select pdtm.name,pdtm.temperature,pdtm.humidity,pdtm.pressure from (
select pp.id,p.name,pp.temperature,pp.humidity,pp.pressure from phe_device_thermo_mst
p LEFT JOIN phe_device_thermo_result_mst pp on p.id = pp.phe_device_thermo_mst_id group by p.id order by pp.create_time desc) pdtm
group by pdtm.name
但是,在mysql的5.7之后,group by的子查询包含order by的话,假如order by不与limit一起使用的话,order by 会被忽略不生效
解决方案:在order by后面加上limit 条数。
select pdtm.name,pdtm.temperature,pdtm.humidity,pdtm.pressure from
(select pp.id,p.name,pp.temperature,pp.humidity,pp.pressure from phe_device_thermo_mst p
LEFT JOIN phe_device_thermo_result_mst pp on p.id = pp.phe_device_thermo_mst_id
where p.lifecycle = 'released'
and pp.lifecycle = 'released'
and p.is_delete = 'no'
and pp.is_delete = 'no'
order by pp.create_time desc
limit #{count} ) pdtm
group by pdtm.name