'x': gem[0] * GEMIMAGESIZE + XMARGIN, 'y': gem[1] * GEMIMAGESIZE + YMARGIN}) random.choice(GAMESOUNDS['match']).play() score += scoreAdd # Drop the new gems. fillBoardAndAnimate(gameBoard, points, score) # Check if there are any new matches. matchedGems = findMatchingGems(gameBoard) firstSelectedGem = None if not canMakeMove(gameBoard): gameIsOver = True # Draw the board. DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) drawBoard(gameBoard) if firstSelectedGem != None: highlightSpace(firstSelectedGem['x'], firstSelectedGem['y']) if gameIsOver: if clickContinueTextSurf == None: # Only render the text once. In future iterations, just # use the Surface object already in clickContinueTextSurf clickContinueTextSurf = BASICFONT.render('Final Score: %s (Click to continue)' % (score), 1, GAMEOVERCOLOR, GAMEOVERBGCOLOR) clickContinueTextRect = clickContinueTextSurf.get_rect() clickContinueTextRect.center = int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2), int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2) DISPLAYSURF.blit(clickContinueTextSurf, clickContinueTextRect) elif score > 0 and time.time() - lastScoreDeduction > DEDUCTSPEED: # score drops over time score -= 1 lastScoreDeduction = time.time() drawScore(score) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS) def getSwappingGems(board, firstXY, secondXY): # If the gems at the (X, Y) coordinates of the two gems are adjacent, # then their 'direction' keys are set to the appropriate direction # value to be swapped with each other. # Otherwise, (None, None) is returned. firstGem = {'imageNum': board[firstXY['x']][firstXY['y']], 'x': firstXY['x'], 'y': firstXY['y']} secondGem = {'imageNum': board[secondXY['x']][secondXY['y']], 'x': secondXY['x'], 'y': secondXY['y']} highlightedGem = None if firstGem['x'] == secondGem['x'] + 1 and firstGem['y'] == secondGem['y']: firstGem['direction'] = LEFT secondGem['direction'] = RIGHT elif firstGem['x'] == secondGem['x'] - 1 and firstGem['y'] == secondGem['y']: firstGem['direction'] = RIGHT secondGem['direction'] = LEFT elif firstGem['y'] == secondGem['y'] + 1 and firstGem['x'] == secondGem['x']: firstGem['direction'] = UP secondGem['direction'] = DOWN elif firstGem['y'] == secondGem['y'] - 1 and firstGem['x'] == secondGem['x']: firstGem['direction'] = DOWN secondGem['direction'] = UP else: # These gems are not adjacent and can't be swapped. return None, None return firstGem, secondGem def getBlankBoard(): # Create and return a blank board data structure. board = [] for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): board.append([EMPTY_SPACE] * BOARDHEIGHT) return board def canMakeMove(board): # Return True if the board is in a state where a matching # move can be made on it. Otherwise return False. # The patterns in oneOffPatterns represent gems that are configured # in a way where it only takes one move to make a triplet. oneOffPatterns = (((0,1), (1,0), (2,0)), ((0,1), (1,1), (2,0)), ((0,0), (1,1), (2,0)), ((0,1), (1,0), (2,1)), ((0,0), (1,0), (2,1)), ((0,0), (1,1), (2,1)), ((0,0), (0,2), (0,3)), ((0,0), (0,1), (0,3))) # The x and y variables iterate over each space on the board. # If we use + to represent the currently iterated space on the # board, then this pattern: ((0,1), (1,0), (2,0))refers to identical # gems being set up like this: # # +A # B # C # # That is, gem A is offset from the + by (0,1), gem B is offset # by (1,0), and gem C is offset by (2,0). In this case, gem A can # be swapped to the left to form a vertical three-in-a-row triplet. # # There are eight possible ways for the gems to be one move # away from forming a triple, hence oneOffPattern has 8 patterns. for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): for pat in oneOffPatterns: # check each possible pattern of "match in next move" to # see if a possible move can be made. if (getGemAt(board, x+pat[0][0], y+pat[0][1]) == \ getGemAt(board, x+pat[1][0], y+pat[1][1]) == \ getGemAt(board, x+pat[2][0], y+pat[2][1]) != None) or \ (getGemAt(board, x+pat[0][1], y+pat[0][0]) == \ getGemAt(board, x+pat[1][1], y+pat[1][0]) == \ getGemAt(board, x+pat[2][1], y+pat[2][0]) != None): return True # return True the first time you find a pattern return False def drawMovingGem(gem, progress): # Draw a gem sliding in the direction that its 'direction' key # indicates. The progress parameter is a number from 0 (just # starting) to 100 (slide complete). movex = 0 movey = 0 progress *= 0.01 if gem['direction'] == UP: movey = -int(progress * GEMIMAGESIZE) elif gem['direction'] == DOWN: movey = int(progress * GEMIMAGESIZE) elif gem['direction'] == RIGHT: movex = int(progress * GEMIMAGESIZE) elif gem['direction'] == LEFT: movex = -int(progress * GEMIMAGESIZE) basex = gem['x'] basey = gem['y'] if basey == ROWABOVEBOARD: basey = -1 pixelx = XMARGIN + (basex * GEMIMAGESIZE) pixely = YMARGIN + (basey * GEMIMAGESIZE) r = pygame.Rect( (pixelx + movex, pixely + movey, GEMIMAGESIZE, GEMIMAGESIZE) ) DISPLAYSURF.blit(GEMIMAGES[gem['imageNum']], r) def pullDownAllGems(board): # pulls down gems on the board to the bottom to fill in any gaps for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): gemsInColumn = [] for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): if board[x][y] != EMPTY_SPACE: gemsInColumn.append(board[x][y]) board[x] = ([EMPTY_SPACE] * (BOARDHEIGHT - len(gemsInColumn))) + gemsInColumn def getGemAt(board, x, y): if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= BOARDWIDTH or y >= BOARDHEIGHT: return None else: return board[x][y] def getDropSlots(board): # Creates a "drop slot" for each column and fills the slot with a # number of gems that that column is lacking. This function assumes # that the gems have been gravity dropped already. boardCopy = copy.deepcopy(board) pullDownAllGems(boardCopy) dropSlots = [] for i in range(BOARDWIDTH): dropSlots.append([]) # count the number of empty spaces in each column on the board for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT-1, -1, -1): # start from bottom, going up if boardCopy[x][y] == EMPTY_SPACE: possibleGems = list(range(len(GEMIMAGES))) for offsetX, offsetY in ((0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0)): # Narrow down the possible gems we should put in the # blank space so we don't end up putting an two of # the same gems next to each other when they drop. neighborGem = getGemAt(boardCopy, x + offsetX, y + offsetY) if neighborGem != None and neighborGem in possibleGems: possibleGems.remove(neighborGem) newGem = random.choice(possibleGems) boardCopy[x][y] = newGem dropSlots[x].append(newGem) return dropSlots def findMatchingGems(board): gemsToRemove = [] # a list of lists of gems in matching triplets that should be removed boardCopy = copy.deepcopy(board) # loop through each space, checking for 3 adjacent identical gems for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): # look for horizontal matches if getGemAt(boardCopy, x, y) == getGemAt(boardCopy, x + 1, y) == getGemAt(boardCopy, x + 2, y) and getGemAt(boardCopy, x, y) != EMPTY_SPACE: targetGem = boardCopy[x][y] offset = 0 removeSet = [] while getGemAt(boardCopy, x + offset, y) == targetGem: # keep checking, in case there's more than 3 gems in a row removeSet.append((x + offset, y)) boardCopy[x + offset][y] = EMPTY_SPACE offset += 1 gemsToRemove.append(removeSet) # look for vertical matches if getGemAt(boardCopy, x, y) == getGemAt(boardCopy, x, y + 1) == getGemAt(boardCopy, x, y + 2) and getGemAt(boardCopy, x, y) != EMPTY_SPACE: targetGem = boardCopy[x][y] offset = 0 removeSet = [] while getGemAt(boardCopy, x, y + offset) == targetGem: # keep checking if there's more than 3 gems in a row removeSet.append((x, y + offset)) boardCopy[x][y + offset] = EMPTY_SPACE offset += 1 gemsToRemove.append(removeSet) return gemsToRemove def highlightSpace(x, y): pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, HIGHLIGHTCOLOR, BOARDRECTS[x][y], 4) def getDroppingGems(board): # Find all the gems that have an empty space below them boardCopy = copy.deepcopy(board) droppingGems = [] for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT - 2, -1, -1): if boardCopy[x][y + 1] == EMPTY_SPACE and boardCopy[x][y] != EMPTY_SPACE: # This space drops if not empty but the space below it is droppingGems.append( {'imageNum': boardCopy[x][y], 'x': x, 'y': y, 'direction': DOWN} ) boardCopy[x][y] = EMPTY_SPACE return droppingGems def animateMovingGems(board, gems, pointsText, score): # pointsText is a dictionary with keys 'x', 'y', and 'points' progress = 0 # progress at 0 represents beginning, 100 means finished. while progress < 100: # animation loop DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) drawBoard(board) for gem in gems: # Draw each gem. drawMovingGem(gem, progress) drawScore(score) for pointText in pointsText: pointsSurf = BASICFONT.render(str(pointText['points']), 1, SCORECOLOR) pointsRect = pointsSurf.get_rect() pointsRect.center = (pointText['x'], pointText['y']) DISPLAYSURF.blit(pointsSurf, pointsRect) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS) progress += MOVERATE # progress the animation a little bit more for the next frame def moveGems(board, movingGems): # movingGems is a list of dicts with keys x, y, direction, imageNum for gem in movingGems: if gem['y'] != ROWABOVEBOARD: board[gem['x']][gem['y']] = EMPTY_SPACE movex = 0 movey = 0 if gem['direction'] == LEFT: movex = -1 elif gem['direction'] == RIGHT: movex = 1 elif gem['direction'] == DOWN: movey = 1 elif gem['direction'] == UP: movey = -1 board[gem['x'] + movex][gem['y'] + movey] = gem['imageNum'] else: # gem is located above the board (where new gems come from) board[gem['x']][0] = gem['imageNum'] # move to top row def fillBoardAndAnimate(board, points, score): dropSlots = getDropSlots(board) while dropSlots != [[]] * BOARDWIDTH: # do the dropping animation as long as there are more gems to drop movingGems = getDroppingGems(board) for x in range(len(dropSlots)): if len(dropSlots[x]) != 0: # cause the lowest gem in each slot to begin moving in the DOWN direction movingGems.append({'imageNum': dropSlots[x][0], 'x': x, 'y': ROWABOVEBOARD, 'direction': DOWN}) boardCopy = getBoardCopyMinusGems(board, movingGems) animateMovingGems(boardCopy, movingGems, points, score) moveGems(board, movingGems) # Make the next row of gems from the drop slots # the lowest by deleting the previous lowest gems. for x in range(len(dropSlots)): if len(dropSlots[x]) == 0: continue board[x][0] = dropSlots[x][0] del dropSlots[x][0] def checkForGemClick(pos): # See if the mouse click was on the board for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): if BOARDRECTS[x][y].collidepoint(pos[0], pos[1]): return {'x': x, 'y': y} return None # Click was not on the board. def drawBoard(board): for x in range(BOARDWIDTH): for y in range(BOARDHEIGHT): pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, GRIDCOLOR, BOARDRECTS[x][y], 1) gemToDraw = board[x][y] if gemToDraw != EMPTY_SPACE: DISPLAYSURF.blit(GEMIMAGES[gemToDraw], BOARDRECTS[x][y]) def getBoardCopyMinusGems(board, gems): # Creates and returns a copy of the passed board data structure, # with the gems in the "gems" list removed from it. # # Gems is a list of dicts, with keys x, y, direction, imageNum boardCopy = copy.deepcopy(board) # Remove some of the gems from this board data structure copy. for gem in gems: if gem['y'] != ROWABOVEBOARD: boardCopy[gem['x']][gem['y']] = EMPTY_SPACE return boardCopy def drawScore(score): scoreImg = BASICFONT.render(str(score), 1, SCORECOLOR) scoreRect = scoreImg.get_rect() scoreRect.bottomleft = (10, WINDOWHEIGHT - 6) DISPLAYSURF.blit(scoreImg, scoreRect) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
以下是一些可以教你更多关于 Python 编程的网站:
- 官方 Pygame 网站上有数百个游戏的源代码,这些游戏利用了 Pygame 库。通过下载和阅读其他人的源代码,你可以学到很多东西。python.org/doc/
- 更多 Python 教程和所有 Python 模块和函数的文档。pygame.org/docs/
- Pygame 模块和函数的完整文档reddit.com/r/learnpython
- 本书的网站,包括这些程序的所有源代码和额外信息。该网站还包含 Pygame 程序中使用的图像和声音文件。inventwithpython.com
- 《用 Python 发明你自己的计算机游戏》一书的网站,涵盖基本的 Python 编程。invpy.com/wiki
- 一个涵盖个别 Python 编程概念的维基,如果你需要了解特定内容,可以查阅。invpy.com/traces
- 一个帮助你逐步跟踪本书中程序执行的网络应用。invpy.com/videos
- 与本书中程序配套的视频。gamedevlessons.com
- 一个关于如何设计和编程视频游戏的有用网站。- [email protected] - 我的电子邮件地址。随时给我发电子邮件,询问关于本书或 Python 编程的问题。
或者你可以通过搜索全球网络了解更多关于 Python 的信息。前往搜索网站google.com
,搜索“Python 编程”或“Python 教程”以找到更多关于 Python 编程的网站。