UE Load texture images at runtime Plugin description

简介: UE Load texture images at runtime Plugin description

Load Texture From Local Or Network

Which Can Load JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC Format Image

1. Load Texture From Local

Load images locally from your computer


File Path : Image full path address


Return Value: Texture object (UTexture2D), if the object is invalid, it means that the loading failed.

2. Load Texture From Network

Load images from the web


URL : Image website path URL

On Http Texture:Bind a custom event, which will be called back when the network image is loaded.

Description of custom event parameters:

URL:  Image website path URL

Texture:texture object. An invalid object means that the load failed.

在代码插件创建的Runtime Load Texture - 虚幻引擎商城 (unrealengine.com)


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