网安顶刊IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing

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IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing

Table of Contents(March-April 2023)Volume 20, Issue 2


Defeating Misclassification Attacks Against Transfer Learningpp. 886-901

by Bang Wu, Shuo Wang, Xingliang Yuan, Cong Wang, Carsten Rudolph, Xiangwen Yang

用API Knowledgepp减缓基于学习的恶意软件检测器的老化

Slowing Down the Aging of Learning-Based Malware Detectors With API Knowledgepp. 902-916

by Xiaohan Zhang, Mi Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Ming Zhong, Xin Zhang, Yinzhi Cao, Min Yang


Capturing Invalid Input Manipulations for Memory Corruption Diagnosispp. 917-930

by Lei Zhao, Keyang Jiang, Yuncong Zhu, Lina Wang, Jiang Ming


Enabling Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement in Decentralized Anonymous Paymentpp. 931-943

by Liang Xue, Dongxiao Liu, Jianbing Ni, Xiaodong Lin, Xuemin Sherman Shen


A Security and Privacy Preserved Intelligent Vehicle Navigation Systempp. 944-959

by Barnana Baruah, Subhasish Dhal


Protecting Regression Models With Personalized Local Differential Privacypp. 960-974

by Xiaoguang Li, Haonan Yan, Zelei Cheng, Wenhai Sun, Hui Li


You Can’t Always Get What You Want: Towards User-Controlled Privacy on Androidpp. 975-987

by Davide Caputo, Francesco Pagano, Giovanni Bottino, Luca Verderame, Alessio Merlo


Aggregation Service for Federated Learning: An Efficient, Secure, and More Resilient Realizationpp. 988-1001

by Yifeng Zheng, Shangqi Lai, Yi Liu, Xingliang Yuan, Xun Yi, Cong Wang


VOLERE: Leakage Resilient User Authentication Based on Personal Voice Challengespp. 1002-1016

by Rui Zhang, Zheng Yan, Xuerui Wang, Robert H. Deng

I Know Your Social Network Accounts:一种新颖的设备身份关联攻击架构

I Know Your Social Network Accounts: A Novel Attack Architecture for Device-Identity Associationpp. 1017-1030

by Yinhao Xiao, Yizhen Jia, Xiuzhen Cheng, Shengling Wang, Jian Mao, Zhenkai Liang


ShieLD: Shielding Cross-Zone Communication Within Limited-Resourced IoT Devices Running Vulnerable Software Stackpp. 1031-1047

by Anum Khurshid, Sileshi Demesie Yalew, Mudassar Aslam, Shahid Raza


Towards an Interpretable Autoencoder: A Decision-Tree-Based Autoencoder and its Application in Anomaly Detectionpp. 1048-1059

by Diana Laura Aguilar, Miguel Angel Medina-Pérez, Octavio Loyola-González, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Edoardo Bucheli-Susarrey


CryptoMaze: Privacy-Preserving Splitting of Off-Chain Paymentspp. 1060-1073

by Subhra Mazumdar, Sushmita Ruj


STRisk: A Socio-Technical Approach to Assess Hacking Breaches Riskpp. 1074-1087

by Hicham Hammouchi, Narjisse Nejjari, Ghita Mezzour, Mounir Ghogho, Houda Benbrahim


LIGHT: Lightweight Authentication for Intra Embedded Integrated Electronic Systemspp. 1088-1103

by Xuru Li, Daojing He, Yun Gao, Ximeng Liu, Sammy Chan, Manghan Pan, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo


SparkAC: Fine-Grained Access Control in Spark for Secure Data Sharing and Analyticspp. 1104-1123

by Tao Xue, Yu Wen, Bo Luo, Gang Li, Yingjiu Li, Boyang Zhang, Yang Zheng, Yanfei Hu, Dan Meng


Discovery and Identification of Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities on Bare-Metal Embedded Devicespp. 1124-1138

by Majid Salehi, Luca Degani, Marco Roveri, Danny Hughes, Bruno Crispo


MANDA: On Adversarial Example Detection for Network Intrusion Detection Systempp. 1139-1153

by Ning Wang, Yimin Chen, Yang Xiao, Yang Hu, Wenjing Lou, Y. Thomas Hou


Redundancy Planning for Cost Efficient Resilience to Cyber Attackspp. 1154-1168

by Jukka Soikkeli, Giuliano Casale, Luis Muñoz-González, Emil C. Lupu


Fraud-Agents Detection in Online Microfinance: A Large-Scale Empirical Studypp. 1169-1185

by Yiming Wu, Zhiyuan Xie, Shouling Ji, Zhenguang Liu, Xuhong Zhang, Changting Lin, Shuiguang Deng, Jun Zhou, Ting Wang, Raheem Beyah


Cyber Information Retrieval Through Pragmatics Understanding and Visualizationpp. 1186-1199

by Nan Sun, Jun Zhang, Shang Gao, Leo Yu Zhang, Seyit Camtepe, Yang Xiang


Sixteen Years of Phishing User Studies: What Have We Learned?pp.1200 - 1212

by Shahryar Baki, Rakesh M. Verma


Enhancing Sybil Detection via Social-Activity Networks: A Random Walk Approachpp. 1213-1227

by Xiaoying Zhang, Hong Xie, Pei Yi, John C.S. Lui

PressPIN:通过结构传播Soundspp. 1228-1242在移动设备上启用安全的PIN身份验证

PressPIN: Enabling Secure PIN Authentication on Mobile Devices via Structure-Borne Soundspp. 1228-1242

by Man Zhou, Qian Wang, Xiu Lin, Yi Zhao, Peipei Jiang, Qi Li, Chao Shen, Cong Wang


Maliciously Secure and Efficient Large-Scale Genome-Wide Association Study With Multi-Party Computationpp. 1243-1257

by Caiqin Dong, Jian Weng, Jia-Nan Liu, Anjia Yang, Zhiquan Liu, Yaxi Yang, Jianfeng Ma


Stick: An End-to-End Encryption Protocol Tailored for Social Network Platformspp. 1258-1269

by Omar Basem, Abrar Ullah, Hani Ragab Hassen


Towards Optimal Triage and Mitigation of Context-Sensitive Cyber Vulnerabilitiespp. 1270-1285

by Soumyadeep Hore, Fariha Moomtaheen, Ankit Shah, Xinming Ou


HIBEChain: A Hierarchical Identity-Based Blockchain System for Large-Scale IoTpp.1286 - 1301

by Zhiguo Wan, Wei Liu, Hui Cui


Lightweight and Identifier-Oblivious Engine for Cryptocurrency Networking Anomaly Detectionpp. 1302-1318

by Wenjun Fan, Hsiang-Jen Hong, Jinoh Kim, Simeon Wuthier, Makiya Nakashima, Xiaobo Zhou, Ching-Hua Chow, Sang-Yoon Chang


Towards Efficient and Privacy-Preserving User-Defined Skyline Query Over Single Cloudpp. 1319-1334

by Songnian

Table of Contents(Sept.-Oct. 2023)Volume 20, Issue 5


Improved Protocols for Distributed Secret Sharingpp. 3558-3571

by Roberto De Prisco, Alfredo De Santis, Francesco Palmieri


Go-Sharing: A Blockchain-Based Privacy-Preserving Framework for Cross-Social Network Photo Sharingpp. 3572-3587

by Ming Zhang, Zhe Sun, Hui Li, Ben Niu, Fenghua Li, Zixu Zhang, Yuhang Xie, Chunhao Zheng


Mangling Rules Generation With Density-Based Clustering for Password Guessingpp. 3588-3600

by Shunbin Li, Zhiyu Wang, Ruyun Zhang, Chunming Wu, Hanguang Luo


VOSA: Verifiable and Oblivious Secure Aggregation for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learningpp. 3601-3616

by Yong Wang, Aiqing Zhang, Shu Wu, Shui Yu


Smaug: A TEE-Assisted Secured SQLite for Embedded Systemspp. 3617-3635

by Di Lu, Minqiang Shi, Xindi Ma, Ximeng Liu, Rui Guo, Tianfang Zheng, Yulong Shen, Xuewen Dong, Jianfeng Ma


ZeroProKeS: A Secure Zeroconf Key Establishment Protocol for Large-Scale Low-Cost Applicationspp. 3636-3652

by Shahnewaz Karim Sakib, George T Amariucai, Yong Guan

你的标签正在出卖你:垂直联邦学习中的关系泄漏pp. 3653-3668

Your Labels are Selling You Out: Relation Leaks in Vertical Federated Learningpp. 3653-3668

by Pengyu Qiu, Xuhong Zhang, Shouling Ji, Tianyu Du, Yuwen Pu, Jun Zhou, Ting Wang


Matrix-Based Secret Sharing for Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Imagespp. 3669-3686

by Zhongyun Hua, Yanxiang Wang, Shuang Yi, Yifeng Zheng, Xingyu Liu, Yongyong Chen, Xinpeng Zhang

为硬件安全探索手写签名图像特征ypp. 3687-3698

Exploring Handwritten Signature Image Features for Hardware Securitypp. 3687-3698

by Mahendra Rathor, Anirban Sengupta, Rahul Chaurasia, Aditya Anshul

逃离共识:即时修订的区块链协议在无权限设置pp. 3699-3715

Escaping From Consensus: Instantly Redactable Blockchain Protocols in Permissionless Settingpp. 3699-3715

by Xinyu Li, Jing Xu, Lingyuan Yin, Yuan Lu, Qiang Tang, Zhenfeng Zhang


Implicit Hammer: Cross-Privilege-Boundary Rowhammer Through Implicit Accessespp. 3716-3733

by Zhi Zhang, Wei He, Yueqiang Cheng, Wenhao Wang, Yansong Gao, Dongxi Liu, Kang Li, Surya Nepal, Anmin Fu, Yi Zou


Snoopy: A Webpage Fingerprinting Framework With Finite Query Model for Mass-Surveillancepp.3734 - 3752

by Gargi Mitra, Prasanna Karthik Vairam, Sandip Saha, Nitin Chandrachoodan, V. Kamakoti


Mitigating Adversarial Gray-Box Attacks Against Phishing Detectorspp. 3753-3769

by Giovanni Apruzzese, V. S. Subrahmanian


Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Spatial Keyword Similarity Query Over Encrypted Datapp. 3770-3786

by Songnian Zhang, Suprio Ray, Rongxing Lu, Yunguo Guan, Yandong Zheng, Jun Shao


Cover Reproducible Steganography via Deep Generative Modelspp. 3787-3798

by Kejiang Chen, Hang Zhou, Yaofei Wang, Menghan Li, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu


Membership Inference Attacks Against Deep Learning Models via Logits Distributionpp. 3799-3808

by Hongyang Yan, Shuhao Li, Yajie Wang, Yaoyuan Zhang, Kashif Sharif, Haibo Hu, Yuanzhang Li

MRSA: 5G HetNetspp中高效安全切换认证的掩码随机阵列协议。

MRSA: Mask Random Array Protocol for Efficient Secure Handover Authentication in 5G HetNetspp.3809 - 3827

by Yibing Liu, Lijun Huo, Jun Wu, Mohsen Guizani


Cancelable Fingerprint Template Construction Using Vector Permutation and Shift-Orderingpp.3828 - 3844

by Sani M. Abdullahi, Ke Lv, Shuifa Sun, Hongxia Wang


Leaking Wireless ICs via Hardware Trojan-Infected Synchronizationpp. 3845-3859

by Alán Rodrigo Díaz-Rizo, Hassan Aboushady, Haralampos-G.Stratigopoulos


Certificate Transparency With Enhanced Privacypp. 3860-3872

by Hyunsoo Kwon, Sangtae Lee, Minjae Kim, Changhee Hahn, Junbeom Hur


Efficient Verifiable Unbounded-Size Database From Authenticated Matrix Commitmentpp. 3873-3889

by Haining Yang, Dengguo Feng, Jing Qin


Internet-Scale Fingerprinting the Reusing and Rebranding IoT Devices in the Cyberspacepp. 3890-3909

by Zhaoteng Yan, Zhi Li, Hong Li, Shouguo Yang, Hongsong Zhu, Limin Sun


Differentially Private Distributed Frequency Estimationpp. 3910-3926

by Mengmeng Yang, Ivan Tjuawinata, Kwok-Yan Lam, Tianqing Zhu, Jun Zhao


Disclosure Risk From Homogeneity Attack in Differentially Privately Sanitized Frequency Distributionpp. 3927-3939

by Fang Liu, Xingyuan Zhao


A Privacy-Preserving State Estimation Scheme for Smart Gridspp. 3940-3956

by Hong-Yen Tran, Jiankun Hu, Hemanshu R. Pota


Advanced Persistent Threat Detection Using Data Provenance and Metric Learningpp. 3957-3969

by Khandakar Ashrafi Akbar, Yigong Wang, Gbadebo Ayoade, Yang Gao, Anoop Singhal, Latifur Khan, Bhavani Thuraisingham, Kangkook Jee


Towards Understanding and Mitigating Audio Adversarial Examples for Speaker Recognitionpp. 3970-3987

by Guangke Chen, Zhe Zhao, Fu Song, Sen Chen, Lingling Fan, Feng Wang, Jiashui Wang


Decision Tree Evaluation on Sensitive Datasets for Secure e-Healthcare Systemspp. 3988-4001

by Mingwu Zhang, Yu Chen, Willy Susilo

边缘异常点的发现:基于异常值暴露的跨竖井联邦学习的DDoS检测pp. 4002-4015

Spotting Anomalies at the Edge: Outlier Exposure-Based Cross-Silo Federated Learning for DDoS Detectionpp. 4002-4015

by Vahid Pourahmadi, Hyame Assem Alameddine, Mohammad Ali Salahuddin, Raouf Boutaba


Robust Audio Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Constant Q Spectral Sketches and GA-SVMpp.4016 - 4031


by Zhaopin Su, Mengke Li, Guofu Zhang, Qinfang Wu, Miqing Li, Weiming Zhang, Xin Yao


Hybrid Approaches (ABAC and RBAC) Toward Secure Access Control in Sm

by Safwa Ameer, James Benson, Ravi Sandhu


ESMAC: Efficient and Secure Multi-Owner Access Control With TEE in Multi-Level Data Processingpp. 4052-4069

by Dan Liu, Zheng Yan, Wenxiu Ding, Yuxuan Cai, Yaxing Chen, Zhiguo Wan


ADCaDeM: A Novel Method of Calculating Attack Damage Based on Differential Manifoldspp. 4070-4084

by Zhen Liu, ChangZhen Hu, Chun Shan, Zheng Yan


Generic and Sensitive Anomaly Detection of Network Covert Timing Channelspp. 4085-4100

by Haozhi Li, Tian Song, Yating Yang

亚线性圆复杂度的差分不经意两方模式匹配ypp. 4101-4117

Differentially Oblivious Two-Party Pattern Matching With Sublinear Round Complexitypp. 4101-4117

by Pengfei Wu, Jianting Ning, Xinyi Huang, Joseph K. Liu


Secret-to-Image Reversible Transformation for Generative Steganographypp. 4118-4134

by Zhili Zhou, Yuecheng Su, Jin Li, Keping Yu, Q. M. Jonathan Wu, Zhangjie Fu, Yunqing Shi


I Still Know What You Did Last Summer: Inferring Sensitive User Activities on Messaging Applications Through Traffic Analysispp. 4135-4153

by Ardavan Bozorgi, Alireza Bahramali, Fateme Rezaei, Amirhossein Ghafari, Amir Houmansadr, Ramin Soltani, Dennis Goeckel, Don Towsley


Crystal: Enhancing Blockchain Mining Transparency With Quorum Certificatepp. 4154-4168

by Jianyu Niu, Fangyu Gai, Runchao Han, Ren Zhang, Yinqian Zhang, Chen Feng


Efficient and Generic Algorithms for Quantitative Attack Tree Analysispp. 4169-4187

by Milan Lopuhaä-Zwakenberg, Carlos E. Budde, Mariëlle Stoelinga


MARNet: Backdoor Attacks Against Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learningpp. 4188-4198

by Yanjiao Chen, Zhicong Zheng, Xueluan Gong


Reversible Data Hiding With Hierarchical Block Variable Length Coding for Cloud Securitypp. 4199-4213

by Shuying Xu, Ji-Hwei Horng, Ching-Chun Chang, Chin-Chen Chang


Cure-GNN: A Robust Curvature-Enhanced Graph Neural Network Against Adversarial Attackspp. 4214-4229

by Yang Xiao, Zhuolin Xing, Alex X. Liu, Lei Bai, Qingqi Pei, Lina Yao

建立安全联邦学习互信的多洗牌器框架pp. 4230-4244

A Multi-Shuffler Framework to Establish Mutual Confidence for Secure Federated Learningpp. 4230-4244

by Zan Zhou, Changqiao Xu, Mingze Wang, Xiaohui Kuang, Yirong Zhuang, Shui Yu


Achieving Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Neural Network Training and Prediction in Cloud Environmentspp. 4245-4257

by Chuan Zhang, Chenfei Hu, Tong Wu, Liehuang Zhu, Ximeng Liu


PolyCosGraph: A Privacy-Preserving Cancelable EEG Biometric Systempp. 4258-4272

by Min Wang, Song Wang, Jiankun Hu


Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing for Co-Operative Defense in Multi-Domain Entitiespp. 4273-4290

by Soumya Purohit, Roshan Neupane, Naga Ramya Bhamidipati, Varsha Vakkavanthula, Songjie Wang, Matthew Rockey, Prasad Calyam


FIDO Gets Verified: A Formal Analysis of the Universal Authentication Framework Protocolpp. 4291-4310

by Haonan Feng, Jingjing Guan, Hui Li, Xuesong Pan, Ziming Zhao


SofitMix: A Secure Offchain-Supported Bitcoin-Compatible Mixing Protocolpp. 4311-4324

by Haomeng Xie, Shufan Fei, Zheng Yan, Yang Xiao


Fair Cloud Auditing Based on Blockchain for Resource-Constrained IoT Devicespp. 4325-4342

by Lei Zhou, Anmin Fu, Guomin Yang, Yansong Gao, Shui Yu, Robert H. Deng


PEBA: Enhancing User Privacy and Coverage of Safe Browsing Servicespp. 4343-4358

by Yuefeng Du, Huayi Duan, Lei Xu, Helei Cui, Cong Wang, Qian Wang


SlimBox: Lightweight Packet Inspection over Encrypted Trafficpp. 4359-4371

by Qin Liu, Yu Peng, Hongbo Jiang, Jie Wu, Tian Wang, Tao Peng, Guojun Wang


A Distributed and Privacy-Aware High-Throughput Transaction Scheduling Approach for Scaling Blockchainpp. 4372-4386

by Xiaoyu Qiu, Wuhui Chen, Bingxin Tang, Junyuan Liang, Hong-Ning Dai, Zibin Zheng


PRkNN: Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Reverse kNN Query Over Encrypted Datapp. 4387-4402

by Yandong Zheng, Rongxing Lu, Songnian Zhang, Yunguo Guan, Fengwei Wang, Jun Shao, Hui Zhu


A Hybrid Threat Model for Smart Systemspp. 4403-4417

by Fulvio Valenza, Erisa Karafili, Rodrigo Vieira Steiner, Emil C. Lupu


Hercules: Boosting the Performance of Privacy-Preserving Federated Learningpp. 4418-4433

by Guowen Xu, Xingshuo Han, Shengmin Xu, Tianwei Zhang, Hongwei Li, Xinyi Huang, Robert H. Deng


On the Privacy of Counting Bloom Filters Under a Black-Box Attackerpp. 4434-4440

by Sergio Galán, Pedro Reviriego, Stefan Walzer, Alfonso Sánchez-Macian, Shanshan Liu, Fabrizio Lombardi


On the Security of a Lattice-Based Multi-Stage Secret Sharing Schemepp. 4441-4442

by Zhichao Yang, Debiao He, Longjiang Qu, Jianqiao Xu

机器学习/深度学习 自然语言处理 PyTorch
Re6:读论文 LeSICiN: A Heterogeneous Graph-based Approach for Automatic Legal Statute Identification fro
Re6:读论文 LeSICiN: A Heterogeneous Graph-based Approach for Automatic Legal Statute Identification fro
Re6:读论文 LeSICiN: A Heterogeneous Graph-based Approach for Automatic Legal Statute Identification fro
关系型数据库 物联网 对象存储
Sharing, Storing, and Computing Massive Amounts of Data
Data is crucial to the operation of any business.
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算法 安全 网络协议
Standards-zigbee-smart-energy-1-2-revision-4 http://www.
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The Evolution of Blockchain Development
Blockchain is a distributed peer-to-peer network without any central control points. It uses distributed unified operation to achieve a set of tamper-
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Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA)
https://sourceforge.net/p/linux-ima/wiki/Home/ http://blog.
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