TCP 30003=Death,Lamers Death
TCP 30029=AOL trojan
TCP 30100=NetSphere 1.27a,NetSphere 1.31
TCP 30101=NetSphere 1.31,NetSphere 1.27a
TCP 30102=NetSphere 1.27a,NetSphere 1.31
TCP 30103=NetSphere 1.31
TCP 30303=Sockets de Troie
TCP 30722=W32.Esbot.A
TCP 30947=Intruse
TCP 30999=Kuang2
TCP 31336=Bo Whack
TCP 31337=Baron Night,BO client,BO2,Bo Facil,BackFire,Back Orifice,DeepBO,Freak2k,NetSpy
TCP 31338=NetSpy,Back Orifice,DeepBO
TCP 31339=NetSpy DK
TCP 31554=Schwindler
TCP 31666=BOWhack
TCP 31778=Hack Attack
TCP 31785=Hack Attack
TCP 31787=Hack Attack
TCP 31789=Hack Attack
TCP 31791=Hack Attack
TCP 31792=Hack Attack
TCP 32100=PeanutBrittle
TCP 32418=Acid Battery
TCP 33333=Prosiak,Blakharaz 1.0
TCP 33577=Son Of Psychward
TCP 33777=Son Of Psychward
TCP 33911=Spirit 2001a
TCP 34324=BigGluck,TN,Tiny Telnet Server
TCP 34555=Trin00 (Windows) (DDoS)
TCP 35555=Trin00 (Windows) (DDoS)
TCP 36794=Worm.Bugbear-A
TCP 37651=YAT
TCP 40412=The Spy
TCP 40421=Agent 40421,Masters Paradise.96
TCP 40422=Masters Paradise
TCP 40423=Masters Paradise.97
TCP 40425=Masters Paradise
TCP 40426=Masters Paradise 3.x
TCP 41666=Remote Boot
TCP 43210=Schoolbus 1.6/2.0
TCP 44444=Delta Source
TCP 44445=Happypig
TCP 45576=未知代理
TCP 47252=Prosiak
TCP 47262=Delta
TCP 47878=BirdSpy2
TCP 49301=Online Keylogger
TCP 50505=Sockets de Troie
TCP 50766=Fore,Schwindler
TCP 51966=CafeIni
TCP 53001=Remote Windows Shutdown
TCP 53217=Acid Battery 2000
TCP 54283=Back Door-G,Sub7
TCP 54320=Back Orifice 2000,Sheep
TCP 54321=School Bus .69-1.11,Sheep,BO2K
TCP 57341=NetRaider
TCP 58008=BackDoor.Tron
TCP 58009=BackDoor.Tron
TCP 58339=ButtFunnel
TCP 59211=BackDoor.DuckToy
TCP 60000=Deep Throat
TCP 60068=Xzip 6000068
TCP 60411=Connection
TCP 61466=Telecommando
TCP 61603=Bunker-kill
TCP 63485=Bunker-kill
TCP 65000=Devil,DDoS
TCP 65432=Th3tr41t0r,The Traitor
TCP 65535=RC,Adore Worm/Linux
UDP 1=Sockets des Troie
UDP 9=Chargen
UDP 19=Chargen
UDP 69=Pasana
UDP 80=Penrox
UDP 371=ClearCase版本管理软件
UDP 445=公共Internet文件系统(CIFS)
UDP 500=Internet密钥交换(IP安全性 ,IKE)
UDP 1025=Maverick’s Matrix 1.2 - 2.0
UDP 1026=Remote Explorer 2000
UDP 1027=UC聊天软件,Trojan.Huigezi.e
UDP 1028=3721上网助手(用途不明,建议用户警惕!),KiLo,SubSARI
UDP 1029=SubSARI
UDP 1031=Xot
UDP 1032=Akosch4
UDP 1104=RexxRave
UDP 1111=Daodan
UDP 1116=Lurker
UDP 1122=Last 2000,Singularity
UDP 1183=Cyn,SweetHeart
UDP 1200=NoBackO
UDP 1201=NoBackO
UDP 1342=BLA trojan
UDP 1344=Ptakks
UDP 1349=BO dll
UDP 1561=MuSka52
UDP 1701=VPN网关(L2TP)
UDP 1772=NetControle
UDP 1978=Slapper
UDP 1985=Black Diver
UDP 2000=A-trojan,Fear,Force,GOTHIC Intruder,Last 2000,Real 2000
UDP 2001=Scalper
UDP 2002=Slapper
UDP 2015=raid-cs
UDP 2018=rellpack
UDP 2130=Mini BackLash