如何在openGauss/PostgreSQL手动清理XLOG/WAL 文件?

云原生数据库 PolarDB MySQL 版,通用型 2核4GB 50GB
云原生数据库 PolarDB PostgreSQL 版,标准版 2核4GB 50GB
日志服务 SLS,月写入数据量 50GB 1个月
简介: openGauss/PostgreSQL中的预写式日志WAL(Write Ahead Log),又名Xlog或redo log,相当于oracle的online redo log, 不同的是oracle online redo log是提前创建几组滚动使用,但在opengauss中只需要本配置参数控制WAL日志的周期,数据库会一直的创建并自动清理,但存在一些情况WAL日志未清理导致目录空间耗尽,或目录空间紧张时手动删除wal日志时,比如如何确认在非归档模式下哪些WAL日志文件可以安全删除?

openGauss/PostgreSQL中的预写式日志WAL(Write Ahead Log),又名Xlog或redo log,相当于oracle的online redo log, 不同的是oracle online redo log是提前创建几组滚动使用,但在opengauss中只需要本配置参数控制WAL日志的周期,数据库会一直的创建并自动清理,但存在一些情况WAL日志未清理导致目录空间耗尽,或目录空间紧张时手动删除wal日志时,比如如何确认在非归档模式下哪些WAL日志文件可以安全删除?


先看几个数据库实例控制的与wal日志相关的, 这里是这的测试环境openGauss 5.0,默认值。

openGauss=# \! sh show wal

enable_mix_replication                 | off                | All the replication log sent by the wal streaming.

enable_wal_shipping_compression        | off                | enable compress xlog during xlog shipping.

hadr_max_size_for_xlog_receiver        | 256GB              | This param set by user is used for xlog to stop receiving when the gap is larger than this param between replay xlog location and walreceiver r

max_wal_senders                        | 4                  | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running WAL sender processes.

wal_block_size                         | 8192               | Shows the block size in the write ahead log.

wal_buffers                            | 16MB              | Sets the number of disk-page buffers in shared memory for WAL.

wal_file_init_num                      | 10                 | Sets the number of xlog segment files that WAL writer auxiliary thread creates at one time.

wal_flush_delay                        | 1                  | set delay time when iterator table entry.

wal_flush_timeout                      | 2                  | set timeout when iterator table entry.

wal_keep_segments                      | 16                 | Sets the number of WAL files held for standby servers.

wal_level                              | hot_standby        | Sets the level of information written to the WAL.

wal_log_hints                          | on                 | Writes full pages to WAL when first modified after a checkpoint, even for a non-critical modifications.

wal_receiver_buffer_size               | 64MB               | Sets the buffer size to receive data from master.

wal_receiver_connect_retries           | 1                  | Sets the maximum retries to connect master.

wal_receiver_connect_timeout           | 2s                 | Sets the maximum wait time to connect master.

wal_receiver_status_interval           | 5s                 | Sets the maximum interval between WAL receiver status reports to the primary.

wal_receiver_timeout                   | 6s                 | Sets the maximum wait time to receive data from master.

wal_segment_size                       | 16MB              | Shows the number of pages per write ahead log segment.

wal_sender_timeout                     | 6s                 | Sets the maximum time to wait for WAL replication.

wal_sync_method                        | fdatasync          | Selects the method used for forcing WAL updates to disk.

wal_writer_delay                       | 200ms              | WAL writer sleep time between WAL flushes.

walsender_max_send_size                | 8MB                | Size of walsender max send size.

walwriter_cpu_bind                     | -1                 | Sets the binding CPU number for the WAL writer thread.

walwriter_sleep_threshold              | 500                | Number of idle xlog flushes before xlog flusher goes to sleep.

openGauss=# \! sh show xlog

advance_xlog_file_num                  | 0                  | Sets the number of xlog files to be initialized in advance.

archive_timeout                        | 0                  | Forces a switch to the next xlog file if a new file has not been started within N seconds.

enable_wal_shipping_compression        | off                | enable compress xlog during xlog shipping.

enable_xlog_prune                      | on                | Enable xlog prune when not all standys connected and xlog size is largger than max_xlog_size

hadr_max_size_for_xlog_receiver        | 256GB              | This param set by user is used for xlog to stop receiving when the gap is larger than this param between replay xlog location and walreceiver r

max_size_for_xlog_prune                | 2147483647kB       | This param set by user is used for xlog to be recycled when not all are connected and the param enable_xlog_prune is on.

recovery_parse_workers                 | 1                  | The number of recovery threads to do xlog parse.

recovery_redo_workers                  | 1                  | The number belonging to one parse worker to do xlog redo.

wal_file_init_num                      | 10                 | Sets the number of xlog segment files that WAL writer auxiliary thread creates at one time.

walwriter_sleep_threshold              | 500                | Number of idle xlog flushes before xlog flusher goes to sleep.

xlog_file_path                         |                    | use only one xlog file, the path of it

xlog_file_size                         | 549755813888       | share storage xlog file size

xlog_lock_file_path                    |                    | used to control write to xlog_file_path

xloginsert_locks                       | 8                  | Sets the number of locks used for concurrent xlog insertions.

openGauss=# show archive_mode;




(1 row)




[BACKEND] LOG:  attempting to remove WAL segments older than log file 000000010000000000000008

[BACKEND] LOG:  attempting to remove WAL segments older than log file 000000010000000000000009


[og@oel7db1 pg_xlog]$ ls -lrt|cat -n

    1  total 425988

    2  drwx------ 2 og og     4096 May  8 11:36 archive_status

    3  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 10 17:17 00000001000000000000001C

    4  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 15:58 00000001000000000000001D

    5  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 15:59 00000001000000000000001E

    6  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000001F

    7  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000020

    8  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000021

    9  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000022

   10  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000023

   11  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000000A

   12  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000000B

   13  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000000C

   14  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000000D

   15  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000000E

   16  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000000F

   17  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000010

   18  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:47 000000010000000000000011

   19  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:47 000000010000000000000012

   20  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:47 000000010000000000000013

   21  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:47 000000010000000000000014

   22  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:47 000000010000000000000015

   23  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:47 000000010000000000000016

   24  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:47 000000010000000000000017

   25  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:47 000000010000000000000018

   26  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:52 000000010000000000000019

   27  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:52 00000001000000000000001A

   28  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:53 00000001000000000000001B




相当于Oracle的alter system switch logfile;

penGauss=# select pg_switch_xlog();




(1 row)

openGauss=# select pg_switch_xlog();




(1 row)


# DB内部

openGauss=# select * from pg_ls_waldir() order by modification asc;

          name           |   size   |      modification


000000010000000000000001 | 16777216 | 2023-05-08 11:37:00+08

000000010000000000000002 | 16777216 | 2023-05-10 17:17:55+08

000000010000000000000003 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 15:58:58+08

000000010000000000000004 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 15:59:02+08

000000010000000000000005 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:24+08

000000010000000000000006 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:27+08

000000010000000000000007 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:29+08

000000010000000000000008 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:31+08

000000010000000000000009 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:33+08

00000001000000000000000A | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:34+08

00000001000000000000000B | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:36+08

00000001000000000000000C | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:38+08

00000001000000000000000D | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:39+08

00000001000000000000000E | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:41+08

00000001000000000000000F | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:43+08

000000010000000000000012 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:44+08

000000010000000000000013 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:44+08

000000010000000000000014 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:45+08

000000010000000000000016 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:45+08

000000010000000000000010 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:45+08

000000010000000000000015 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:45+08

000000010000000000000017 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:46+08

000000010000000000000019 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:46+08

000000010000000000000018 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:46+08

00000001000000000000001A | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:00:47+08

000000010000000000000011 | 16777216 | 2023-05-27 16:03:45+08

(26 rows)

# 操作系统

[og@oel7db1 pg_xlog]$ ls -lrt|cat -n

    1  total 425988

    2  drwx------ 2 og og     4096 May  8 11:36 archive_status

    3  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May  8 11:37 000000010000000000000001

    4  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 10 17:17 000000010000000000000002

    5  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 15:58 000000010000000000000003

    6  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 15:59 000000010000000000000004

    7  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000005

    8  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000006

    9  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000007

   10  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000008

   11  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000009

   12  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000000A

   13  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000000B

   14  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000000C

   15  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000000D

   16  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000000E

   17  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000000F

   18  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000012

   19  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000013

   20  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000014

   21  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000015

   22  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000010

   23  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000016

   24  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000017

   25  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000018

   26  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 000000010000000000000019

   27  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:00 00000001000000000000001A

   28  -rw------- 1 og og 16777216 May 27 16:06 000000010000000000000011




第一部分,叫做时间线,是从1开始递增地数字(类似ORACLE 的SCN的wrap), 当低位满时,前一段加1.




[og@oel7db1 ~]$ ps -ef|grep gauss

og        1989     1  1 11:48 pts/0    00:04:13 gaussdb -D /opensource/opengauss/5.0/db --single_node

og       26086 25871  0 15:59 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto gauss

[og@oel7db1 pg_xlog]$ pg_controldata  /opensource/opengauss/5.0/db/

pg_control version number:            923

Catalog version number:               201611171

Database system identifier:           576503776236165954

Database cluster state:               in production

pg_control last modified:             Sat 27 May 2023 04:01:45 PM CST

Latest checkpoint location:           0/110001C8

Prior checkpoint location:            0/110000A8

Latest checkpoint's REDO location:    0/11000148

Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID:       1

Latest checkpoint's full_page_writes: off

Latest checkpoint's NextXID:          16617

Latest checkpoint's NextOID:          16431

Latest checkpoint's NextMultiXactId:  2

Latest checkpoint's NextMultiOffset:  0

Latest checkpoint's oldestXID:        12664

Latest checkpoint's oldestXID's DB:   15645

Latest checkpoint's oldestActiveXID:  16617

Latest checkpoint's remove lsn:       0/1

Time of latest checkpoint:            Sat 27 May 2023 04:01:45 PM CST

Minimum recovery ending location:     0/0

Backup start location:                0/0

Backup end location:                  0/0

End-of-backup record required:        no

Current wal_level setting:            hot_standby

Current max_connections setting:      250

Current max_prepared_xacts setting:   200

Current max_locks_per_xact setting:   256

Maximum data alignment:               8

Database block size:                  8192

Blocks per segment of large relation: 131072

WAL block size:                       8192

Bytes per WAL segment:                16777216

Maximum length of identifiers:        64

Maximum columns in an index:          32

Maximum size of a TOAST chunk:        1996

Date/time type storage:               64-bit integers

Float4 argument passing:              by value

Float8 argument passing:              by value

Database system TimeLine:             8

openGauss=# select pg_xlogfile_name('0/110001C8');




(1 row)



可以手动rm 也可以使用pg_archivecleanup,如果当前opengauss中没有该工具,可以从postgresql中复制,目前在openGauss的商业发行版Mogdb中有该工具的说明。 pg_archivecleanup 是一个用于清理旧的归档日志的工具。



pg_archivecleanup -d /opensource/opengauss/5.0/db/  000000010000000000000011

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