#!/bin/bash set -e #================================================================================================================# # 功能:用于更新阿里云域名IP,实现DDNS功能 # # 在 http://www.gebi1.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=287344&page=1&_dsign=8f94f74c 提供的脚本文件基础上修改的。 # ghui, modified 12/2/2019 # 在 N1 debian Buster with Armbian Linux 5.3.0-aml-g12 手动执行/定时任务(crontab)执行测试通过 #================================================================================================================# # # 使用方法: # # 方法1. 外部参数 # 修改源码,将对应参数 修改为$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6 # aliddns.sh <aliddns_ak> <aliddns_sk> <aliddns_subdomain> <aliddns_domain> <aliddns_iptype> <aliddns_ttl> # 示例(A 代表 IPv4,AAAA 代表 IPv6): # 执行:aliddns.sh "xxxx" "xxx" "test" "mydomain.site" "A" 600 # 执行:aliddns.sh "xxxx" "xxx" "test" "mydomain.site" "AAAA" 600 # # 方法2. 内部参数 # 修改源码,将$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6 替换为对应参数 # # 示例: # aliddns_ak="xxxx" # aliddns_sk="xxx" # aliddns_subdomain="test" # aliddns_domain="mydomain.site" # aliddns_iptype="A" # aliddns_ttl=600 # 执行:aliddns.sh # #================================================================================================================# #-------------------------------------------------------------- # 参数 # # (*)阿里云 AccessKeyId aliddns_ak=xxx # (*)阿里云 AccessKeySecret aliddns_sk=xxx # (*)域名:test.mydomain.com aliddns_subdomain=test #'test' aliddns_domain=xxx.com #'mydomain.com' # (*)ip地址类型:'A' 或 'AAAA',代表ipv4 和 ipv6 aliddns_iptype=A # 'A' 或 'AAAA',代表ipv4 和 ipv6 # TTL 默认10分钟 = 600秒 aliddns_ttl=600 #"600" #-------------------------------------------------------------- machine_ip="" ddns_ip="" aliddns_record_id="" if [ "$aliddns_subdomain" = "@" ] then aliddns_name=$aliddns_domain else aliddns_name=$aliddns_subdomain.$aliddns_domain fi now=`date` echo "**************************************************" echo "$now" echo "$aliddns_name" function getMachine_IPv4() { echo $(/usr/bin/wget -qO- -t1 -T2 http://ip.3322.net) } function getMachine_IPv6() { ipv6=`ip addr | grep "inet6.*global" | grep -v "deprecated" | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F"/" '{print $1}' | sed -n '1,1p'` echo $ipv6 } function getDDNS_IP() { current_ip=`nslookup -query=$aliddns_iptype $aliddns_name | grep "Address" | grep -v "#53" | awk '{print $2}'` echo $current_ip } function urlencode() { # urlencode <string> out="" while read -n1 c do case $c in [a-zA-Z0-9._-]) out="$out$c" ;; *) out="$out`printf '%%%02X' "'$c"`" ;; esac done echo -n $out } function enc() { echo -n "$1" | urlencode } function send_request() { local args="AccessKeyId=$aliddns_ak&Action=$1&Format=json&$2&Version=2015-01-09" local hash=$(echo -n "GET&%2F&$(enc "$args")" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac "$aliddns_sk&" -binary | openssl base64) curl -s "http://alidns.aliyuncs.com/?$args&Signature=$(enc "$hash")" } function get_recordid() { grep -Eo '"RecordId":"[0-9]+"' | cut -d':' -f2 | tr -d '"' } function query_recordid() { send_request "DescribeSubDomainRecords" "SignatureMethod=HMAC-SHA1&SignatureNonce=$timestamp&SignatureVersion=1.0&SubDomain=$aliddns_name&Timestamp=$timestamp&Type=$aliddns_iptype" } function update_record() { send_request "UpdateDomainRecord" "RR=$aliddns_subdomain&RecordId=$1&SignatureMethod=HMAC-SHA1&SignatureNonce=$timestamp&SignatureVersion=1.0&TTL=$aliddns_ttl&Timestamp=$timestamp&Type=$aliddns_iptype&Value=$(enc $machine_ip)" } function add_record() { send_request "AddDomainRecord&DomainName=$aliddns_domain" "RR=$aliddns_subdomain&SignatureMethod=HMAC-SHA1&SignatureNonce=$timestamp&SignatureVersion=1.0&TTL=$aliddns_ttl&Timestamp=$timestamp&Type=$aliddns_iptype&Value=$(enc $machine_ip)" } if [ "$aliddns_iptype" = 'A' ] then echo "ddns is IPv4." machine_ip=`echo "$(getMachine_IPv4)"` echo "machine_ip = $machine_ip" aliddns_record_id=$aliddnsipv4_record_id else echo "ddns is IPv6." machine_ip=`echo "$(getMachine_IPv6)"` echo "machine_ip = $machine_ip" aliddns_record_id=$aliddnsipv6_record_id fi ddns_ip=`echo "$(getDDNS_IP)"` echo "ddns_ip = $ddns_ip" if [ "$machine_ip" = "" ] then echo "machine_ip is empty!" exit 0 fi if [ "$machine_ip" = "$ddns_ip" ] then echo "skipping\n" exit 1 fi echo "start update..." timestamp=`date -u "+%Y-%m-%dT%H%%3A%M%%3A%SZ"` if [ "$aliddns_record_id" = "" ] then aliddns_record_id=`query_recordid | get_recordid` echo "----------------" $aliddns_record_id "\n" if [ "$aliddns_iptype" = 'A' ] then aliddnsipv4_record_id=$aliddns_record_id else aliddnsipv6_record_id=$aliddns_record_id fi fi #add support */%2A and @/%40 record if [ "$aliddns_record_id" = "" ] then echo "add record starting" aliddns_record_id=`add_record | get_recordid` if [ "$aliddns_record_id" = "" ] then echo "aliddns_record_id is empty. \n" else if [ "$aliddns_iptype" = 'A' ] then aliddnsipv4_record_id=$aliddns_record_id else aliddnsipv6_record_id=$aliddns_record_id fi echo "added record $aliddns_record_id \n" fi else echo "update record starting" update_record $aliddns_record_id echo "updated record $aliddns_record_id \n" fi