mysql> select sname,sage,ssex
-> from student
-> where dno = (select dno
-> from dept
-> where dname = '计算机系');
mysql> select avg(grade)
-> from sc
-> where sno = (select sno
-> from student
-> where sname = '刘晨');
mysql> select sname
-> from student
-> where ssex = '男' and sno not in(select sno from sc);
mysql> select sname
-> from student
-> where sno in(select sno
-> from sc
-> where cno = 'c01' or cno = 'c02');
mysql> select sno,sname
-> from student
-> where sno in(select sno
-> from sc
-> where cno = (select cno
-> from course
-> where cname = '数据库'));
mysql> select sname
-> from student
-> where sno in (select sno
-> from sc
-> group by sno
-> having count(cno) >=3);
mysql> select sno,sname
-> from student
-> where sno in(select sno
-> from sc
-> where cno = 'c03' and grade > 85);
select sno
from sc
where cno = (select cno from course where cname = '数据库')
grade > (select avg(grade) from sc where cno = (select cno from course where cname = '数据库'));
mysql> select sname
-> from student
-> where sname <> '刘晨' and dno = (select dno
-> from student
-> where sname = '刘晨');
mysql> update sc
-> set grade = grade * 1.05
-> where sno in (select sno
-> from student
-> where ssex = '女');
mysql> delete from sc
-> where sno = (select sno
-> from student
-> where sname = '刘晨');