The LinkQuNode for Linked queue (Continuous updates) | Data

简介: The code in Data book (5th Edition) from the 105 page to 106 page

The code in Data book (5th Edition) from the 105 page to 106 page

Continuous updates
//Statement DataNode
typedef struct qnode
    ElemType data;
    struct qnode *next;
} DataNode;

//Statement LinkQuNode
typedef struct {  
    DataNode *front; //Point to single-list team head junction
    DataNode *rear; //Point to single-list team end knot
} LinkQuNode;

//Initialize the queue
void InitQueue(LinkQuNode *&q) {
    q=(LinkQuNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkQuNode));

//Destroy the queue
void DestroyQueue(LinkQuNode *&q) {
    DataNode *p=q->front, *r; //p point to team head data node
    if  (p!=NULL) { //Free data node footprint
        while (r!=NULL) {
            p=r; r=p->next;
    free(p);  free(q); //Release chain junction stakes in space

//Determine if the queue is empty
bool QueueEmpty(LinkQuNode *q) {

//Get in the team
void enQueue(LinkQuNode *&q, ElemType e) {
    DataNode *p;
    p=(DataNode *)malloc(sizeof(DataNode));
    if (q->rear==NULL)
    else {
        q->rear->next=p; //Set resr point to node p

//Out of the team
bool deQueue(LinkQuNode *&q, ElemType &e) {
    DataNode *t;
    if (q->rear==NULL) return false; //When queue is null
        t=q->front; //t point to first data node
    if (q->front==q->rear)
    else //When queue have multipe node
    return true;
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