
简介:  IPPswap孵化器是一个充满活力、高效率和可持续性的DeFi孵化平台。通过多种机制的运用和不断的创新和进步,IPPswap孵化器为初创项目提供了更加安全、公正和可持续的孵化环境,未来,IPPswap孵化器将继续探索和引领DeFi市场的发展方向,成为该领域中不可或缺的一部分。


  随着信息技术和通信技术的不断进步, 我们已经步入了智能工业时代。在这个时代,各种智能技术的应用正在推动着工业的升级和转型,人工智能技术、5G技术和工业互联网技术等新一代信息技术正在不断推进着时代进步和发展。


The specific plan is as follows:

1: Incubation Pass: The total number of IPPs issued is 1600w, fully entering the LP pool for circulation, with an initial issuance price of 0.05U.

2: The minimum investment for an LP market maker is over 100U, which is converted into an LP token to lock the position and obtain LP computing power. The token is indefinitely managed by the custody contract, and no market maker or project party has the right to unlock it. The custody contract unlocks and releases 0.7% of the coin balance in the LP pool on a daily basis, and is distributed proportionally as follows:

LP market makers accounted for 55% of dividends,

The distribution of dividends during preaching accounts for 25%,

Super node dividends account for 5%,

Ordinary node dividends account for 5%,

Foundations account for 4%,

The technical team accounts for 3%,

Project operation accounts for 3%.

3: After investing to become an LP market maker, players can receive LP computing power dividends based on their LP computing power

Market maker LP's computing power=its investment amount * 1.01 to the Nth power, where N represents the number of days of IPO launch.

Market makers' daily LP computing power dividends=55% of the total daily release * (personal LP computing power/total pool LP computing power)

4: A handling fee of 2% is charged for both buying and selling.

5: The IPPs obtained by market makers through LP computing power dividends can be held in currency for growth or sold. The sold IPPs are not included in the LP pool and are fully destroyed until the quantity reaches 160w.

The U obtained by market makers from selling IPPs is divided into three parts after deducting handling fees

1: 50% enters the market maker's wallet;

2: 45% is backfilled into the LP pool through a custody contract, while obtaining LP computing power;

3: 5% donation will be used for the establishment of the Swap motherboard founding flow pool and the management of the market value of KPP, promoting the healthy development of the motherboard.

2: Community construction plan

Explanation of terms:

T=My preaching and calculation ability

A=Amount of new currency added to my address on that day

B=the sum of the newly added coins on the current day at the address of the direct inviter

N=the sum of T values of all market makers directly invited,

1: Distribute dividends for preaching and calculating power

My preaching ability T=B * [1+A/(A+B)]

Daily preaching of the preacher, calculation bonus=

25% of the total daily release amount * (T/total pool T)

The above formula shows that:

The larger B, the larger T;

The larger A, the larger T;

Both A and B are larger, T is even larger

2: Dividend distribution for 51 super nodes

Market makers compete in size ranking based on their N values on a daily basis. Those ranked within 51 will participate in a weighted allocation of 5% of their daily release volume based on their own N values as a percentage of the total N values of the 51 super nodes in the pool

Daily dividend of super nodes=5% of the total daily release amount

*(Your N value/total N value of all pool super nodes)

3: 510 ordinary node dividends

Market makers compete daily in order of size based on their N values. Those ranked between 52-561 will participate in a weighted allocation of 5% of their daily release based on their own N values as a percentage of the total N values of 510 ordinary nodes in the pool

Daily dividend of ordinary nodes=5% of the total daily release amount

*(Your N value/total of N values for common nodes in the entire pool)

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存储 前端开发 区块链
去中心化应用的开发需要考虑到它们所提供的服务的特点catch(InvocationTargetException it)
算法 区块链
存储 算法 安全
安全 5G 区块链
存储 区块链 数据库
Web3.0与区块链有着密切的关系 LOCAL_LDLIBS:=-landroid-llog-ldl-lz
区块链 计算机视觉
安全 区块链
IPPsswap Incubator is a decentralized trading platform based on blockchain technology, aimed at providing a safer, more just, and sustainable incubation environment for start-up projects. The platform adopts various mechanisms to ensure the interests of users and the fairness of transactions, thereb