编译OpenJDK:invalid configuration Files: machine Files not recognized

简介: 编译OpenJDK:invalid configuration Files: machine Files not recognized


C_COMPILER=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java

C_COMPILER="C:\Program Files (x86)\Java"

./configure --with-tools-dir=$C_COMPILER


./configure --with-tools-dir="$C_COMPILER"

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Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir ‘C:\Program Files\nodejs‘TypeError: Cannot read proper
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir ‘C:\Program Files\nodejs‘TypeError: Cannot read proper
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Java Android开发
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The file is in the program because: Imported via xxx Root file specified for compilation Vetur(1261)
210 0
The file is in the program because: Imported via xxx Root file specified for compilation Vetur(1261)
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codeblocks中出现#error This file requires compiler and library support for the错误时的解决方案
gcc is unable to create an executable file.
gcc is unable to create an executable file.
466 0
cl.exe is unable to create an executable file. C compiler test failed.
cl.exe is unable to create an executable file. C compiler test failed.
213 0