2. 成功解决 BUG:Exception when publishing, ...[Failed to connect and initialize SSH connection...

简介: SSH: Connecting from host [WIN-...]SSH: Connecting with configuration [192.168....] ...ERROR: Exception when publishing, exception message [Failed to connect and initialize SSH connection. Message: [Failed to connect session for config [192.168....]. Message [java.net.ConnectException: Connection



使用 Jenkins 构建项目时,提示下面错误:

SSH: Connecting from host [WIN-...]
SSH: Connecting with configuration [192.168....] ...
ERROR: Exception when publishing, exception message [Failed to connect and initialize SSH connection. Message: [Failed to connect session for config [192.168....]. Message [java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect]]]
Build step 'Send build artifacts over SSH' changed build result to UNSTABLE
Finished: UNSTABLE


从错误信息可以看出是 Jenkins 服务器连接生产服务器未成功,需要登录 Jenkins 服务器进行问题排查。

登录 Jenkins 服务器,通过 ping 测试是否能连通生产服务器。经过测试,确实无法连通。


Jenkins 服务器连接生产服务器通常会使用 VPN 等工具,经检查是因为 VPN 登录失败原因导致的。

重新登录 VPN ,能够连通生产服务器了。再次构建 Jenkins 项目,可以正常发布。

SSH: EXEC: completed after 15,584 ms
SSH: Disconnecting configuration [192.168....] ...
SSH: Transferred 1 file(s)
Finished: SUCCESS
网络协议 Ubuntu Linux
解决ssh: connect to host IP port 22: Connection timed out报错(scp传文件指定端口)
解决 `ssh: connect to host IP port 22: Connection timed out` 报错涉及检查 SSH 服务状态、防火墙配置、网络连通性和主机名解析等多个方面。通过逐步排查上述问题,并在 `scp` 命令中正确指定端口,可以有效解决连接超时的问题,确保文件传输的顺利进行。希望本文提供的解决方案能帮助您快速定位并解决该错误。
186 3
运维 网络安全
解决ssh: connect to host IP port 22: Connection timed out报错(scp传文件指定端口)
通过这些步骤和方法,您可以有效解决“ssh: connect to host IP port 22: Connection timed out”问题,并顺利使用 `scp`命令传输文件。
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网络协议 Shell 网络安全
ssh: connect to host github.com port 22: Connection refused
本文讨论了在使用Git命令操作GitHub时遇到的"ssh: connect to host github.com port 22: Connection refused"错误,分析了可能的原因,并提供了使用443端口或https协议作为解决方案,最终确定问题是由于DNS解析错误导致,通过修改hosts文件解决。
ssh: connect to host github.com port 22: Connection refused
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Linux(16)ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer问题
Linux(16)ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer问题
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【git】解决git报错:ssh:connect to host github.com port 22: Connection timed out 亲测有效
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